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20-05-2013, 06:26 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Monday

Morning all Dogsey Peops

Absolutely heaving down this morning, the sort of rain that even Zena has refused to go out the door in, and has taken herself back off to bed.

Dave went off early to do his 5 day stint, which means leaving us here alone and it's a long time this 5 days, but I think we've got a bank holiday next week-end so at least he'll get 3 days. I've decided it's not a good idea to stop Dave doing stuff at the week-end, cos he seems to sink back into that depression mode of his Too much time to sit in that chair, just staring into space, thinking things over, jotting things down on a pad, and then when you say something to him, he always takes the wrong end of the stick and imagines you're having a "go" at him somehow. I would imagine, all that work he does on the house kind of boosts his confidence, so when he's not doing it, he goes into this strange mood, his soh goes right out the window (although that went months ago lol), so I just have to walk away cos there's no reasoning at all there *sigh*

One thing I really miss living here is a good old laugh, I've always been a laugher, and would laugh every day when seeing friends or just people I would walk the dog with, but here I don't have anybody around to do that with (apart from you lot of course). The only time I get to have a good laugh is when I phone a friend or chat with one of the neighbours, but not a real good belly laugh, like I used to have back at the other house with all those nutty friends of mine. Saturday is good, cos the guy renting one of the vans is a good laugh and we sometimes have a right scream together, he's really on my page. Funny old life isn't it, it gives you one thing and then takes away another Hey ho, I might have to start joining things around here and meeting more people I think, although I really like this current, quiet lifestyle I've got, I'm finding it very difficult to cope with Dave when he gets like this. You would have thought he'd have come right out of the doldrums now what with being able to get rid of that employee, but he always seems to find something else bad to dwell on and bring himself back down, it's almost as if he likes living a life of doom and gloom, and that's not for me.

Oh well, at least I've got some friends coming over this week on Wednesday, so I'm sure that'll sort me out, ready for Dave to put the dampeners on it again next week-end. God only knows what he's going to be like when he sells his workshop and we're living on the breadline again, not looking forward to that. Oh well, Monday is depressing enough without me harping on about my problems.

Haven't kept up at all, but I do hope your Son is going to get some more help Jen and it's probably the medication that has made him like this and it's only a temporary thing, you must be so very worried.

Lynn, let's hope you get some viewings this week, and most of all, let's hope Gorden gets that job!

The rain has stopped since I typed this, so will have to think about getting out with Zena now, and I'll catch you all later.

Enjoy your day everyone
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20-05-2013, 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning all Dogsey Peops

Absolutely heaving down this morning, the sort of rain that even Zena has refused to go out the door in, and has taken herself back off to bed.

Dave went off early to do his 5 day stint, which means leaving us here alone and it's a long time this 5 days, but I think we've got a bank holiday next week-end so at least he'll get 3 days. I've decided it's not a good idea to stop Dave doing stuff at the week-end, cos he seems to sink back into that depression mode of his Too much time to sit in that chair, just staring into space, thinking things over, jotting things down on a pad, and then when you say something to him, he always takes the wrong end of the stick and imagines you're having a "go" at him somehow. I would imagine, all that work he does on the house kind of boosts his confidence, so when he's not doing it, he goes into this strange mood, his soh goes right out the window (although that went months ago lol), so I just have to walk away cos there's no reasoning at all there *sigh*

One thing I really miss living here is a good old laugh, I've always been a laugher, and would laugh every day when seeing friends or just people I would walk the dog with, but here I don't have anybody around to do that with (apart from you lot of course). The only time I get to have a good laugh is when I phone a friend or chat with one of the neighbours, but not a real good belly laugh, like I used to have back at the other house with all those nutty friends of mine. Saturday is good, cos the guy renting one of the vans is a good laugh and we sometimes have a right scream together, he's really on my page. Funny old life isn't it, it gives you one thing and then takes away another Hey ho, I might have to start joining things around here and meeting more people I think, although I really like this current, quiet lifestyle I've got, I'm finding it very difficult to cope with Dave when he gets like this. You would have thought he'd have come right out of the doldrums now what with being able to get rid of that employee, but he always seems to find something else bad to dwell on and bring himself back down, it's almost as if he likes living a life of doom and gloom, and that's not for me.

Oh well, at least I've got some friends coming over this week on Wednesday, so I'm sure that'll sort me out, ready for Dave to put the dampeners on it again next week-end. God only knows what he's going to be like when he sells his workshop and we're living on the breadline again, not looking forward to that. Oh well, Monday is depressing enough without me harping on about my problems.

Haven't kept up at all, but I do hope your Son is going to get some more help Jen and it's probably the medication that has made him like this and it's only a temporary thing, you must be so very worried.

Lynn, let's hope you get some viewings this week, and most of all, let's hope Gorden gets that job!

The rain has stopped since I typed this, so will have to think about getting out with Zena now, and I'll catch you all later.

Enjoy your day everyone
Morning Helena big (((hug))) you sound very down today.
Maybe Dave is best doing things around the house and garden when home. My dad was a bit like that could never just sit and relax and enjoy life. Always had to be busy as did mum. I said to Gorden once I never remember in my lifetime of living at home my mum and dad ever just sitting in the garden with a cuppa when the weather was nice. Unlike Gorden and myself we do the relaxing thing a little to well sometimes. Not that you can sit in the garden at the moment.
Do you know I was saying to Gorden yesterday if he gets this job and he has to live away for 5 days because we will move to be mortgage free though not so urgently I won't have my friends to just pop out with and that worries me, but what do you do we can't be in this place ever again in our lives our third time now and this time the worst by far. I am sure its cause we are getting older.
Well I hope that rain stays away so you can get your walk with Zena I think its moving down this way its looking very grim out there.

Off to visit mum this morning with her friend and neighbour she was very close to. Will ring the hospital to check we can turn up at 11am as it is a nightmare for me to come from Harlow for visiting from 3-5pm and dealing with Basildon rush hour but I don't want to turn up and can't get in and I don't want to wait around hours if I can't.
The woman I spoke to yesterday said we could but it was hard work getting there and she seemed to say yes begrudgingly.

Lynne I hope your OH's face has settled now oh I did laugh I have this vision now in my head.

Have a good day everyone. Stay safe.
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20-05-2013, 06:44 AM
Morning H and all,

Miserable old day out there, but hey it is summer so what do we expect .

Taking Charly into uni at 8 this morning for her last exam, then I have the dentist this morning so will at long last be able to get this big abcess in my mouth sorted out. Its been there 4 weeks now and making me feel awful but I have just not had time to get to the dentist before today.
Then its off to do some house cleaning for someone for 4hrs before walking Lily and then bliss no going into work as I have 2 weeks off now

H, hopefully you will be able to relax and recharge your batteries before your friends come Wednesday then you will be on top form to really enjoy yourself.
Lynn I hope Gordon gets some good news about the job today.
Better go and feed Lily and then get Charly off to uni.
Take care all and enjoy your day.
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20-05-2013, 06:54 AM
Good luck to Charly and at the dentist Bev. Another busy day but at least you have a two week break after today much needed.
Gorden has the 2nd interview Wednesday afternoon so no news today.
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20-05-2013, 07:17 AM
Morning Helena ,morning all
Sun trying to break through ,hopefully a nice day
Sorry your feeling a bit flat this morning ,maybe the walk with Zena will lift your spirits and blow those cobwebs away
Humongous ((( hugs )))
Fingers still crossed for Gorden ,hope the visit to your mum goes well and the traffic s not horrible ,trace care
Good luck to Charly ,hopefully the dentist sorts out that abscess and you feel better soon
Sending (((hugs))) to you and your son
Last day of freedom so better make the most of it
Dog walk then work
I expect oh will be another one full of doom n gloom didn't phone him while he's been away that'll be a bone of contention oh well hay hoe what's new
I think he thinks I lead a double life when he's not here ( as blooming if )
Well better get those skates on and get on
Sorry if I've missed anyone I probably have
Have a good day all
Take care stay safe
Ohh poo ,it's now gone very black n starting too piddle down
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20-05-2013, 07:17 AM
Morning Helena, Lynn, Bev and fellow members,

A grey morning but no rain and hopefully there shouldn't be any today. I'm off to walk the dogs shortly and then over to visit my Mum who I didn't visit last week .... first time ever but for some reason I just couldn't face it.

Helena - I am so sorry that you are feeling 'down'. There was me saying have a chill weekend etc, and I'm now feeling a little guilty as clearly Dave is one to keep doing jobs. If you do use the pressure washer today, be careful as it is a 'back-killer' and you won't realise it until you stop. We all need a laugh and I think laughter recharges batteries far more than rest. You'll be welcome to come out walking with Polly and I as we do laugh a lot .... usually at the 'ridiculous' so a daily (or however often you fancy) walk with you would be most welcome.

Lynn - I hope your visit to your Mum goes well and the hospital allow you in out of visiting-hours. We have two hospitals locally - one you can visit whenever and the other one you are only welcome during visiting hours

Bev - Wishing Charly luck over the -air-waves for her last exam. What a relief that will be getting the dentist to sort your abscess. A busy day for you but how lovely to have no work later for 2 weeks .... enjoy

If anyone has posted while I have been typing this (and making and taking my OH a cuppa), hello to you too.
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20-05-2013, 07:21 AM

Just had a [sort of] visit from a rather dishy young cop asking what number house this is - there used to be little poles outside with a sign saying number and name of people living in each little home but that was when there were only a few bungalows on each large plot, so now you rarely see a number.

Anyhoo - so this dish came half way down the path, smiling at Da Booga who was doing her Hello and Welcome dance, so I plonked outside so I could hear him - phwoarrr - then noticed the huge plod vehicle which I had seen late yesterday evening [well I saw the bar of blue flashing lights] parked outside a house-with-a-yard-full-of-large-heavy-trucks-working vehicles] which I cannot actually see from here as it is at the far end of the little turning where the macolet is where the turning turns into another little turning... I told the dish what number this house is and he smiled [knees went all wobbly] and walked up to the house where him next door the other side lives - and went in there - the huge plod vehicle parking outside it.

Now, him next door the other side [the son wot lives wiv 'is family in a massive extension of the original bungalow where his father, who is a nice old boy, lives with a male "housekeeper"] also drives a massive working truck - a double tipper type thing.

So - the plods are obviously doing a check on all owners/drivers of these big trucks and stuff, only the dish was not wearing normal plod uniform but summer uniform [grey as against dark green] of the border plods. But it was not a border plod vehicle as those are dark sludge green jeep type things and this was a large white whatever. But plod vehicles have red number plates, whatever type of plods they are. Only border police wear army-type uniform not regular plod blues, trousers tucked into boots, automatic rifle slung over the shoulder - and the dark green beret of border plods "worn" under his left epaulette. And the dish was definitely border and not regular or traffic...

Can you tell I am getting more and more intrigued?
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20-05-2013, 07:25 AM

I popped in almost a couple of hours ago but nobody was here. Yes, I couldn't sleep again - argh! After all the fresh air and doing the garden yesterday, I thought I'd sleep well.

Anyway, I'm very sorry to hear things are down again with Dave, Helena. It is hard with people who get low moods, worse still if you are a cheerful sort. I feel sad for both of you because now you're apart for 5 days after maybe not such a great weekend.

Sometimes this happens with holidays - I think people are so busy and dealing with stuff, then find themselves alone together with nothing they need to do and it's hard to relax and enjoy it.

I hope things improve for the bank holiday. Big hugs. xxx

Lynn - I hope things go well visiting your mum. It's a miserable day for driving, weather-wise so be careful.

Good luck to Charly and the exam - and to you Bev for the dentist.

Loki just had a brief walk this morning because Steve needs to get into work earlier to get home to take him to the vets for a blood test, but he'll have a longer one at lunch time. He's been acting stupidly again (Loki, not Steve ), pulling and licking stuff so I really hope it doesn't mean he's going to have fits. We're getting to that 4 week fit-free time, although we did increase the meds last time. Fingers crossed.

Loki had a funny turn or two yesterday - he sort of yelped and collapsed on the ground and yelped when we touched his back left paw. Then he just got up and trotted off with no problems. We couldn't see anything stuck in the paw but we'll get the vet to take a look tonight.

I hope everyone has a good day today.
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20-05-2013, 07:28 AM
Hi Norma, Jenny and Malka - you all sneaked in while I was typing.
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20-05-2013, 07:45 AM
Hi girls
All intrigued re cops
Jenny g
Hope visit to your mum goes well
Lucky star
Do hope Loki,s ok and vets visit goes well
Hoping you have a nice day with Amber and your sons back is a little better
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