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22-01-2016, 06:55 AM

Daily Thread, Friday, January 22

Good morning everyone,

I must have had a bit of a brain seizure yesterday when I said Lynn's Gorden was at home, I was thinking it was Friday and of course it wasn't so yes do hope Lynn is ok.

Much milder this morning but think it is going to be wet out there too dark to see at the moment.

Griff, hope your mum is feeling a bit better this morning.

Hope Eileen can get in and post some more pics of the babies, at this rate they will be walking before we get any more pics. Seriously though Eileen appreciate they must be quite a bit of work for you all.

Have a good day everyone, take care, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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22-01-2016, 07:20 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Did pop in a couple of times yesterday but couldn't really read posts and had to come out again. Was really unwell giddy and sick spent all day on the sofa sleeping on and off Gorden drove home in the end and got here about lunchtime.
Bit better today head still swimming when I get up and am hoping he will be able to take today off too to walk Dillon wouldn't trust myself to do it.
He did say he would take today off if needed.

Hope everyone is well and all doglets.
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22-01-2016, 07:26 AM
Lynn, sorry to hear you are unwell, maybe that is where I got the idea Gorden was home yesterday, you may have put something on the thread without saying you were feeling unwell. I hope you feel better soon, take care and rest up, hopefully Gorden will take care of you and Dillon too.
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22-01-2016, 08:11 AM
Hi Moyra it must of been telepathy I didn't post yesterday.
Gorden has said he is taking today off too as I am still quite woozy he will walk Dillon and work from home and look after me.
He would get more rest at work.
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Sue L
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22-01-2016, 08:46 AM
Good morning Lynn and Moyra

Sorry you are feeling unwell Lynn. It is nice Gorden is able to work from home to look after you. Take care and hope you are feeling better before the day is out.

Hope your mum is feeling better today Griff she really needs to see someone who can help her get what she deserves and not just pushed out without thought.

Its pouring here Moyra. Teazle popped out quickly into the garden and is now asleep on the sofa - don't think she is interested in going out thank goodness

Have a good day and stay safe.
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22-01-2016, 09:53 AM
Maybe it was telepathy Lynn but I certainly felt Gorden was home and things were different for you. Hmm? Well I hope you feel much better soon.

I am anxious about Eileen and the babes and Sarah and would be happy to hear soon from her. Anything would be a relief to know they are all ok.
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22-01-2016, 09:57 AM
Morning all
Oh no Lynn, so sorry you aren't feeling well, i hope whatever it is you have passes quickly
Morning Moyra and Sue, Mum was very tired yesterday but she did let slip that she hadn't got to sleep until gone 3am, the drs rang early this morning, my dad is booked in for this afternoon so hopefully they will find out whats up with him
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22-01-2016, 10:00 AM
Very heavy rain here this morning, beds weren't too wet though thank goodness, maybe leaving the heatlamps on low overnight helped,but can't afford to do that day in, day out.
Wonder if you've somehow picked up a bug Lynn, do hope you start to feel better, go to bed and rest up. So nice that Gorden made it home for you and is working from home and can wait on you, and give Dillon a walk round, mind you if its raining like it is here, best place is undercover.
Its hard work with just one baby Moyra, I had to go back to work when my first was only one month old and he went to my mother in laws, I was so tired, but there was no maternity pay in those days, I was lucky they kept my job open, I finished work in January, had him in April and was back at work exactly a month later in the May. With my second I did have time out as we had our own business, but I worked until virtually he was born, but I remember I spent the first month or so either sleeping or seeing to him, but it was nice I had the facility to do it. Having twins I have no idea how everyone is coping, Sarah is so fortunate to have a mum like Eileen who is there for her and wants to be involved and help out in any way possible.
Someone's just rung to see if I can help out with a dog thats owner has died and has been left in the house, a neighbour is going in and feeding her and letting her out, she is Sibe x GSD and is 3 years old. RSPCA don't want to know apparently, I have told them to ring Dogs Trust and the Cheshire Dogs Home to see if they can help. Am going to ring round myself as well to see if I can find anyone to help her.
Hoping the rain stops soon and we can get out
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22-01-2016, 10:14 AM
Slowly feeling better thanks all. Head soon lets me know if I have been on my feet too long.
Dillon and Gorden back from their walk and very wet.
Hope dad gets on ok at the Dr's griff hope mum feels more settled soon too.
I imagine Eileen must be run off her feet there is her poorly mum too. It would be lovely to see pics and hear from her but all in good time. Knowing Eileen everything is running to military precision and everyone being cosseted.
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22-01-2016, 10:26 AM
Morning all. Hope you are all ok especially Lynn feeling better. I have been googling and found this. Thought you might like to watch it. This is Tyto,.

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