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05-01-2017, 07:49 AM

Daily Thread, Thursday, January 5th

Good Morning one and all to follow.

June so sorry to hear how poorly you feel, I wish you better soon.

Griff, how are you today, any better?

I hope everyone else is all ok. My bad leg kept me awake most of the night. twice I got up and rubbed volterol into and then too some ibuprofen.

Have a good day all stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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05-01-2017, 07:59 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow.

Sorry you had a bad night again Moyra hope the leg feels better today and especially tonight.
June sorry you are feeling ill to. Wishing you well soon.
griff hoping your ok to.

Might need to pop out today less milk in the freezer than I thought so didn't order any for yesterday's tesco delivery and need some meat and eggs. Prefer the butcher for those items.
Will take a peek outside in a minute have a feeling it will be cold.

Have a good day everyone and hope everyone is well and all four legged friends to.
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Sue L
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05-01-2017, 08:26 AM
Good morning Moyra, Lynn and all who follow

Hope you soon get relief from your bad leg Moyra

I know the feeling about being low on milk, I don't know where mine went over the Christmas/New Year period but had to stock up twice.

Hope you are feeling a little better today June and also Griff hope you are too.

Very cold here with a thick frost so delaying taking Teazle out but off shortly can't wait all day or all the idiots will be about. Nothing else planned except to help son choose shower tray and screen as we think they may soon be needed

Have a good day and stay safe and warm
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tawneywolf is offline  
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05-01-2017, 09:20 AM
Back in bed with a hot water bottle. Left fire banked up last night so the radiators kept warm. Electric tripped in the night, so freezing cold house. Was convinced Zen had been at the heat lamp and was muttering curses, but that looks fine. Everything going now, fire banked up, house getting warmer
Feeling very poorly, I have things I need to do, will see how I am later.
As I'm taking cold meds I can't take pain killers so back really hurting as well.
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05-01-2017, 11:32 AM
TW, I think you are best off just taking your usual pain relief...I don't think those cold tablets make any difference really...hope you feel better soon
Moyra, hope your leg feels better soon
If people are off out for supplies could they get me some bread??? Ta muchly
Well I have had the lurgy over a week, I feel a million times better than I did but I am not right, I did my chemo yesterday as I missed the week before...whoops
Deagan is full of beans, zooming all over, trying my best to keep her calm though ...not easy lol
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05-01-2017, 11:59 AM
So glad that Deags is full of beans and back to well again. Wish you were though Griff, take care love.
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05-01-2017, 01:03 PM
Thanks Moyra, i will be o.k, it is just hanging around whatever it is, mum thinks we have had flu...if not it is a very very very bad cold, i was waking up shaking at 2am in the morning...that went on for 3 days! Lovely to have my norty ikkle puppy back but i just want her to be good until monday when she gets her stitches out
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tawneywolf is offline  
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05-01-2017, 01:21 PM
I've been asleep all morning, woke up and remembered I had a delivery from Clearday, and there were the boxes stacked up on my step. Just decanted everything into the freezers and having a lemsip and going to try cheese on toast as that is quite soft. Sat down now for at least an hour before I get the yard done, only had the energy to tidy up and skip out, needs hosing and water buckets refreshing.
I know what you mean about the shuddering Griff, I was the same this morning, so relieved to get back into bed with a hot water bottle I can't tell you.
Glad to hear you're on the tail end of it, I feel rubbish, but with virtually no immune system you must feel 20 times worse.
Girls got a sack of steers ears from their Auntie Jackie for Christmas so they've had one each as a consolation prize for not going out. Beautiful, if cold, day, but there is no way I can even consider it. Just doing the basics leaves me on my knees.
Bless Deags, it may have been that silly thing thats done something her, but so happy to hear she is back to her dizzy self
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05-01-2017, 02:00 PM
Glad you seem on the mend griff and that deags is definitely on the mend.
June sounds dreadful whatever you have. I think griff you had the flu and June you have it by the sounds of what you're saying.

Got my milk Sue. Plus an extra 4 pints to stock the freezer again.
Was meant to do the butcher then a supermarket but couldn't be bothered to mess about so did everything at Lidl and popped to Morrisons for chicken wings for Dillon.
Just finished housework and will make Mark a coffee he has just fixed his car window. Clever boy.
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05-01-2017, 02:26 PM
TW, just do what has to be done, the girls will survive no walkies for a few days, I am much better but it really does take it out of you
Lynn, don't blame you just doing everything in one place
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