Location: Consett, County Durham
Joined: Feb 2012
Posts: 49
As others have said, the poo itself isn't harmful, per se, but the litter substrate itself could be. First and foremost, for that very reason, I would recommend switching the cat litter substrate to a wood-based pellet type stuff if it isn't already that type - NON CLUMPING. As the gritty clumping stuff will not be good once it settles in your puppies stomach.
So thats what I would recommend first and foremost - then at least if a little is ingested with the cat poop then it shouldn't cause any major issues.
Regarding the issue itself, it is very difficult to stop as canine noses seem to find cat poop totally amazing (

) no matter what you do or how quickly you see them and get in with a stern NO - chances are it'll be ignored as the smell will just be too tempting!
So the next solution, like has been suggested already, would be to persuade your cat to use the tray in an inaccessible area - either somewhere high up (high enough that is totally not accessible by your pup) or in a room they can't get in to? (Baby gate maybe?)
I found a covered cat litter tray didn't help as they soon sniffed it out through the not-great-at-keeping-the-smell-in cat flap on the front of the tray!