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28-01-2016, 07:24 AM

Daily Thread, Thursday, January 28

Good Morning all,

LG, sorry I had to laugh at you and your little mole and also the advice about using a shotgun on them. Poor little things.

June see your little Zen got chucked out of the kennel again last night. Those girls do lead you a merry dance.

Think temperature has dropped out there again but at least it is dry.

Have a good day all stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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28-01-2016, 07:39 AM
Morning Moyra and all who follow. got woken about 4.15 with noises in the loft. Tried to get back to sleep but couldn't gave up at 6 and got up.
We know where Gorden is going to be then at the weekend as well as making chests of drawers up. Wonder if the camera will give some clues as to where it has got in this time. Haven't heard anything for over two weeks.
Think its cold outside not popped my head out. Weather reports say it is.

Our youngest always wanted a little mole he was obsessed with them as a child. We tried so hard to get him one (soft toy) just couldn't find one so we brought him a garden ornament instead and we still have it.
Thing is they look cute but like LG says very bitey.
Hope the girls settled well in the end June.

Hope everyone is well and doglets too. Wrap up warm today and keep safe.
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28-01-2016, 08:28 AM
Morning all,
Opened door to let Rosie out, it does seem cold but dry at the moment
Oh no Lynn, think a nanny nap later for you, hope you get some clues to see what the noises are.
I always think moles are cute too, We don't get them in our garden, I'm glad cos I think they would drive Rosie mad lol
Feeling fine now except for my left ear feeling full
I'm off to see my friends for coffee at 10, but need to wash my hair first.
Lauryn will take Rosie out later if the rain holds out
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28-01-2016, 08:44 AM
Just got back from walking Amber, cold out there but the sun is out and it is quite pleasant. Steve nagged me because I am getting Amber out later than I used to. Quite frankly I do not hear him offering to take her out!

Still trying to resolve my e-mail problems. Have a good day all. God bless.
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28-01-2016, 08:48 AM
Enjoy coffee Mandy. We know what it is its the rat. Will say it very quietly as poor brenda has a terrible phobia. I am not happy having to live so close to one to be honest.
Moyra thats cheeky of Steve you take Amber when you are happy. Talk about dishing out the orders.
Sorry the email problems are not resolved yet. Sun is out here too.
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Sue L
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28-01-2016, 08:53 AM
Good morning Moyura, Lynn, Mandy and all who follow

Ignore him Moyra you do the walking so go when you want too. If he was that worried he would take her out for you.

Oh dear Lynn hope it is a one off and not more visitors in your loft. I would have thought Gorden would have found all the ways in by now it must be like fort knox in your loft

Enjoy your coffee morning Mandy

When at the kennels we were plaque with moles. No so much mole hills as mole mountains. Still it kept Baryy busy laying traps and inspecting them Our neighbour was none to pleased when some moved on to his pitch and putt course which then became more of and obstacle course

Lovely and sunny here but cold. Nice to be able to walk in the dry though.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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28-01-2016, 09:55 AM
Yeah they all settled after I'd put Zen back in and Kesh had gone back to sleep with her head hanging out like a dead'un I think what happens is that Zen is going out to the toilet, then they won't let her back in again, once she is fully sorted and I have put her back in then they all go to sleep. If it wasn't such heavy rain I wouldn't be that concerned as she has a thick coat, its very sheltered and I have a couple of pieces of rubber matting outside for them to lie on if they want. I am fuming over the little kennel because it cost a lot of money when I didn't have it, had to borrow it off youngest son as eldest had just robbed me of all that money, and it is a real bodge job. Its nothing like what I wanted. Mabs has taken it as her Master Suite, but no one else is allowed in, sometimes she'll let Kesh or Zen in the front bit but not in the sleeping compartment, mostly she won't. Hoping that once all this heavy rain passes over we get some dry cold weather and then a decent spring.
Moyra, you get up and go out when it is convenient to you, he isn't half good at dishing out his orders isn't he, perhaps he should walk his own talk for a change.
Lynn, how that creature has found its way back into your loft I will never know,you would think it would have found somewhere more accessible by now and not as much trouble. Probably the rain has something to do with it.
Sue, I bet keeping the moles down was a full time job for Barry, kept him busy and out from under eh
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28-01-2016, 11:00 AM
Lovely day for a walk in the sunshine today. we went up the back roads and nearly got mown down by a car speeding round the corner its a blind bend. Plus a track and only wide enough for one car.
I shouted at him as he went past doubt he heard or cared. Other than that a nice stroll out.
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28-01-2016, 12:16 PM
Afternoon all
We have glorious sunshine here too, i am hoping to manage a walk with the pups before it goes.
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28-01-2016, 01:27 PM
lg alias Jasper Carrot. RATS See I will get used to it. Lovely sunny day and have been busy doing dog stuff. Sent off new forms for the next course as so full up.
Feeling much better so I hope everyone else is.
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