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04-06-2016, 06:55 AM

Daily Thread, Saturday, June 04

Good morning everyone,

June , Sorry to read about poor Lona, hope she is better this morning.

Hope everyone else is doing ok this morning too. I have had a bad night but otherwise not too bad.

Landlady has said she has ok'ed my new kitchen but I have told her due to my ill health she will have to put it on hold for a while. I said I will see how I am after my operation.
This is just so she can put the rent up yet again.

Have a good day all my tummy is really upset again must take some Imodium. stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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04-06-2016, 07:30 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.
Sorry to hear your tummy is upset again Moyra. Feel better soon, think it's a good idea to hold the kitchen off till you are better. If you get it at all.
Sad news about Muhammed Ali. (Cassius Clay). A great loved boxer and showman in our house when I lived at home. Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee on your journey.

It has been raining here overnight.

Hope Lona is better today June. That your back is too.
brenda I would of been fuming and probably made more mess by throwing something.
Hope everyone else is feeling well today and all our four legged friends too.
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04-06-2016, 07:50 AM
Good morning Moyra and all to come
Moyra sorry to hear you had a bad night & hope the tum settles down soon
Not good if your land lady increases the rent just because she's upgrading the kitchen
Lynn hope you and Gorden &dillon have a good weekend any plans ?
Mandy enjoy your weeks holiday
Brenda is it back to training classes now you holidays over
Griff sorry to read dads poorly hope he feels better very soon
TW hope Lona's ok this morning and not stiffened up over night gentle hugs from us here
Sue Tweed hope your both well enjoy the weekend
LG do hope the staff don't clipe All your misdeeds to the mem while she's been absent lol
1c dog hope you and Sammy are ok enjoying this glorious weather think we'll keep it to ourselves a bit longer lol
Nippy hope you and Mr nippy are both well
Nothing to report yesterday get up and go had certainly got up and left just fair wabbit no energy for anything lol
Nothing special on the cards today weather a bit iffy at the moment hope it clears
Muppets walked and gone back to bed will take them for a paddle if it gets hot
Hope everyone has a great day those 2&4 legged poorly get better soon
Take care stay safe whatever your all up tooxxxxx
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Sue L
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04-06-2016, 08:07 AM
Good morning

Hope your tummy gets better quickly Moyra but I expect a lot of it could be down to stress and nerves for next week. (Hugs)

Hope the weather clears for you Lynn so you can enjoy your weekend with Gorden.

Enjoy your lazy day Norma

Hope Lona is better this morning June and also your back.

Dull again today but quite warm wore a jacket on my walk and wished I hadn't Nothing much planned must put the peas in (what have come up) and have a hoe round to get rid of any weeds. Will see if we can get out this afternoon for a walk along the beach.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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04-06-2016, 08:36 AM
Good morning
Aww TW hope Lona is better this morning, I got your tablets and I spoke to the pharmacist, she said she's not heard anything about them stopping, but says that if you were to ring Sainsbury's care line they might be able to tell you. But will say we had loads on the shelf. I will send them to you if you send me your address
Moyra hope you feel better soon, I think it could be with all the stress you've had
Brenda, I would have been livid if I'd come home to that, he's not a teenager and having to spend 3 hours to clean up is just rediculous.
Sue have a good day, love fresh peas
Norma hope you have a day of rest then, if nothing planned
Lynn I agree sad day that Muhammad Ali has died, although at least his family can stop parading him in front of cameras now. Greatest Boxer ever I think.
Right I'm off to get ready to go up town now, have a good day all
Bye for now
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04-06-2016, 08:57 AM
Well that is a turn up for the books isn't it Mandy, wonder why they are nowhere to be found then, reading the NICE blurb it did seem they were taking them off the shelves. So very kind of you and I will pm you
Lona is fine this morning and as close to the door as was possible without actually going into it That's so shes first for breakfast and I don't forget about her. She's straight again and she got extra cuddles, she does look drawn though. Will take her for a swim with just Mabs so she hasn't got Zen leaping all over her. When I was talking to Katherine last night I mentioned Zen and she thinks Zen may be the culprit because she is very energetic and can get a bit much, usually Zen is flattened by whoever she is annoying, so could have been her getting flattened by Lona that caused it.
Moyra you're all over the place at the moment so no wonder your tummy's playing up. Do you get Housing Benefit because maybe you could get the rent paid by them, or find out if it is a fair rent
Norma, have a quiet day ifyou can, everything that's gone once recently will have completely drained you and you need some serious downtime. Hoping Mr Fritz is doing well still and bumblesnout is still living
As has already been said RIP Cassius Clay
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04-06-2016, 09:58 AM
Morning all. Working backwards on postings, June give Lona some rhus tox three times a day for about four days and that will hopefully put her right back on track. Norma I have a day off today and we start back next Saturday with only one class as loads are away on holidays etc. so it will be nice and easy if pups can be easy? Yep, just the owners to contend with. Lynn hope you are well and Sue. Mandy yep I would have thrown something but didn't want to frighten the dog and knowing my aim, well I probably would have caused more mess by breaking something else. Hope griff is ok today.
Did more washing this morning as found some more to do. Tyto has been out for his usual walks this morning and is happy sniffing around to see what has gone on while we have been away. Nothing like sniff tailagraph postings to let him know who has been around.. Have a good day all and Moyra hope you get better soon.
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04-06-2016, 10:53 AM
Thanks Brenda, was thinking rhus tox but wasn't sure, thought you'd put me on the right track though. Am going to take Zen out for a quick walk on her own, then Cariad and Mesh then I'll get Lona and Mab's out for a swim on their own. No sun here, but not cold Garden for an hour this afternoon to get plants in, slug stuff will be doing it's thing and the plants will be safe.
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04-06-2016, 01:38 PM
Been in town, am going to get Rosie out in the field soon with her ball.
Am working on getting Tony to take me out for tea Lauryn has gone to the pictures with her friend to see Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles
Griff hope that you are ok, not like you tot be on yet
Eileen hope your garden has been sorted for you
TW glad Lona is ok, and hope she enjoys a peaceful swim
Am putting kettle on, need a cuppa
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04-06-2016, 02:01 PM
All jobs done, flowers planted out, have got 2 with slug damage and one lost to slugs, now they are at the front with my slug stuff active then they should be safe. Not sure if the 2 with slug damage will survive but have planted them anyway.
Gave Zen a good brush whilst I had her out, then Cariad and Kesh, Lona and Mabs had a great time on the river, didn't stay out too long as I normally would, as lovely afternoon, sun is hot etc. didn't want Lona to overdo it, she had a few little swims as did Mabs, then we set off back. They've all had cold bones, umbrella's up and they are fast asleep in the shade.
Back is excruciating after all of this, had a hot shower, hair wash, eating a cheese butty with coffee, then will have to use a couple of the super duper pain killers and have a siesta. Yesterday I just took a couple of soluble asprin late afternoon, which didn't take the pain away, just subsided to a dull ache.
Brenda, cannot find my little homeopathic medicine case anywhere, I remember moving it, I thought into the cupboard where my girlie first aid kit is, but not in there Will have a look later when I'm not in as much pain, can't concentrate on anything at present.
Oooh Mandy, would be nice for you to go out on a nice evening such as this, hoping you persuade him
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