Location: Dogsey and Worcestershire
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 49,483
My Corgi is due and she has been panting heavily for 14 hours should I be concerned? This is her first litter...

does your bitch have any others signs that whelping has begun eg nesting/vomiting/decline food/vaginal discharge, is your bitch restless or distressed in any way .
Your vet should really have been informed of an impending whelping in case of complication. Some bitches don't produce enough of the hormone which facilitates contractions, some have a large first puppy which presents the wrong way, things like these can cause a delay once whelping has begun ,some bitches just take a long time producing the first puppy.
It is not easy to advise about such things on a forum, we can't see the bitch and don't have all the details.
I would call your vet and explain your bitches 'signs' in detail. If you took her temperature give that also, it usually falls by one degree approximately 12 hours before the start of whelping.
Good luck...