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23-01-2006, 11:42 AM

To neuter or not to neuter? (will it prevent straying?)

Hi All,

I new, so be gentle,
I have a 2 1/2 yr old Irish setter, i got him 7 months ago from a friend moving to the city and didn't want to take the poor old dog from the countryside.

what he didn't tell me was that this dog is HYPER!
he's lovely but has a tendancy to wander off, I know this isn't helped by the fact that me and my wife are both out at work all day and he's probably looking for company,no one's complained yet but he's going in to other peoples yards etc, i'm afraid he'll cause an accident or worry sheep, thus costing me a fortune!
There are bitches in the area so i'm thinking about having him neutered to try and counter this behaviour, Do those radio/electric fences work? what do you think?

He also doesn't respond to me, if called he'll ignore me and continue to plunder the hedgerow or sniff about like i'm not even there, which is very frustrating.
I've tried the treats etc, but this dog is not motivated by food, he'll eat when he's hungry and thats it.
please help me
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Jules1 is offline  
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23-01-2006, 12:28 PM
Why keep him entire when your not going to breed. I would definately have him done. It will stop another unwanted pregnancy and also reduce the risk of testicular cancer
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Louise13 is offline  
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23-01-2006, 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by joesetter

no one's complained yet but he's going in to other peoples yards etc, i'm afraid he'll cause an accident or worry sheep, thus costing me a fortune!
Is he left to just wander when you aren't in??

I think a secure garden would be the first step... or a kennel/run so that he can't "go in to other people's yards"
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Pita is offline  
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23-01-2006, 01:19 PM
He is 'hyper' because he is an Irish Setter that is the way they are
He may well not be trained, he will not know what the words you are calling mean unless you teach him.
Because of personal experience I am against neutering however if you are unable to keep him in or control him it may well be necessary it will not make him any more obedient nor less hyper only training will do that.

Think the first things to do is fence the garden and lock the gates, then find a training class for him and you.
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23-01-2006, 01:30 PM
Its a concern that the dog is roaming the streets whilst your at work. If it was to cause an accident you would be liable to pay all the damages caused.
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BrandieSnap is offline  
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23-01-2006, 03:46 PM
Having him neutered is a personal choice really, but I would definately get him done if there is any chance of him gettting out and about near un-spayed females There are already far too many unwanted dogs in the world.
Can you not keep him inside while you are out, maybe get a neighbour to come and walk him if you can't? Or keep him in a secure garden? It's not really safe for him to be out alone.

Like thordell said, he needs training if you want him to respond to you I've met loads of lovely well trained irish setters. Make training fun for him and make sure he gets lots of exercise and stimulation. If he isn't interestied in treats, find toys that he really loves. Try out lots of different types and have fun games to see which he likes best
You could get some kong type toys to keep him entertained while you are at work
There are other Irish setter owners on here, I'm sure they can give good advice soon.

Good luck, and don't forget to have fun.
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23-01-2006, 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by joesetter
Hi All,
he's lovely but has a tendancy to wander off, I know this isn't helped by the fact that me and my wife are both out at work all day and he's probably looking for company,no one's complained yet but he's going in to other peoples yards etc, i'm afraid he'll cause an accident or worry sheep, thus costing me a fortune!
There are bitches in the area so i'm thinking about having him neutered to try and counter this behaviour, Do those radio/electric fences work? what do you think?

He also doesn't respond to me, if called he'll ignore me and continue to plunder the hedgerow or sniff about like i'm not even there, which is very frustrating.
I've tried the treats etc, but this dog is not motivated by food, he'll eat when he's hungry and thats it.
please help me
Hi Joesetter first let me welcome you to Dogweb .
This is an article about neutering by Dogwebber Shadowboxer that will provide some useful information on neutering ..

I don't quite understand your post it sound as if the dog is loose? If this is so neutering will not stop him wandering..for his own safety and that of others he should be confined , in an outside kennel if need be.

It also sounds as if some training is required, you could see if there are some classes in your area where basic obedience can be learnt.

Here is a list of trainers..
click here

Remember setters are gundogs.. working dogs who need mental stimuluation in order to be happy and on reaching maturity frequent excercise as well .

Added can you give us a little more specific information?
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