Location: Sheffield
Joined: Jun 2005
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A sensitive petal (bacterial rashes)
Been to the vet with Takara today...
The vet said the rashes were bacterial as were the scabby bits and that we had a 'sensitive little petal'.
So we have got some antibiotics and going back in a week, she said to give her a bath and try to keep her clean with more baths (thought this wasn't good?) as she is obviously sensitive to something.
So tonight Takara's having a bath, her teddy and her bed are going in the wash and we have to get a mat for her to lie on in the living room as the carpet has wool in it!
This just proves Kady's point that Takara is a wuss! lol!
the lump, she said didn't look serious probably just a bite that she keeps scratching because it's healing...
We're going back in a week to check on progress.