Hello all, I have been searching for someone or a group that can help me identify my puppy Godric. He is 13 weeks old 17 lbs. He seems to be a bigger puppy and also when I rescued him off the side of the road, he was 5 weeks old and the vet stated he wouldn't get any bigger than 20lbs. Well.... Clearly they were wrong. Once he got good food, dewormed, and babied to health he started growing super fast. Well any ways here are some pictures of Godric and I'm hoping to get someone's opinion!
Thank you in advance!
Thank you! There were 3 of them actually just wandering around this dirt road all 3 we picked up but kept just him and my friends took the other two. I would have kept them all if I could but I have 3 other rescues 2 cats and another dog so it would be a bit much with 3 pups haha. He however was identified as the youngest was also the smallest. Now he is the biggest one of the 3 same happened with my other dog. I got the smallest and now she's a healthy 60lb lab mix.
Actually I found him in Arkansas 1100miles away from my home in Pennsylvania. I have family there and went for a visit, found him got him fixed up with my friends vets and brought him and my father home. It was a good summer.