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Dogsey Junior
Gaspode is offline  
Location: West Sussex UK
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18-03-2008, 01:22 PM

Border Collie - Wildfell Eagle Owl

Or more commonly known as Tyto Looking forward to this, hope the pix are okay. I've tried to include all angles The photo's are from a few days ago and from september last year (hence difference in coat).

Breed Standard:
General Appearance
Well proportioned, smooth outline showing quality, gracefulness and perfect balance, combined with sufficient substance to give impression of endurance. Any tendency to coarseness or weediness undesirable.

Tenacious, hard-working sheep dog, of great tractability.

Keen, alert, responsive and intelligent. Neither nervous nor aggressive.

Head and Skull
Skull fairly broad, occiput not pronounced. Cheeks not full or rounded. Muzzle, tapering to nose, moderately short and strong. Skull and foreface approximately equal in length. Stop very distinct. Nose black, except in brown or chocolate colour when it may be brown. In blues nose should be slate colour. Nostrils well developed.

Set wide apart, oval-shaped, of moderate size, brown in colour except in merles where one or both or part of one or both may be blue. Expression mild, keen, alert and intelligent.

Medium size and texture, set well apart. Carried erect or semi-erect and sensitive in use.

Teeth and jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

Of good length, strong and muscular, slightly arched and broadening to shoulders.

Front legs parallel when viewed from front, pasterns slightly sloping when viewed from side. Bone strong but not heavy. Shoulders well laid back, elbows close to body.

Athletic in appearance, ribs well sprung, chest deep and rather broad, loins deep and muscular, but not tucked up. Body slightly longer than height at shoulder.

Broad, muscular, in profile sloping gracefully to set on of tail. Thighs long, deep and muscular with well turned stifles and strong well let down hocks. From hock to ground, hindlegs well boned and parallel when viewed from rear.

Oval, pads deep, strong and sound, toes arched and close together. Nails short and strong.

Moderately long, the bone reaching at least to hock, set on low, well furnished and with an upward swirl towards the end, completing graceful contour and balance of dog. Tail may be raised in excitement, never carried over back.

Free, smooth and tireless, with minimum lift of feet, conveying impression of ability to move with great stealth and speed.

Two varieties: 1) Moderately long; 2) Smooth. In both, topcoat dense and medium textured, undercoat soft and dense giving good weather resistance. In moderately long-coated variety, abundant coat forms mane, breeching and brush. On face, ears, forelegs (except for feather), hindlegs from hock to ground, hair should be short and smooth.

Variety of colours permissible. White should never predominate.

Ideal height: dogs: 53 cms (21 ins); bitches slightly less.Tyto is 21" at the shoulder

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.He's got both in perfect shape, size and order

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horses01466 is offline  
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18-03-2008, 01:32 PM
shes very evenly marked..beautiful coat
I dont know a lot about collies,,,, but to me, shes a good example...very well maintained..
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Dogsey Junior
Gaspode is offline  
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18-03-2008, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the nice comments BTW Tyto is a boy

And I forgot to say in the orignal post he's just over 2 years old.
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Teal'c is offline  
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18-03-2008, 02:01 PM
Sorry can't comment other than he's just fabulous winner in my book I think a friend of mine owns his litter brother he's called Ice not sure of his KC name but I think its something like Wildfell Brown Owl he's a nice agility dog
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Dogsey Junior
Gaspode is offline  
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18-03-2008, 02:04 PM
Thankyou for that Yes, Ice is his brother. We swap emails and pix with his owner and the breeder too. Last set of pix had Ice in motion doing flyball.
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Teal'c is offline  
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18-03-2008, 02:10 PM
Yes, Ice is his brother
awww bless they do look quite similar

Last set of pix had Ice in motion doing flyball
not sure if I've seen those photos will ask Helen to let me see he is a very good flyball dog

Do you do any agility/flyball/obedince/trialing with Tyto?
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Dogsey Junior
Gaspode is offline  
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18-03-2008, 02:15 PM
Ty is obedience trained but we don't do obedience shows. We do breed shows with him though so the critiques on here are going to be useful
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mishflynn is offline  
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18-03-2008, 06:10 PM
i dont do breed, but thought id have ago!!!

LOVE his head, think that is fabulous, very mauscline but not overdone, i really dislike the overally large stops & big eyes that are around now,

To me he looks a little unbalanced behind (Smaller), but it could just be the pics, wind blowing his knickers about etc.

He looks a tad in at the elbow to me & abit narrow in front for his shoulders, but im sure this could be corrected with correct standing.

I really like him overall, LOVE his head!!!!!
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Fudgeley is offline  
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18-03-2008, 07:02 PM
I can`t do a critique apart from to say he is one of the most stunning dogs I have seen in a long time.
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Trixy is offline  
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18-03-2008, 07:06 PM
Totally Utterly Gorgeous what a real beauty xx

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