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29-01-2016, 07:16 AM

Daily Thread, Friday, January 29

Good morning everyone, not had a chance to catch up on yesterdays thread but hope you are all ok this morning. Going to be a rough windy day by all accounts so batten down the hatches.

Not looking forward to walking Amber out in it this morning but one must do the best for your critters.

I'll be back after I have caught up with what you got up to last night on here.

Have a good day all, stay dry and warm and above all safe and well. God bless.
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29-01-2016, 07:26 AM
Griff just read through last night's thread and see you are suffering again with your ear. I do hope it is better today, if not do see a doctor.

Amber just gone shooting out into the garden to chase a strange cat away!
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29-01-2016, 07:32 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Sounding very windy here too Moyra. I have to go shopping later. If its to bad it can wait.
Take care walking Amber.

I totally agree with the pj's thing does my head in we would never of thought about doing that especially out with our children.
It is similar with Donna Joel's Marks son mum difference is she doesn't bother to get up or take the children to school.
Mark had to go to the school yesterday evening with him due to Joel being distracted. His attendance came up again in fact Mark had a phone call about it the day before as he hadn't turned up. When Mark asked him why he said I slept in till 3,30pm. Now where was his mum kicking him out of bed sorting his breakfast ? Her children have brought the other one along Jordan brought Joel up Joel is bringing the other two up. She is such a waste of space and lazy.
Yet still SS will do nothing about it and Mark has virtually no parental rights only the problems now he has his name on the school intake information because him and Tracey enrolled him as his mum doesn't answer the phone to them or attend any of the meetings or concerts etc., I tried years ago to get him and Jordan with us so Mark could have a big say in their their lives SS didn't want to know even with all the dreadful stuff that she had done.
Now Mark isn't in a position to have him live with him full time at the moment anyway. Mark tears his hair out and I go greyer and my blood pressure rises with anger at her.
Yet she has churned out 4 children and is one of the worst mothers out there and Gordon she has no thought to churning out puppies either. Two of my worst hates her lack of care for her children and her dogs.
I rue the day Mark met her. He does now too the only good thing out of the mess is Joel.
Gill and I often discuss this issue of mothers who certainly do not deserve the title.
Rant over.

Now I have that off my chest I hope everyone is well and all doglets too.
griff hope that ear settles soon.
Stay safe in the storm.
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29-01-2016, 09:03 AM
Good morning all, what a rough day
Moyra I'm glad I'm this end of t he country. Sounds as if Scotland are having a bad time.
Lynn, I'm sorry to hear of your problems. If nothing else I have to say my family all look after their children. For which I am grateful.
Hope you are all well and safe xx
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Sue L
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29-01-2016, 09:42 AM
Good morning Moyra, Lynn, Nippy and all who follow

Sorry to read what your son is going through Lynn, Hugs to you and him and especially the children.

Nice to see you back Nippy hope you are now a lot better.

Hopefully you got Amber out this morning without getting wet or blown away Moyra.

Sorry you are not well again Griff (hugs)

Very windy, dull and damp here. Teazle walked and housework done. Barry has got the washing machine out ready for tomorrow and I have cleaned where it was.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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29-01-2016, 09:57 AM
Thank you Sue and Nippy Jen we just have to get on with it have him when we can and Mark has to do his best knowing he is banging his head against a brick wall. We have managed for 14 years almost. At least Mark see's him regularly now at one time she used him as a pawn if Mark kicked off at something she would stop his visits.
Unfortunately none of us could then could afford taking her through the courts for custody so Mark had to grovel and keep his opinions to himself to see his son.
She can't argue with Joel now if he wants to see his dad he walks out if she starts ranting.
Its been hard and heart breaking most of the time but we also have had and do have fun times with him too.
Dad have very little if any parental rights even though most of them would make the better parent. So frustrating.

Back form our walk and my its blowy out there. Having some breakfast then get ready to go to do some shopping. Thank goodness my car is substantial.
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29-01-2016, 10:14 AM
I have no idea what you have to do to get SS to sit up and take notice, even if they are taken into care the poor kids get little or no direction from what I can gather after whats come out with all the child grooming thats gone on with kids in Council care, no boundaries, no rules and no responsibility.
The most recent case with the little baby Poppy, surely there were warning signs, then they didn't even want to ask questions and tried to bury it, but publicity has made them at least look like they are approaching the situation, although I doubt it will be tackled in the end. Oh and of course now they are wanting to bring in thousands of lone children from halfway across the world, and I bet you as soon as they are here, their parents will magically appear out of the blue wanting to come over. We aren't sorting out our own problems, thanks to the PC Brigade, never mind taking on others.
Glad to see you back Nippy and hoping your arm is better today. Your family and kids are well loved by you and it shows.
Very windy and dark here, there is rain knocking about but not much, will see how it goes, at the moment girls will be going out in an hour when I've finished breakfast and read the papers.
Sue I hate it when I have to pull something out to replace it and there is a mess behind it, you are ahead of the game. I have a brush and mop and bucket handy when stuff is being delivered and get in there whilst they have taken one out and bringing one in!!!
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29-01-2016, 10:25 AM
Morning all. Bit blustery out there. Got Tyto out for constitutional. Hope you all take care out walking. Griff hope the ear feels better. My noise today is awful. Stress I expect as hubby is poorly now.ttfn.
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29-01-2016, 12:08 PM
Hello everyone hope you are all well.

Could hear the wind during the night but wasn't so bad when we went for our walk until we were on our way back. Oh my goodness I thought I was going to be blown away never mind poor Sammy and the rain was battering down on us. Came back with soaked and frozen legs. Poor Sammy at one point I must have almost run the legs of him I was moving so fast. Think we'll be staying home most of the day now.

Edinburgh seems bad, my poor sister she won't go out in strong winds since she was run over by one of those huge metal industrial bins a few years ago.

Hope no one else gets it as bad as what I've been reading about.

Lynn so sorry to hear about Marks ex. I know of a few women very similar, do absolutely nothing in the house or for the children even though they don't work and the husband has to come home from work and sort the dinner, children, housework and washing. Absolute disgrace and when the husband leaves they are nasty and wicked and try everything to stop the dad seeing his children.

Moyra hope you get out and back safely and don't get blown away.
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29-01-2016, 12:18 PM
Just caught up with last nights posts in particular Gordon's no.35

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