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Helena54 is offline  
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10-04-2013, 06:04 AM

Morning - Dogsey Daily Thread - Wednesday

Morning all Dogsey Peops

Hope you're all doing well along with the doglets and sorry I wasn't around much yesterday, but it's getting rather hectic around here with all that's going on, and I just don't have the time. By the time I quickly pop in and read, there's no time to answer as you can imagine.

Time to put the breaks on today, the plasterer is arriving at 8am so I'm securing him in the lounge to get on with his work uninterrupted by Zena and her ball, but I might make him the odd cuppa if I'm about.

To top it all, when I opened up the postbox late last night, there's an appointment for Dave at the hospital for another x-ray He reckons it's a mistake, but I don't, because it was only written yesterday and I think the doctor got his results back, he isn't happy with them so he's booked him another one, whereas Dave thinks the doc thinks he hasn't gone there with the form he gave him 2 weeks ago. I think maybe he's hoping huh?! That'll be all I need atm if Dave has something serious going on in that neck of his.

He's gone off to work this morning and he's going to change things with the staff over there, as in, get rid of another one who doesn't seem to care, or pull his weight. We had a very long chat about it all last night and he thinks I'm right, instead of spending out thousands of pounds each month to online companies, which enables him to diagnose and fix newer cars, he's cutting himself back to just MOT's and the nuts and bolts jobs which goes with fixing MOT failures and nothing more. Cars are getting far too complicated, and even with all the computer technology he has at the garage, they don't actually tell them what is wrong, they merely give him clues and starting points, so they end up spending a whole day on something but can't really charge for the time spent, just on the job, so in effect he's losing money like this. I've put him straight, he doesn't need the stress, and he'll probably end up making more profit at the end of each day compared to paying somebody's wage and not even recouping that at the end of certain jobs.

Van still not fenced either Might pop up there today. The garden with no fencing is putting people off booking I'm sure of it.

Please excuse me yet again if I don't get back to you today, but I haven't decided whether to get out of the house with Zena if she's going to be a pain with a strange man in another room, and if she isn't, and the sun is shining, she can be out in the garden and I can potter about getting jobs done and sit at the puter. It's awful sitting in the utility cos I only have a little stool here and it's doing my back in.

Jackie, I do hope Millie had a better night with the painkillers.

Lynn, I hope you've had some viewings and maybe an offer.

Sorry, can't remember anymore but I'm sure everyone else is doing ok, so enjoy your day
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10-04-2013, 06:34 AM
Morning Helena morning all
Damp and still dark here this morning ,dought there'll be any sun today
Hope nothing serious with Daves neck the last thing you need ,with all that's going on ,your lounge going to be fab when it's finished ,hope your fence gets sorted today ,one less job on the list
Enjoy your walk with Zena ,
Hope all Sick and ailing 2n4 legged are better soon
Off to get a few jobs done then off to work ,another mad day here ,long walk this afternoon on the cards
Hope everyone has a good day
Take care stay safe
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10-04-2013, 06:46 AM
Morning Helena. I will pop in and out between jobs and paw watch to catch up with the goings on and reply. You just worry about getting the jobs sorted and Dave and keeping Zena occupied.

Well sitting here with a cuppa before going upstairs to get dressed after my turn on the sofa which wasn't too bad it is the longest he has left the paw since having the bandage off. He was a bit niggly round the other wound though and was sick about 1am this morning but he seems fine.
We are liking this getting up at a decent hour and not having Dillon pacing and whining and barking and wanting to get out the gate to find whatever the smell is that is winding him up. The bitches in season that were being walked have probably stopped for now which all ties in nicely with his op and getting over his testosterone problems. We did meet a young lad yesterday on our little trot out and Dillon was very interested in his leg as per usual but it is only a week since being done and it will take a wile for the op to take effect.
No viewings on the house yet.

Jackie lots of positive vibes for Millie and the x-rays today and I hope it is something simple and easily corrected.
Pat hope Marts legs are still ok and your head and enjoy your day. I bet Mon was very pleased with her hair do and wil need taking out to show it off.
Malka Hoping you and Pereg had another night seizure free and the she didn't get you in and out of bed to much.
Bev was it yesterday you and Charly and Ash were going back to view the house I hope if you did it has all worked out in your favour.
Jenny hope Rucksack is settling down.
Our other Jenny I hope Pepsi has had a sick free night and feeling better now.
Chris I hope Gary is getting on with the tablets ok.
Sally I hope all is well with Jimmi and his paws.
To anyone missed I hope you are all well and all furry friends are well too.

Enjoy your Wednesday and stay safe.
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madmare is offline  
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10-04-2013, 06:47 AM
Morning H and all,

Don't panic about the x-ray yet H as it may be it just came out blurry so they need to do another one. A few years back they used to keep you sitting waiting while they checked it and then let you go home. I notice these days they do it and send you straight off, but call you back if it wasn't clear enough instead. Got everything crossed for Dave thats all it is.

I am off to clean an elderly mans house for him this morning and then this afternoon Ash is taking Charly over for another look at the house. Fingers crossed she can take to it and we can make it work. Then I will be cooking dinner for us all as Ash cooked last night.

Have a good day all.
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10-04-2013, 07:14 AM
Morning Helena, Norma, Lynn and Bev plus anyone who has sneaked in while I've been typing,

A very dull and dinghy morning here but hopefully we'll brighten up before rain later. Busy day for me too. Walk the dogs (poor Rucksack was dreadful on his walk last night and I believe one of our neighbours 12 bitches are probably on heat ) then I'm off to visit my Mum and then collect my brother from hospital and bring him back here for 24 hours.

Helena - you'll go pop you will - but I sincerely hope not Do you ever have time to eat any more? Good luck with the plasterer and I hope Zena remains calm, sorting the fencing at the van etc etc.

Norma - I hope you have a nice day and enjoy your dog walk.

Lynn - It seems that Dillon is well and truly on the mend .... phew Your calm nights and lie-ins are probably due to Dillon having company but isn't lovely

Bev - Everything crossed that Ash will persuade Charly that the house will work for you and her. I hope the house-cleaning isn't too back breaking.

Jackie - I hope you had a calm night with Millie and the x-rays go OK today. (((hugs))) to you both.

See you after lunch.
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10-04-2013, 07:20 AM

Nechda - I hope the plasterer is a dishy young man... as for the X-ray for Dave, maybe check with the doctor whether it was a mistake?

Those people at the Park are certainly taking their time fencing the garden - I could always teach you how to do my fishwife act! You want those bookings coming in so go give them an earful!

Waves to Norma.

Lynn - I had a rather strange email from you but I think it was a hacked one so trashed it without opening it. I hope it was not an important one.

Fingers crossed that you get loads of viewings on the house.

Bev - fingers crossed for you as well that Charly likes the new house so that you can move.

As for Da Booger - she went out last thing last night and in the end I went out with her, but did she pee? Did she heck. Sniffed around the yard, nibbled at some of the weeds that are coming through, sniffed again - gone midnight and I am outside in my pj's propped on my crutches leaning on the house wall saying "do a peepee NOW" - gave up, came in and closed the door and switched off outside lights, and she scratched on the door to come in.

Asked her if she pee'd and she looked guilty and shot out again, but I doubt she did one because less than an hour after I had zonked off she decided she needed a pee. Then again at 6.30am so it was ess oh dee it, gave her her pill when she came in and managed another hour. I know it is not her fault needing to go out but what is with this messing around last thing at night and not peeing then?

Anyhow, I hope Millie, Pepsi, Rucksack, Jimmi [and any others] are OK this morning. Ditto any poorly two-legged ones.

Sorry if I have missed anyone, but hope you all have a good day.
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10-04-2013, 07:50 AM
Good Morning Everyone, Malka, I guess at least Pereg is letting you know that she is ok. Lynn glad to hear Dillon is improving at last. Hope everyone gets the results they are looking for and Helena hope you get that fence sorted and the plastering goes well. Have a good day all. Moyra
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10-04-2013, 08:07 AM
Oh what a beautiful morning! Gorgeous sunshine and so warm.

H calm down dear I'm starting to worry about you, rushing around and going without nanny naps
Norma, don't work too hard
Lynn, glad that Dillons foot sounds to be improving, keep it up Dillo.
Bev hope all goes well with Charly and that she likes the house
Jenny hope you find your Mum well, enjoy your time with your brother.
Hahaha sounds like Pereg has you on the same sort of games with her peeing as Pepsi does. She is a little booger too!
Morning Moyra

Well Pepsi was sick again last night. Around the same time.Now why would that be??? I've told her that she has tonight to redeem herself, then she is off to the vet if she does it again.
I'm going out with the Grand Daughters to day so see you all later.
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10-04-2013, 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Morning all Dogsey Peops
To top it all, when I opened up the postbox late last night, there's an appointment for Dave at the hospital for another x-ray He reckons it's a mistake, but I don't, because it was only written yesterday and I think the doctor got his results back, he isn't happy with them so he's booked him another one, whereas Dave thinks the doc thinks he hasn't gone there with the form he gave him 2 weeks ago. I think maybe he's hoping huh?! That'll be all I need atm if Dave has something serious going on in that neck of his.


Van still not fenced either Might pop up there today. The garden with no fencing is putting people off booking I'm sure of it.
Morning Helena,
Hope your OH's neck issue is fully investigated and sorted.

I tend to agree about the 'no fencing' thing. whenever I was househunting the first thing I'd make a beeline for (if I liked the look of it on entering) was the back garden, courtyard or any other exit from the premises with my dog in mind. If it was insecure, I wasn't interested. Just too stressful. Same when booking holiday cottages in the West Country - had to have a secure outside area back or front.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Helena morning all
Damp and still dark here this morning ,dought there'll be any sun today
Take care stay safe
Oh how depressing to read about your weather. I hope you enjoy your walk later today.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena. I will pop in and out between jobs and paw watch to catch up with the goings on and reply. You just worry about getting the jobs sorted and Dave and keeping Zena occupied.

Well sitting here with a cuppa before going upstairs to get dressed after my turn on the sofa which wasn't too bad it is the longest he has left the paw since having the bandage off. He was a bit niggly round the other wound though and was sick about 1am this morning but he seems fine.
We are liking this getting up at a decent hour and not having Dillon pacing and whining and barking and wanting to get out the gate to find whatever the smell is that is winding him up. The bitches in season that were being walked have probably stopped for now which all ties in nicely with his op and getting over his testosterone problems. We did meet a young lad yesterday on our little trot out and Dillon was very interested in his leg as per usual but it is only a week since being done and it will take a wile for the op to take effect.
No viewings on the house yet.

Jackie lots of positive vibes for Millie and the x-rays today and I hope it is something simple and easily corrected.
Pat hope Marts legs are still ok and your head and enjoy your day. I bet Mon was very pleased with her hair do and wil need taking out to show it off.
Malka Hoping you and Pereg had another night seizure free and the she didn't get you in and out of bed to much.
Bev was it yesterday you and Charly and Ash were going back to view the house I hope if you did it has all worked out in your favour.
Jenny hope Rucksack is settling down.
Our other Jenny I hope Pepsi has had a sick free night and feeling better now.
Chris I hope Gary is getting on with the tablets ok.
Sally I hope all is well with Jimmi and his paws.
To anyone missed I hope you are all well and all furry friends are well too.

Enjoy your Wednesday and stay safe.
Have made note Lynn is AIC today!
Like Lynn, I hope everyone missed or not here yet has a nice Wednesday. Halfday closing here - all over the blerdy island apart from Kiosks. How European is that?

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
I am off to clean an elderly mans house for him this morning and then this afternoon Ash is taking Charly over for another look at the house. Fingers crossed she can take to it and we can make it work. Then I will be cooking dinner for us all as Ash cooked last night.

Have a good day all.
Fingers crossed they return looking POSITIVE for you.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena, Norma, Lynn and Bev plus anyone who has sneaked in while I've been typing,

A very dull and dinghy morning here but hopefully we'll brighten up before rain later. Busy day for me too. Walk the dogs (poor Rucksack was dreadful on his walk last night and I believe one of our neighbours 12 bitches are probably on heat ) then I'm off to visit my Mum and then collect my brother from hospital and bring him back here for 24 hours.

Helena - you'll go pop you will - but I sincerely hope not Do you ever have time to eat any more? Good luck with the plasterer and I hope Zena remains calm, sorting the fencing at the van etc etc.

Norma - I hope you have a nice day and enjoy your dog walk.

Lynn - It seems that Dillon is well and truly on the mend .... phew Your calm nights and lie-ins are probably due to Dillon having company but isn't lovely

Bev - Everything crossed that Ash will persuade Charly that the house will work for you and her. I hope the house-cleaning isn't too back breaking.

Jackie - I hope you had a calm night with Millie and the x-rays go OK today. (((hugs))) to you both.

See you after lunch.
All wot she said up there ^ to everyone else but you know jenny I think you run a close 2nd to Helena when it comes to busy busy busy!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Lynn - I had a rather strange email from you but I think it was a hacked one so trashed it without opening it. I hope it was not an important one.

Fingers crossed that you get loads of viewings on the house.

Bev - fingers crossed for you as well that Charly likes the new house so that you can move.

As for Da Booger - she went out last thing last night and in the end I went out with her, but did she pee? Did she heck. Sniffed around the yard, nibbled at some of the weeds that are coming through, sniffed again - gone midnight and I am outside in my pj's propped on my crutches leaning on the house wall saying "do a peepee NOW" - gave up, came in and closed the door and switched off outside lights, and she scratched on the door to come in.

Asked her if she pee'd and she looked guilty and shot out again, but I doubt she did one because less than an hour after I had zonked off she decided she needed a pee. Then again at 6.30am so it was ess oh dee it, gave her her pill when she came in and managed another hour. I know it is not her fault needing to go out but what is with this messing around last thing at night and not peeing then?
She's 'avin' you on Malka lol!

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good Morning Everyone, Malka, I guess at least Pereg is letting you know that she is ok. Lynn glad to hear Dillon is improving at last. Hope everyone gets the results they are looking for and Helena hope you get that fence sorted and the plastering goes well. Have a good day all. Moyra
Good morning to you LabradorLover.

Gorgeous day here and the 'kids' are off down Finicoudes to the beach bar where they can 'swan around' for a bit. I am just off to the corner shop for a few essentials - milk and ammo. before they close for the day.

Have to knock on a few doors this afternoon (I hate doing it) as the no pay rent situation is getting beyond a joke!

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10-04-2013, 08:14 AM
Morning all

Quick visit as usual. Nice morning weather wise, misty first thing but lovely and sunny now. Washing out, bread machine on and am just starting a huge pile of ironing because SOMEONE...(me) didnt do it last week !!

Hope everyone has a good day
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