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08-06-2011, 03:58 AM

Degenerative Mylopathy

My dog Zeus has been challenge by this cruel disease since September 2009, which as far as I know is a long time. I my opinion he is in the later stages but has been so for the the last 6 months. He still enjoys sniffing around the garden and the green that is infront of our house, he can also still toilet himself independently, occasionly having a little accident. Has anyone experienced this disease?
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08-06-2011, 05:33 AM
Yes I have recently with my Bernese. Sadly no longer with me.

Ollie had suddenly lost the use of his back legs in December 2010 and had to be admitted for 10 days for tests to a vet hospital as with DM tests kept coming back clear.

Sadly we lost him in February we had to have him put to sleep, he did pick up for 2 weks on steorids then it came back and he could not walk far at all and fell when trying to toilet. He also had another disease alongside it which we did not find out till recently when results of PM were in. This affected his muscles and so with the DM was not a good combination he also had severe head and face muscle wastage.

Ollies DM was not the ususal mutation it was a rare mutation and in his neck also unusual although it did cause ataxia in his rear.

Your Zeus is doing well so far and I hope he continues to do froa long while yet.

It is a horrible disease and so upsetting to watch them coping as well as they can with it.

Wishing you and Zeus all the best.
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Velvetboxers is offline  
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08-06-2011, 05:38 AM
Sorry to hear your dog has spinal myelopathy. You seem to be managing the situation quite well by sound of it. We had a Boxer with spondylosis which is another spinal condition.
Her condition was managed with careful management.

Hugs to you both x
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08-06-2011, 05:42 AM
No experience, apart from reading what others have gone through.

Sending you and your dear dog some rather large hugs and some of our very famous Dogsey vibes.....

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cooperk is offline  
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08-06-2011, 06:09 AM
Thank you for your support. It is a long bittersweet journey with Zeus. Although I see himself soldiering on he is not in pain apart from the arthritis which he takes steroids for. As long as he has a lust for life we are smiling.
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ste is offline  
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08-06-2011, 02:11 PM
Hi there,
I have a pup with a peripheral neuropathy, not exactly the same thing... but my dog is effected in the same way, like a dog with dm she knuckles, and drags her paws, co-ordination probs,
To help Maisie, we had some custom splints made (Maisie is affected with all 4 limbs) and this helps enormously, would they help a dog with dm? possible

Here's a photo of maisie in her splints, and boots,
dogsey vibes 2 you and Zues
Have a look on where you should be able to find lots of info and read others experiences on dogs with dm
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