Location: North Lanarkshire, Scotland
Joined: Jul 2010
Posts: 883
Puppy not eating right?
Hey raw lovers.
Looking for some advice. Ive been feeding Muffin on raw now for around 6 months, Totts has been on it since I got her around 2 months ago and Amber my mum and dads puppy has been on it for around 2 months also.
The reason I convinced my mum and dad into raw feeding was there puppy now 6 months old wasn't eating at all and being sick continuosly for weeks on end. She was very interested in my girls meals but not her own after not eating for 2 days so I offered her some and she ate it. I told them the benefits they done there research and decided to try cooked mince. They say it goes inbetween her eating and not eating again. I thought it was down to them leaving her food for hours on end so she just wasnt hungry because she has a constant supply. Ive tried to tell them leave it for 10 mins and no longer, when she gets hungry next time its down she'll eat, they try tell me thats what they do but then when I visit it can be there for an hour before I point it out and they pick it up. This is every time im over not a one off.
Anyway, Ive been looking after her now by myself with my own two feeding her in the same routine as my own which I thought would help. She eats the full amount of it but it takes her 3 times as long to eat as the other two. Totts is a quick eater, Muffin I would say is just normal but amber can take 10 mins just to eat it, without distraction. She also seems to still being sick. She seems to be pause be sick, swollow it, then continue eating. Is there something Im missing

Shes also been sick for absolutely no reason at all, a few hours after eating, after a sleep, just woke up and projectile vomit :s
She seems much more keen to eat my girls raw mince but I dont want to change her diet again and my mum and dad dont want to feed her it raw for some reason :s
Any help would be appreciated. I know she is doing better just now but I want to try my best by her while my parents are away. Theres a few problems theyve mentioned to me they're struggling with which Ive said Ill help with while their away. Its been a good few years since Ive owned a puppy so its hard to remember whats normal lol.