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Katie23 is offline  
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27-05-2008, 11:16 AM


Remember my excitement about how i go into uni???

well my number 1 choice course in hospitality is not running

to say im gutted is an now i have 1 choice and one choice only - im franticly looking rounde at more unis,, but these 2 were the only ones i really wanted to go to...

just neededa vent sorry

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dori-katie is offline  
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27-05-2008, 12:02 PM
Oh no what a shame, it's horrible when your bubble gets popped like that.
i hope you can sort something out.
(((Big Hugs))) xxx
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Katie23 is offline  
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27-05-2008, 12:09 PM

im looking at other unis now - its just i have to stay local becuase i have so many comittments...(horse n dog) and im not leaving them + i love my job most of the time lol!

just hope its not toolate now...

the problem is the course i have got on - the hours have now changed and a re realy bad,,, they wont fit in at all - the dogs will be left for 4/5 hours 2wice a week and i just cant do that to them,....(becuase im so far away!)

grrrrrrr y cant it just be simple?!
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dori-katie is offline  
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27-05-2008, 12:17 PM
I think it happens on purpose sometimes, just when you get everthing sorted something comes along and throws it out the water and you have to start again.
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dollyknockers is offline  
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27-05-2008, 01:28 PM
Vent away Suze , Your bound to be upset hun, I hope you can find another good uni with the courses of your choice good luck hun, xxdk
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mse2ponder is offline  
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27-05-2008, 02:37 PM
that's so annoying.. there may be some in clearing, so if you haven't sorted something by then it might be worth looking into.. you'll work something out! x
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Deccy is offline  
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27-05-2008, 03:41 PM
How ANNOYING I would be fuming!!!!! Really sorry you have to go through this.
Have you considered distance learning? I did an MSc this way from Leicester Uni.
Good luck!
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Katie23 is offline  
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27-05-2008, 03:49 PM
i would do distance learning,,, but stupid me,, has borrowed 5 grand off the folks to pay for my car (last oct) and i promised to pay it back when i go uni....(loans)

so if theres another way to get my hands on 5 grand to pay it back i would

i even thought of distance learning - working full time to pay back the car(borrow from the bank) but atm its good hours to suit with mil and tusk, in dont mind putting myself out - im a grafter - but i dont want them 2 to suffer for it....
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