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terrier69 is offline  
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23-01-2010, 10:55 AM

What's the best age to neuter?

Eddie needs to be neutered as he is a rescue dog so just wondered what people's opinions are on the right time to do it?
Would far rather ask you lot than trawl through the books as they all give different opinions.

He's a Jack Russell, and we reckon he was born around March, so coming up for his first birthday.

He'll be having his rear dew claws off at the same time.... take his mind of his missing plums
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23-01-2010, 12:07 PM
I always think when they are mature both in body and mind.

Obviously this varies in individual dogs and breeds.
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Bulldogs4Life is offline  
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23-01-2010, 12:38 PM
I agree with Sal above. Smaller breeds typically mature faster. I'd say a year or later is probably a good time. I say 2yrs is typically around the best time unless they are a very large/giant breed. Normally I don't neuter at all however unless there is a medical need to. If I do I like them to be done growing.
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Labman is offline  
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23-01-2010, 01:46 PM
May as well go ahead now. I lean towards by 6 months , but there are some arguments in favor of waiting until the dog is mature. A small breed like him at 11 months should be close to mature.

What does your vet say? Since they disagree, I usually suggest going along with what they want. If there is strong evidence otherwise, which there isn't in this case, I might suggest finding another vet.
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23-01-2010, 06:47 PM
I've just had my wolfdog, Winter 'done', he is ten months. I have his full sister so didn't want to risk any 'accidents', my vet was very supportive and recommended the 'op'. I would have prefered to have waited a little longer, but he seems to be fine. I would go with what your vet says. My springer and lurcher was 'done' at eight months, and I have not had any problems.
I always feel sorry for them tho
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Westie_N is offline  
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23-01-2010, 09:27 PM
I would go ahead and get it done now, seeing as he's around 10 months now and a small dog anyway. In fact, I'd have probably had him done two months ago.
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23-01-2010, 09:43 PM
I had Podge done at 6 months on the rescues and vets advice and it was fine. I would advise the same to others.
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24-01-2010, 01:11 PM
I would recommend that a male irrespective of whether it is a small breed or a larger breed be neutered at the age of 5-6 months as this prevents a male dog from developing the habit of marking territory, in other words....cocking its leg each and every time it gets the chance. This behaviour can also be learned by observing other dogs that mark territory esp if there is another dog in the same household but more often than not a dog that is neutered earlier rather than later is simply a cleaner dog that won't obsess in lifting its leg at every tree, corner, crevice of the world.
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24-01-2010, 04:17 PM
Oh dear Zorro, you must have been quite unlucky if you have had problems with entire males lifting their legs in the house. In 37 years of keeping dogs I've never had one that's done that, and I keep more than one at a time. I currently have 3 entire males here and none have ever done that.

I agree with those that say neuter (if you must) only after full maturity is acheived. In the case of a Jack Russell, that's probably any time now really.

Dawn R.
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terrier69 is offline  
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24-01-2010, 06:28 PM
I think I shall book a Friday off work before my weekend off (I have Thu off so will be at home for 4 days continuosly) and book him in to be de-plummed.

I wouldn't neuter routinely, but he is a rescue and I believe whole-heartedly they should be done.

...... and he is a leg-cocker in the house. Not too bad but comes from roaming the streets in his youth me thinks? Who knows, but it's copeable with and getting better with training.
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