Location: North Lanarkshire, Scotland
Joined: Jul 2010
Posts: 883
Agatha Updates
I got my first Agatha kisses today
Was the first time she let me properly stroke her and i got gentle little agatha kisses back. Went for a little walk and she did ok although don't think shell be getting big walks, her joints are just too sore at the moment although she seemed to enjoy it. She's now got her magnet collar on so hoping that help some and adding some joint mobility supplements.
We're having a little battle of wills with her barking hahah i know its because she's hungry bless her but she starts at 3 and i know the rescue didn't feed her till after 4 and i don't get home till 5 so can't have her barking for two hours. I know she's just trying to tell new mummy its dinner time but I'm now trying to teach her barking means i want out to the toilet. So far only good its done is my exercise for today and ice cold tea
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After her walk

I might have a cough but no lack of voice

Still not completely sure although she makes Totts look like a wee chubs

Where ambers sat since she came in

food toy