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27-01-2024, 07:21 AM

Saturday 27th January 2024

Morning all. Hope you all had a good evening and night. Frosty here this morning which was a surprise as they didn't give it on the weather forecast last evening. Because it is the weekend I can't do anything about what is going on so I am just going to keep on reading and walking and doing whatever. I hope you all have a good day doing whatever takes your fancy. I miss quite a few of the posters that used to be on here. I think it is bird watch this weekend so I will look out for my usual birds that flit around here. Finches (goldfinches, blue tits and robins), starlings, pigeons, crows, seagulls then of course squirrels by the bucket load and foxes. What birds do you have?
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27-01-2024, 10:25 AM
Morning brenda and all to follow.
Overcast at times then sunny here today.
We have mostly Sparrows, Starlings, Blackbirds Robins, Coal tits and Greta tits. Sometimes Blue tits and the other day a couple of Long tailed tits showed up never had them here before.
Very occasionally Goldfinches.

I hope everyone is well today and has a nice day.
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27-01-2024, 11:43 AM
Oh I forgot the blackbirds and the occasional thrush.
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Sue L
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27-01-2024, 11:55 AM
Good morning Brenda and Lynn

Lovely morning here so taken the opportunity to clean the outside of both cars. It was very frosty first thing but soon cleared. We mainly get crows, starlings and blackbirds and of course sea gulls. Have seen the occasional robin and wren

Take care everyone
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27-01-2024, 12:25 PM
Good afternoon all

Overcast and cold here, but light winds made it bearable.

Still got the 'dizzies' so am having to be careful when I get up.

I know we have three different types of gulls, the obligatory ducks and geese of various kinds, blackbirds, robins, three different types of tits (but don't ask me to name them), starlings, sparrows, swifts, kestrels and various others I don't know the name for.

The canine milk teeth of Ted's are still stubbornly holding fast so I'll give it another month then it's a trip to the vets to book him in for them to be removed.
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27-01-2024, 12:30 PM
Another busy day Sue.
Take care Chris might it be stress related to these dizzy spells ?
Poor Ted sounds like those pesky teeth might need some help.
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27-01-2024, 10:38 PM
Maybe Lynn. It has been a very stressful time of late, but stress tends to be my middle name and I've never had something this prolonged before as a result.

Yes, poor lad, it looks like an op is on the cards for him
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