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21-01-2016, 07:53 AM

Daily Thread, Thursday, January 21

Good morning everyone, by golly it was a cold one last night, everywhere is white with frost.

Griff, hope the vets visit goes ok today and your poor mum gets treated better today.

Mandy, hope you feel better this morning, poor you having to work like it.

June, that would drive me potty, the dog upstairs here starts as soon as he hears someone but he doesn't keep it up for hours like that critter next door to you.

Lynn, hope all is well with you and Dillon and Harvey, Brenda and all.

LG you will miss her so will the other dogs but it will be nice for your friend to have her on loan.

Eileen, hope you, Sarah and the babies and your mum are doing ok, we haven't heard from you lately. Know you must be busy but give us a shout.

Have a good day everyone, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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21-01-2016, 08:24 AM
Morning Moyra, thanks...hopefully both the vet visit and mum will be o.k
The men are digging up the footpath by my house, digger,jack hammer and lorries, the dogs had a bit of a bark yesterday but were pretty good...lets hope today goes the same
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21-01-2016, 08:38 AM
Good morning all, hope you are all well.
Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, I'm going to take a break. I have a flare up of my arthritis, especially my right elbow. I have decided it isn't helping being on the laptop so much.
I wll be watching and I will be back
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21-01-2016, 08:41 AM
Oh Jenny, know what you mean my right arm is aching like mad this morning, think it is the cold doing it so have put the calor gas fire on to warm it up in here. Do take care of yourself and keep warm that will help.
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21-01-2016, 08:49 AM
Oooooo Nippy and Moyra, did either of you see that program last me i'm a doctor? there was a thing on there about arthritis and there was a bit about an app...i didn't catch all of it a my mum was talking to me but i think the gist of it is that you download this app and then when you get pains you send some info via the app and they look at the weather in your area
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Sue L
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21-01-2016, 09:14 AM
Good morning Moyra, Nippy, Griff and al who follow

Wrap up warm Moyra the frost won't last long

Sorry to hear Nippy your arthritis is playing up, take care and rest as much as possible just pop in occasionally so we know you are alright.

Poor you Griff you need ear defenders what they doing now? Hope mum gets everything sorted soon. Did she find the relevant paperwork?

Sunny here this morning a no frost although forecast is for rain later

Have a good day and stay safe.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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21-01-2016, 10:07 AM
Its because the rain is on its way again, I'm the same, I can tell them its going to rain sooner than they can look at whatever it is they look at!!! I believe some arthritis plays up when the weather's warm, but not sure if thats right. Been feeling fine whilst its dry and cold, this morning my fingers are sore and my sides and back are aching. Hoping you are feeling better soon, Nippy, I was hoping nothing untoward had happened. Have you got new neighbours as yet by the way.
Was freezing last night when I went to bed and the car was frosted up, this morning it is cold but no frost and we've got rain due this afternoon. Have had such a nice break from it, took me 10 minutes to clean up this morning, swept up, got the wet out, fluffed it all up, heat lamps on low and back in again Back to sopping shavings tomorrow then
It was hard finding something to watch last night Griff, and I could have watched that as well, I watched Mary Portas in the end and got enthralled in it, I like her a lot actually, but in small doses
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21-01-2016, 10:29 AM
It was quite interesting...mum kept nattring so i will probably watch it again, there was a thing about beards and if they were unhygenic, a thing on olive oil and your heart. I know what you mean about mary portas...she is quite full on Lol
Morning Sue, errrmmm the paperwork...errr yeah turns out i had actually picked it up and looked at it yesterday lol...well it didn't like like a medical report to me...because i wasn't looking for a medical report but the doctors notes!!!
They are digging up all the pavements round here and replacing them with tarmac...lovely
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tawneywolf is offline  
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21-01-2016, 10:32 AM
Aww noooo Griff, did your mum find it again after you had dismissed it
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gordon mac
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21-01-2016, 10:34 AM
Good morning everyone - hope the arthritis sufferers are soon on the mend - I've got it all over the place, it is a right nuisance.
Have same weather as June today, it was frosty at 1a.m. but just cold and the frost had gone by the time I went outdoors at 8. I saw the forecast too, rain is coming back and could be here for a couple of days at least.
The Mem has a shopping trip in mind for later on today - seems that under the new regime of very little physical work - I will be unable to plead that there is a job needs doing which is more important than chronic spending. So unless I can come up with something both inventive and plausible - the wallet and I are due for a trip out.
Griff - hope all goes well at the vets - sorry to hear about them ripping up your pavement - is that because you are late paying your Council Tax? LOL !
See you all later - have a lovely day, bye fer now, G.
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