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Kirsty is offline  
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04-08-2004, 08:57 PM

Chester the gaurdian...

Always thought he was abit thick and a big softy... and scared of his own shadow.

Well the other day we see another side to him, Ian's sis and brother-in-law came round... but my youngest had opened the door while we were watching t.v. and Chesty was alseep... we knew they they were here as i see them coming to our gate.

So no noise from the door... to wake him nothing, until they walked into the lounge... and from the otherside of the room he launched himself at them, barking like mad, with quick reaction from Ian he had to pin Chester to the floor for a min or two.

After that he was great, he just watched them like a hawk, which made them very uneasy.

All i say... sod the poor bugger who tries to break into our house, while he is around.

I'm just glad he was stopped in time, as it could have been nasty.
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Carole is offline  
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04-08-2004, 08:59 PM
Its good to know that you will be protected if the worst ever happens.
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Barbara is offline  
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05-08-2004, 05:19 AM
Yes, it is good to know. Good thing your husband caught him in this situation!
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jackiew is offline  
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05-08-2004, 08:15 AM
kirsty same sort of thing happened to me last week
my B-I-L is a policeman and very tall lol
he came to see our new house for the 1st time and without giving it a thought said yeh go take a look around while i make a cuppa,anyway he went through the conservatory into the garden where the dogs were running around and harley our rottie who we,ve only had 4 months and never met poor mark,saw him and run at him,barking and growling,poor mark froze and its only cos i remembered and ran thru to the garden to call harley that i think otherwise harley would have taken a chuck out of him
poor mark is now scared of our gentle giant mark,but mark did say later no one should think thrice let alone twice about breaking into a house with a rottie
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eRaze is offline  
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05-08-2004, 08:37 AM
Rockys only 8 months old and has been doing this the last week or so as we've had lots of workmen come in and out to give us quotes etc soon as he hears the door knock he charges upstairs towards the door barking with a low deep bark! As soon as he knows we are ok with the stranger he just watches them! Lol he really didnt like one man tha came down a couple of nights ago and funny thing is, I didnt like the guy either! lol
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jackiew is offline  
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05-08-2004, 08:41 AM
azz i,m sure dogs can sense it like we dogs are odd around certain people too
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06-08-2004, 03:49 AM
I think they're psychic, or telepathic or something. Tigger has always been able to pick out who the bad people were in our neighborhood, and he would growl and bark at them. At first I didn't realize his intuition was good and was worried he had an aggression problem. After asking around the neighborhood about the people he growled at, I found out they were either criminals or drug addicts/dealers, and other's I just knew were bad. I tried to train him to stop growling at the losers because it was embarrassing, but he whisper growls now so only I hear, unless someone starts something with us...

He came protective when I got him at 5 months. There was this guy about 25 dealing drugs in the neighborhood, and my husband and I had words with him to put it briefly because we didn't want him dealing in front of our house. Anyway, he told his mother who he lived with (total trash), and she came down to our house. I let her in to talk because I didn't want a scene in front of the house. She started yelling at me that we were harrassing her son, and Tigger growled, jumped on her back, then immediately sat and stared at her with his head tipped to the side. It was so funny. Anyway, she lowered her voice after that. Tigger had only been here a week.

The first night he was here he slept in my daughter Geneviéve's room. I went in to check on her and he woke up, and came toward me barking. Then he realized it was me, and started wagging his tail and licking me. I was very surprised to see that kind of protection in a dog so young, as I was always used to labs and goldens. It's pretty common I've found though Tigger's normal demeanor is a buttwagging licking lab like dog. It's amazing seeing the switch.

That's just some of the stories. I've had some hairy incidents out walking, and Tigger has always come through for me. I don't think I would ever own a dog who wasn't protective again. You never know when you'll need some backup Savannah has already picked out one known loser in the neighborhood, which she indicated by growling and barking at him. She alerted me to him, because I hadn't seen him until she started. She doesn't bark at people. I think maybe it's a protective dog breed trait, or a bandog trait. I really like their discerning guardian instinct.
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SibeLuver03 is offline  
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06-08-2004, 04:12 AM
That's really cool. I have Siberian huskies living in my house, so anyone, and I mean anyone that enters the house is welcomed like they are royalty. That is just how a Siberian husky is bred, they had to get along with each other, after all, being on teams and everything. So those silly pups aren't much protection.

But we do have two mix breed dogs outside that protect us. They wouldn't allow a soul inside the house without our approval. They are GSDXCollie and GSDXRottie so naturally have a wonderful protective instinct.

Even when I arrive home during the night and the boys don't realize who I am, I am suddenly being bounded upon by them both while the huskies scream for attention in the back yard. But once they realize that I'm me, they instantly wag their tails and tell me they're sorry for yelling at me. =) I do really feel safe with them around. I'm glad we have those two outside and not just the over-friendly huskies inside!
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06-08-2004, 05:54 AM
I always thought Huskies were protective. There was a kennel in the town I grew up in and they always had about 7 or 8 Huskies in the fenced yard who would always bark, growl, and just snarl at anyone passing by. I was scared of them I wonder if it's because they lived at the kennel and didn't go home with the owners...?

Do you have pictures of your GSD/Rott and GSD/Collie? Actually post any pics you have of your dogs, I would love to see more husky pics too
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bellaluna is offline  
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06-08-2004, 05:58 AM
Oh wow Kirsty, what a comfort to know you have Chester to protect you.

I can sense that Luna (after we've moved) has gotten quite protective of me.

If she hears a sound, she doesn't know, she growls and barks - but only when I'm home. She's quiet as a mouse when I'm at work, therefore I know its protection of me.
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