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chaz is offline  
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25-07-2009, 04:43 PM

They don't need leads.

I walked the dogs today, nothing new there lol, but I also had my grampys dog, Max a JR cross Yorkie, who is quite dog aggresive, and they were all on leads, as we walked towards the lake, and the first field is not really suitable for two dogs with a lot of sighthound in them to be off lead. And I saw a little chihauhaus running around, he was gorgeous, he was a solid red, and I saw the little boy that the dog was with running to a tree, so I assumed that the lead was there, well I was hoping anyway as I didn't trust any of my dogs if the little Chi got near them, they have seen small dogs, but not that small, and he was really fast. Not that the dogs paid him any attention, other then to wag their tails and Diesel started trying to do his dance to get closer which he does to dogs he wants to meet but still.

Anyway moving on I carried on up the path, and past the tree and heard some little yapping and snarling, and I looked round and a woman had that Chi and another one, a red and white one, who was equally as gorgeous, she had the markings of a papillion bless her, but I said nice dogs to the woman, and asked her being nosey what she prefers to use with them, in the way of harnesses or collar, mainly because I couldn't see anything on them, and also because my brother wants one, and she laughed and said that the didn't need leads, as when they needed to be kept out of the way or when they were crossing roads she could pick them up. I couldn't believe it, I mean yeah their little dogs, but they are still dogs right, shouldn't they still be treated as such?
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Sarah27 is offline  
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25-07-2009, 05:08 PM
As well as it being the law to have a dog on a lead on a footpath next to a road and in some public parks etc.
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25-07-2009, 07:37 PM
I'm in complete agreement. Just because they're small enough to be carried, doesn't mean they can't use their legs.

Besides which - if she's attempting to carry two dogs, what if they saw something they wanted to get to, jumped out of her arms and went? No lead on them, they'd be off.
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chaz is offline  
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25-07-2009, 07:43 PM
What also scares me is what will happen to the dogs if she falls over, as it will be a long way down for them, and if she falls on them that would be a lot of injury to the dogs.

I just really don't like it when people feel that little dogs need to be treated differently to bigger dogs, when they are still the same thing essentially, and that is......dogs.
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Insomnia is offline  
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25-07-2009, 07:48 PM
people not having leads with them, especially when near roads is a major pet peeve of mine, it's so irresponsible and dangerous!! some of the dogs ive seen near main roads without so much as a collar are not in control, its a terrible thing to do if you love your dog.
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Stripe is offline  
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26-07-2009, 12:24 AM
Even if I had a dog that was 100% reliable I would still use a lead (when needed) as you never no what is going to happen and normally it would be the dog that would end up worse off.
Just goes to show the mentality of some people.
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Mahooli is offline  
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26-07-2009, 07:14 AM
She'd only be able to pick them up if they were near enough to her! What a ridiculous attitude to have. I can pick mine up (admittedly not all at once lol!) but they still all have a lead each!
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Anne-Marie is offline  
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26-07-2009, 07:31 AM
That's ludicrous Of course they all need leads, even the most obedient dog in the world can be distracted/frightened & run off on impulse eg: prey-drive could kick in if they come across a rabbit or some other critter & they could end up getting run over These dogs obviously weren't that obedient either!

She sounds like the type that needs a shock before she realizes leads are a must.
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mirandashell is offline  
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26-07-2009, 08:39 AM
I agree with everyone. My dog has very good recall and I train it to all the time but incidents can happen. I told the story of my JR getting rolled by a bigger dog and taking off. It can happen with any dog.
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x-clo-x is offline  
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27-07-2009, 01:14 PM
i agree with everyone here. my dog is small enough to pick up, and i wud actually love a chi but at the end of the day it is still a dog and should be on a lead, its not a child or a substitute for a baby so shouldnt be treated like one. my dog is dog and gets treated like one even if she is small and pretty lol =]
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