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Moyra is offline  
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15-06-2016, 06:05 AM

Daily Thread, Wednesday, June 15

Good morning everyone, yet another day without my car, getting frustrated now and worried.

Griff, sorry you had yet another restless night, hope you managed some sleep in the end.

June, that's a great pity about your Postie Tony,
hopefully a petition will resolve the problem. Glad the girls were no trouble last night.

LG, glad your vehicle went through its MOT without too much of a headache. Another dent in the wallet though.

Lynn, hope you are feeling brighter this morning.

Harvey, hope your four legged friends are ok today and your back is not so bad.

I hope everyone is ok, Norma, 1cd, Sue, Barry, Brenda, Mandy, Jenny and Brian.

Have a good day, must get Amber out before it starts to rain.
Stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.
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gordon mac
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15-06-2016, 07:38 AM
Good morning Moyra and all who follow.
Dry start to the day here but not sure how long that will last as the sky is full of cloud and grim forebodings.
Hope you get your car back today Moyra and there are no fiscal surprises of an unpleasant nature for you.
Tess seems to be losing interest in the mating game and Fagin ate some chicken last night (6 drumsticks) so it seems that our little local drama is drawing to a close for the time being. Danger Curls has in the past been synchronised with Tess as regards seasons but this time she hasn't bothered - so that treat is still to come! Not too much bother there as she is so much smaller than Fagin any impropriety would be impossible thanks goodness but it will still put him off his food for a few days. Stupid boy! It never put me off mine - just the reverse! lol !
Enough of the turgid goings on of Saddleworth and it's environs - the Mem is off out with friends for lunch today so that will leave me with little to do.
So it could well be a feet up and relaxation day once the animals are attended to.
Have a good day everybody and big hugs to all our four legged friends, bye fer now.
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15-06-2016, 08:04 AM
Morning all,
Not feeling good at the moment, seem to have caught a sickness bug
Hope everyone else is ok, will be back in a day or 2 when feeling better
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Sue L
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15-06-2016, 08:08 AM
Good morning

Hope your car is returned today Moyra with no big surprise bill.

Get better quick Mandy

Enjoy your day of relaxation Gordon and hope the weather stays good for you.

How stupid is that June one silly mistake and out. Hope he gets his job back quickly.

Lovely and sunny here with a good breeze so washing will dry nicely. Out to sort some bits and pieces and then walk neighbour's dog this afternoon for them.

Have a good day and stay safe.
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15-06-2016, 08:22 AM
Thought I would pass this on as just heard about it.

BEWARE scam telepone call 'from BT' about security of your internet connection

Please be aware of a current scam where someone purporting to be from BT will explain that there is a problem with your internet connection and that there is a problem with the security which BT are working to fix, that they have made a number of adjustments at their end to protect you and to fix the problem, and they just need you to check things at your end...they explain that your data is vulnerable and that currently people can access your information everytime you send an email, buy something online and use online banking....'so let's just do these checks on your computer'...they say they can show you a series of security breaches you have suffered if you go to your computer...

They were very persuasive and very insistent and almost credible

They knew my name and gave me a telephone number in Manchester to verify they were from BT (their number was withheld obviously).

If they call, you can report it to help build a national picture

Stay safe online everyone
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tawneywolf is offline  
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15-06-2016, 08:26 AM
Sounds like the welding was more difficult than they thought it would be Moyra, same thing happened to me, when they actually get down to it things appear they didn't reckon on. Do you need the car urgently, could you get a taxi instead
Glad that Fagin has found his appetite again LG, DC may well scupper that as in another couple of days she could be displaying her charms to him. I wouldn't rely on the difference in size to puthim off either
Mandy, going back to work has done you no good, it has made you poorly. Hoping you feel better very soon
Bit grey and overcast here, need it to stay dry till after 1pm when girls will have had a walk.
Griff, bet you are fast asleep now. Bananas worked for the girl's, thinking of buying them in bulk
Nationl newspaper now knows what bad employers Royal Mail are
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15-06-2016, 08:51 AM
Moyra, sometimes doing a job can be a bit more ticky than mechanics dads car should have been a 3 day job and his car was away for weeks!!! i am sure they ar doing their best, you can always call and ask for a progress report
Mandy.....oh no, hope you feel better soon
LG, try and stay out of mischief
Brenda, they tried that here the other day Lol...i just tell them i don't have the internet, i am not with bt for that anyway so they have naff all reason to discuss internet with me...they did nearly get my neighbour though
TW, pleased tony's plight has been highlighted...ruddy disgusting!
Sue, what a nice neighbour you are walking your neighbours dog for them
i got to sleep around 3.30 i think, the nuisance car alarm went of at.....4.02am!!! then again at 4.20 then again at around 8am
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15-06-2016, 11:42 AM
Afternoon Moyra and all who have followed and those still to follow.
Mandy hope you feel better soon.
Moyra hope the car is back soon.
LG hope your behaving yourself.
Hope everyone is well and all our four legged friends.

Car insurance sorted for the Mazda gone tpf&t with Adrian flux June. They are not far away from here.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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15-06-2016, 12:22 PM
I like Adrian Flux, Lynn. Been with them for years now, I like the price of their Breakdown Recovery as well!!! Really nice people to deal with.
Won't be scamming me, my landline is unplugged, I am with Virgin anyway, and I don't answer my mobile to witheld numbers, nor 0845 numbers or for that matter numbers I don't know. I have 'Who Calls Me' app and it tells you if the number is something to do with a scam or what company it is.
So hot here, came home from walks nearly on my knees I was so hot. Cleaned up, girls supplied with bones and straight in the shower, feel so much better with clean clothes on
Was talking to the new guy on the post round this morning, and I said I thought it was awful what had happened to Tony, and he said Ah Well, locking his keys in the van was one thing, using a ruddy great crowbar to force the van doors was completely another thing, plus there was something else he was reticent about. He said he would have been up in arms if he had just locked the keys in the van and that was all. We've sorted out a place for him to put any parcels or which neighbours to leave them with, so hopefully things will get better and/or Tony will be reinstated.
Car must have some sort of fault on it Griff, mine did it once, all night. Was so embarrassed I can't tell you
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15-06-2016, 01:31 PM
I was just swearing to Steve about the garage and being frightened to phone them when the phone rang and it was them saying the car was done and they would pick me up in about 20 minutes/half hour. I said dare I ask how much and he said £524 all told. So I am so relieved.
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