Location: East sussex
Joined: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,884
Trying to get A photo of Teazle.(border terrier)
Wish I hadn't bothered.
My idea was to get a head on shot close up more or less using the wireless flash gun. This is so "red eye" would be eliminated. doing it in bright light no real problem, but in shade or semi darkness *********
First of all she had hair over one eye, so brushed that away so now can see both eyes. I get to lie down on the floor to her level and up she comes to the camera. No Teazle stay back there and just look at the camera. GRRRRR.
Ok she moved back, then the remote flash gun makes a noise on the refocusing, so up she goes to sniff that.
Start again , no way, it is time for her biscuit treat from Sue.
Break time now
Right start yet again? some hope!!! she is fed up with this game and prefers to go play with a toy.
So you think it is funny Teazle
You just can't win