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brenda1 is offline  
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07-02-2024, 07:16 AM

To neuter or not to neuter

Neutering is not a staight forward fix-all for male dogs with aggression problems, in fact there is evidence that neutering can increase agression problems if the aggression is motivated by fear because removing testosterone also reduces confidence. It’s now considered advisable not to castrate a dog displaying fear related aggression or other fear related behaviour problems for this reason and accurate diagnosis is therefore essential to determine whether castration is appropriate. It is wise to allow a dog to mature and for his confidence to develop before considering castration. If the accurate diagnosis of a problem shows that castration is likely to help, the chances of success are greatly improved if the operation is done in conjunction with behaviour training.
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Chris is offline  
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07-02-2024, 01:05 PM
If this is in response to my having Ted castrated next week, it's been a long hard decision.

I've seen the recent scientific papers - the vet thrust them at me

However, Ted isn't fear aggressive. His behaviour kicked in around the 5 month mark which for a small dog is when testosterone starts to rise.

We've lessened a lot of the problems, but the best I can describe is that this little dog gets blooming angry. His brother is actually worse than he is as he attacks everything he meets.

It may be the right thing to do or it may be the wrong thing. Only time will tell, but whether it does or not, he's staying regardless. He's a tiny dog so I can cope with his behaviour as is if really necessary, but hopefully the results of the op will work in our favour.

With him needing an op to remove his teeth anyway, it makes sense to me to go for it and behaviour training has been ongoing from the time we got him and will continue
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07-02-2024, 01:26 PM
Chris you live with Ted so have to do what you feel suits you and him.
For two in the litter to be the same makes you wonder why and what went into the breeding.

I know with Ollie who was already nervous we did the wrong thing neutering at 6 months old on the advice of the vet at that time. I learnt a lot and of course Ollie was a Bernese and I learnt they need the testerone for confidence as well as letting them grow into themselves.
We waited for Dillon and he was a totally different dog from the outset.
The only reason I would wait till at least 18 months old is because we have large breeds and it is not recommended to neuter before then and the longer after that the better if you can manage them.

Everything crossed it helps Ted and you.
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