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29-11-2016, 07:53 AM

Daily Thread, Tuesday, 29th November

Good morning all, colder still this morning. have dragged my thermals out.

Lynn, hope Gill is feeling ok after her chemo yesterday and that Mark has better luck with his work.

June, your girls were leading you a merry dance last night, I hope they settled down eventually.

Jenny and Brian hope all is well in your world.

Brenda, lovely photo of the pups. Norma hope you are ok.

LG Mint green should show up well on the moor!

Everyone else hope you are all ok.

Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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29-11-2016, 08:36 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Very cold here to today but lovely and sunny.

June hope the girls settled eventually and the back is less sore.
LG I would think mint green will compliment your eyes nicely.

Gill seemed very bright last night when i spoke to her even though as usual a big mess up no medications ready for people and so a long wait. Fingers crossed as it kicks in it doesn't affect her to badly.

Hope everyone is well and out four legged friends.
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Sue L
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29-11-2016, 09:27 AM
Good morning Myra, L~ynn and all who follow

Hope you are managing to keep warm Moyra.

Do hope Gill doesn't feel too bad once the chemo kicks in. Gentle hugs to her.

Yes a nice mint green would suit Gordon well and not frighten the natives Laughing aside do hope all tests go well and you are soon on the way to getting your transplant.

Lovely photo of the pups Brenda

Hope Zen managed to find a warm place to sleep last night June

Lovely here this morning sunny but frosty. Other than and eye appointment for my yearly check uo nothing planned so a lazy day I hope

Have a good day and stay safe and warm
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tawneywolf is offline  
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29-11-2016, 10:20 AM
Zen had a warm place to sleep but preferred to be in the cold. There's only so many times I can check and double check in a night
Very cold and frosty this morning, sun is out now and gradually melted the frost on the roofs of houses. Bone run today and will check my oil and water before I start out. Sun should have defrosted the car nicely by then
Thinking of Gill and hoping she's OK with everything. How can everything not be ready when they have her booked in, not good management is it
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gordon mac
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29-11-2016, 03:34 PM
Good day everybody - quiet day on Dogsey it seems - perhaps most are out doing Xmas related stuff or just plain busy.
Hope your sister is doing OK now, Lynn, dreadful disease not made any better by it's seeming mis-management, she deserves better.
Hope your bone - run is trouble free, June, also that there are plenty of goodies for your girls.
Good luck with the eye-test Sue, being a lady of married status I have no doubt you'll need good eyesight, mostly to keep an eye on your OH. I have a very keen sighted wife - think it comes with the job! lol !
Moyra - I notice that you have broken out the thermals - it's about 6 weeks since they came out, up here!! There was a good inch thickness of ice on my water butts this morning and the ground is hard as iron. So saying, it has been a lovely sunny day but not sufficiently warm to soften the ground.
Everywhere locally seems to be really caught up with the Christmas Jollies, it's not even December yet things seem to be really gathering momentum. All that is needed from me is a determined effort to burn my "Humbugs" and join in!!!!! We'll see!!!! LOL !!
Have a good day all - see you later, bye fer now.
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29-11-2016, 04:03 PM
Yes, LG, I think the thermals became a necessity today walking Amber it was perishingly cold. I am afraid I am very much in the Bah Humbug club and nothing I can do to shift the feeling. Have a good evening all, off to bed to get warm. God bless.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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29-11-2016, 04:41 PM
Just sat down with a mug of tea and a cake. Bone run not that wonderful, but its been like that for a while now. Am sending an order over to Clearday for food now that I know I have room in my freezers, what usually happens is that I do an order, then that week is a week when I get loads of bones,and I am running round cramming stuff everywhere I can and my own freezer gets utilised as well and I still have stuff over.
Very cold here as well, checked oil and water on my car before I set off. Girls water buckets had ice on this morning and I broke it up, and this afternoon that same broken ice was still there.
Set to work on the heat lamp that wouldn't go last night, and the bulb was loose, so that is working. Got my box of heat bulbs out, they are all different strengths, and there is now a 150 bulb in each of them and the big house has a heat lamp as well. Put fresh bedding down and its nice and deep, they've all had a bit of something to put them on till tea time when its sardines in sunflower oil, veg, cottage cheese and yogurt with an apple for afters.
Fire is lit, but its flaming cold, have filled a bucket with coal and half that will go on in a while once its got going properly
Nothing done for Christmas yet, but I never do Christmas early anyway. Used to put the tree and decorations up Christmas Eve night once the kids were in bed, pile the presents round the tree and it was all sparkly and Christmassy on the morning itself. I sometimes put the tree up a few days early now, but with this blasted roll of flooring not looking like its going to be shifted this Christmas either, then doubt Christmas will happen here as such.
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29-11-2016, 05:13 PM
Not a bad day for us. Just cold. It didn't get above freezing all day. But wrap up well, the dog has his fur coat, and we're good to go.

This the forbidden land at about 10:30.

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29-11-2016, 06:37 PM
Evening. Hope the eye appointment went well Sue.
Shame the bone run wasn't as good as hoped again June. On the plus side the heat lamps were easily fixed.
Thank you Lg for good wishes for Gill. Hope all your appointments go well and in the right direction for a transplant.
Nice picture Besoeker.

Been cold here all day garden is still hard as rock which is quite good actually as I don't have to keep the covers down to save rugs from muddy paw prints.
Marks job has finished but the manager at the agency rung him and was very pleasant and offered him a good reference and asked of Milton Keynes would be within travelling distance. Not sure it is and that Mark is that interested.
Shopping for me tomorrow so we are going to Kings Lynn to look round the range have lunch in Dobbies and do the shopping. I am so late this year mainly due to boiler problems again, so will be buying my christmas cake ingredients and whipping a few up.
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gordon mac
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29-11-2016, 06:38 PM
Good evening All - Hope you've warmed up a bit by now Moyra - I've no doubt that your "Amber" hot water bottle will be a great help in furthering this cause.
Sorry the bone-run wasn't up to much June, silver lining of course being that as you say, you now have room for your delivery. They have forecast a very hard night for us up here - so get some extra coal on that fire!
Besoeker - The "Forbidden Land" looks like it might hold a few rabbits to me!
Max no doubt is of a similar frame of mind ! Do try not to fall into any of the holes again!
Back later - bye fer now.
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