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brenda1 is offline  
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24-02-2022, 09:12 AM

Wet Thursday 24th February 2022

Morning all wet here, was going to the cash machine but it can wait. Freezer defrosted. No training after all today as daughter poorly. Kids, who'd have em. Ah well hope you all have a good day.
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24-02-2022, 10:07 AM
Good morning to all

Morning Brenda. a restful day then eh? I have a dog chasing the house with a carrot again LOL

I have dog walk work and then nothing. Tomorrow coffee with a friend at 1pm then dentist check up at 3pm
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24-02-2022, 11:00 AM
Just typical got wet because I did go and now the sun has come out. Yep I think dogs like carrots. bg!! The other collie that I see called Church likes frozen broccoli.
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Sue L
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24-02-2022, 11:36 AM
Good morning Brenda, Kazz and all who follow

Wet here to so Teazle hurried back to bed and stayed there Had the roofing people look at our ridge tiles and as they will already have scaffolding up to do a repair job will only add a bit to the bill so no insurance claims to worry about. Ben has heard from his insurance company who will do everything from assessing the damage to getting it repaired so he has told them to go ahead. One worry less for him.

Brenda our area had half term last week which enabled the girls to get over their nasty bug without having to miss more school than they already had.

Kazz their mum will be over on the 23rd March for a month then trying to get over here with the other girls in September, but that is the bit that is not clear at the moment.

Hooe all are well. Take care.
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24-02-2022, 04:18 PM
Afternoon all
Sheds down!! 2 bangs on my head, one sweary and a hole in my leg, but it's done and I don't need to worry about it
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24-02-2022, 08:35 PM
Evening all

Quite a nice morning here, but cold

Been clearing some of the loft out today so the plumber can assess for fitting a couple of water heaters (bathroom and kitchen) because the emmersion heater costs a fortune to run and now we have a shower fitted and have a dishwasher, we don't use much hot water. A box got dropped on my (thanks Dave). I now have a lovely small cut and bruise on the side of my nose. Heaven knows what the consultant will think when I go for my eye check tomorrow morning
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24-02-2022, 09:25 PM
Chris, I have said thank god I am not seeing anyone medical...I look like an abuse victims, slightest knock and I end up bruised now.
Funnily enough, now the hard work has been done my dad's back is miraculously better.... just in time for the weekend
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24-02-2022, 10:51 PM
I've got bruises all over too, Kelly. Always have these days. I think it's down to the steroid inhalers as Dave also looks like an abuse victim. I often wonder what people think when we go out because we do tend to look like we give as good as we get.

The bruises never hurt, but look as if they should

The worst of it is is that we have another couple of days to get the loft fully emptied off. I'm determined that the only thing that will be left up there will be the air mattress and a couple of old duvets in case of flood

I hope my kids appreciate it because we're doing it so that they don't have to when we kick the bucket
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24-02-2022, 11:04 PM
I upset the nurse the other day....I take prednisolone every day and I told her I stopped my inhalers because they were steroids.....she started to say something but I just looked at her lol.
I have bruises all over my hip, my shins, my thighs, my forearms. I have told mum now that I can't help do stuff anymore .... it's too bad for me. I reckon my mum's going to kill my dad, they were due on holiday this weekend so she has to cancel because of his "back" now come the weekend he is suddenly miraculously better so he can go out drinking. He is sooooooooo lazy it is unbelievable but I am sorry, I am not going to risk my health because he can't be bothered......I will hit him in the wallet! He can pay for a labourer for the day next time
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