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nic2410 is offline  
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08-11-2006, 04:29 PM

poo eating puppy!

I have an 11 week old puppy and she eats her poo, I have no idea why and don't know how to stop her!
I read somewhere that dogs can eat their poo to avoid getting in trouble for doing it but we have never punished her for pooing in the house so it can't be this.
It is horrible, she scoffs it down as soon as she has done it and we can't stop her!
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08-11-2006, 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by nic2410 View Post
I have an 11 week old puppy and she eats her poo, I have no idea why and don't know how to stop her!
I read somewhere that dogs can eat their poo to avoid getting in trouble for doing it but we have never punished her for pooing in the house so it can't be this.
It is horrible, she scoffs it down as soon as she has done it and we can't stop her!
Feed her some pineapple, she wont eat it then something in it isn't very appertising for dogs when it comes out the other end
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08-11-2006, 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by nic2410 View Post
I have an 11 week old puppy and she eats her poo, I have no idea why and don't know how to stop her!
I read somewhere that dogs can eat their poo to avoid getting in trouble for doing it but we have never punished her for pooing in the house so it can't be this.
It is horrible, she scoffs it down as soon as she has done it and we can't stop her!
it could be she just likes the taste :smt078 there are a few other things but as zuba said a bit of pineapple is suppose to work
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inkliveeva is offline  
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08-11-2006, 04:36 PM
Yip we were talking about the pineapple working a wee while back, seemingly you can use the tinned in natural juice... a wee bit easier than cutting up a big pineapple. If you look back the threads you will see other things that work.
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08-11-2006, 04:37 PM
hi Nic here is a recent reply to a similar question

Hi Sjs although unpleasant eating poo (coprophagia) is normal behaviour for dogs. I would not shout or make a fuss in any way or Star may do it all the more . You can add things to the food like chopped pinapple (in its own juice, the tinned kind), pumpkin seeds or there is something you can buy from the pet shop. I think the best option is to just clean up any deposits instantly, also to teach the leave
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08-11-2006, 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by inkliveeva View Post
Yip we were talking about the pineapple working a wee while back, seemingly you can use the tinned in natural juice... a wee bit easier than cutting up a big pineapple.
Yep Baku likes a bit of pineapple, we give it to him as a treat every now and then, thats if i dont eat it all first, love my cheese and pineapple
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08-11-2006, 04:39 PM
Thanks everyone, pineapple it is then! It just isn't nice when she licks me to think what has been in her mouth!
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Azz is offline  
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08-11-2006, 05:28 PM
You also need to try and find out why she is pooing in the house to begin with... Is she getting out frequently enough?

Puppies can't hold their toilet in as much as adult dogs can so need to be let out much more frequently - depending on their age (starting from once an hour for the youngest).

Here's an article that you should read as a starting point:
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08-11-2006, 05:31 PM
Thanks for that, I will have a look.
Yes I take her out regularly, I took her for her first walk today and we were out for about an hour, she did nothing when we were out and then came straight back and weed and pooed inside, she did it on the training pad I put down for her to use at night.
She seems to prefer to do it inside no matter how much I take her out, I will keep at it though.
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08-11-2006, 05:33 PM
Our pup used to eat his poo...particulalry unpleasant the time he vomited it back up. Lovely.
Anyway, we didn't do the pinapple thing, just cleaned up IMMEDIATELY and he grew out of it.
Some people say that poo eating can be a sign of a poor diet, that the pup eats the poop because it needs to get more nutrients from it. Others say it's because of bad breeding, perhaps the litter did ot have enough toys etc when still with the breeder so took to eating and playing with poop instead.
I was sure that none of the above applied to my pup...he just wanted to eat poop...which can happena lot with his breed apparently so i was happy to clean up and ignore the problem til he grew out of it. Always go outside with your pup when it needs to toilet and always with your hand ready in a poo bag!!!! May be worth looking at the diet too.
Hope this helps.
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