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Tish's mum
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30-04-2009, 08:06 AM

How do i stop my dog chasing my cat?

Hello everyone.
Tish is 7 months old now and she won't leave my cat Peggy alone. Poor Peggy was here for a long time before Tish and she probably now feels her home has been invaded. Peggy can't even walk into the front room without being chased out by Tish. There is nothing Peggy loves more than to sit on the back of the sofa and watch out the window, but she can only do that now if Tish is asleep.
The only time Peggy doesn't get chased is if Tish is too tired to be bothered. Tish has been swiped by Peggy on the nose loads of times and let out a yelp, but she still continues to terrorise poor Peggy. When i see Tish is going to pounce she ignores all my commands and goes for her anyway.
I hope some of you can help me, i don't want poor Peggy to run away and want her to be unhappy in her own home.
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30-04-2009, 08:15 AM
dont know if this is any help but when we got kenzo from rottie rescue he had never been around cats and I have 2..he chased the younger one all the time for weeks till I think her energy changed and she just walks past him now...or lies beside him..he still chases her if she runs though..just a prey thing i guess..he never chased the old one because I think she rules the roost..he gives her plenty of space..good luck
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30-04-2009, 08:19 AM

PLease bear in mind Tish is very young s anything tha moves is worth chasing. It's just a game to her.

Would it be at all possible for you to read her body language and try and sitract her with toys etc if you see she's going to pounce on Peggy? Then once you have her attention you can reward her and she'll learn quite quickly that she gets treats if she doesn't try to jump on Peggy.

Laura xx
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30-04-2009, 08:24 AM
Practise the leave it command, until she is completely reliable in all situations. Easy to say I know, but it works if you are consistant and persistant. Never allow her to chase the cat without correcting her. Tbh I'd probably have her on a house line in the lounge until she gets the message the cat can come and go without Tish's permission. That way the cat gets to move around and the dog my go to chase but you should be able to control the situation until she perfects her "Leave it"
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honeysmummy is offline  
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30-04-2009, 09:05 AM
I agree she needs to learn the leave it command.

Have you actually introduced them tho? like sitting with the cat on the sofa and then bringing your pup up to, maybe one on one side one on the other. And do this a lot! Just the three of you sitting together and you can fuss them both!!
The way I see it, the more time they spend together the more bored of the cat your dog will be.
good luck x
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30-04-2009, 09:15 AM
Well we have 5 cats, and as youngsters the two younger dogs used to chase...more of a game than anything. We had to work hard on ''leave'' so they don't bother now.

But outside when younger Bruce used to want to chase strange cats and the ''leave'' has been so useful there....he now looks at me, but knows not too.

I think Tish is young and probably feeling this is a game, so I suppose the Leave command is something that your going to have to work on...all takes time Best of luck
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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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30-04-2009, 11:09 AM
totaly agree with the leave it

While you are teaching that I would make sure there is no more cat chasing - keeping pup on a long line and just preventing it
also anytime she dosent go to chase the cat (to tired or whatever) praise and reward lots
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