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09-01-2017, 07:36 AM

Daily Thread, Monday, January 09

Good morning all,

Eileen such beautiful photos of the girls, haven't they grown.

June, do hope you are going to be able to get the girls out for short walks today as it looks limited come the end of the week when we are due for an artic front. They have snow on the beaches of Crete as well as Italy, doesn't look good.

Hope you are all feeling better from the effects of the lurgy. Not good, my leg is slowly improving.

Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless.
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09-01-2017, 08:30 AM
Morning Moyra and all to follow.
Damp mild morning again here today. Really hoping the snow passes us by.
Off to Ikea later to hopefully get some larder type storage solution so we can crack on with pulling the house round.

June hope you are feeling better today.
Moyra glad the leg is improving.

Hope everyone else is feeling well and all our four legged friends to.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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09-01-2017, 10:23 AM
Torrential rain here this morning. Still coughing and blowing my nose and back in bed for a couple of hours, see how I feel then. If its stopped raining then girls will get some sort of walk. They are being pretty good on the whole considering
Damp weather is no good for your leg Moyra, just try to stay warm and dry.
Hoping the shelving works Lynn. I have had stuff from IKEA and its been excellent, the place itself drives me nuts
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gordon mac
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09-01-2017, 11:28 AM
Good morning Moyra, Lynn. June and all those to follow.
Hope everyone (2 & 4) are well and happy and that illnesses of whatever form are being beaten off.
Same old, same old here, both still full of the "Plague" or whatever it is that afflicts us. All animals have been attended to, orders for the day delivered where needed and now I'm back off bed and have no intention of re-appearing till at least 2pm. Weather is, as June says, soggy in extremis and not really conducive to anything other than Zzzzzz's. Bye fer now.
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Sue L
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09-01-2017, 02:37 PM
Good afternoon everyone

Sorry to see that both Gordon, the mem and June are still suffering from the lurgy. Hope you are all recovered soon

Hope you leg improves also Moyra.

Lovely photos of the girls Eileen. They look full of mischief and must keep you on your toes.

Hope that Ikea had what you wanted Lynn and the trip was not wasted.

Been busy today. Walked Terazle, then the huge monthly food shop then pick up Barry's prescriptions and was told by the pharmacist that one is obviously the wrong one so go back and check with the doctor. Oh yes they issued the wrong one, right one printed now but you will have to come back this afternoon to collect it. Well I have nothing better to do than run backwards and forwards. Home unpacked shopping then time to go out for lunch. Return walk Teazle and then back to the doctors and chemist. Good thing I took the girlie out first as it is now pouring. Coffee and relax.
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09-01-2017, 02:54 PM
Afternoon everyone. Sorry you are all feeling under the weather or soggy with the rain. Nothing much to add really. Bit down but I will get over it in time. Holiday to look forward to now in Burley in the New Forest. Get well soon everyone. l will keep checking in to see that you all get better soon. Sending healing vibes.
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09-01-2017, 03:13 PM
Very dull and miserable out there but think I should take Amber out earlier than later as it is likely to pelt down with rain. Doesn't look too good out there.
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09-01-2017, 03:17 PM
Managed to take Kota out, she met a beautiful 3 month old springer pup, she was very very good and friendly with her. Then rushed back, got deags into the car and off to the vets...stitches out, part of the wound hasn't healed fully so need to keep an eye on it, they asked if they could take some photos of her to share her story on their [a social network] page...i said of course, least i can do!! she wasn't much keen on having her photo taken but we got there in the end Lol. School starts again tonight so Kota will be going, could do with not going but there we go...will do us good to get out of the house
Brenda, sorry you are down...big hugs to you!!
hoping everyone else who is struck down with illness is soon on the mend and everyone else has a good rest of the day
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tawneywolf is offline  
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09-01-2017, 03:20 PM
Was thinking of you this morning Brenda and wondering how you were. It must be a big blow for the training classes you have run for so long to come to an end. Your whole life has a big gap in it, hoping you find something to fill it that gives you the satisfaction the classes gave you.
Rain stopped here (finally) at 1pm, far too late to get hystercial girls out. Went for LPG for the car and called in at the garage to see if the brakes for my car had come, but no not yet. He is chasing them up, I asked and there are no suitable generic ones. He says not to panic about the brakes I am safe.
Whilst out I saw a lot of people walking dogs, probably because it has been so wet earlier, I was right not to risk it. Rain forecast for tomorrow and I have to do a bone run, did actually find a bag of pieces of rib that came from the turkey people at Christmas, they were buried under some chicken breast that I'd bagged. There are not enough for all of them tomorrow, but still got enough steers ears for them, so that will do them whilst I go out and hunt for them.
Coughing and sneezing, plenty of nose blowing going on, at least it is coming out now.
Am getting the yard and kennels cleaned up for tea time and bringing coal and wood in at the same time, then all I have to do at tea time is hand out the veal necks and skip out, jobs done. Very rarely anything that needs moving but I check, will be out of shavings after tonight, I know they are closed today and Wednesday, another job on my list for tomorrow. Been so wet recently that I am using more, but got to say they are nothing like the ones I used to get which were soggy pretty quickly, much better stuff and the same price as well.
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09-01-2017, 06:41 PM
Good to know we are not the only ones that are soggy and chilly. Still it's snow forecast for Thurs, even for us down in the south.
I'm pleased there is some improvement in your leg Moyra, hope you managed to get what you wanted from Ikea Lynn, June look after yourself this has gone on a long time.
Hello Gordon, I'm pleased there is some improvement with you.
griff, hope Deags wound fully heals soon.

I had an appointment today for some blood tests. The sister couldn't find a vein so I have to go back on Monday.
Brian went to have a Shingle vaccination but after the sister told him all the side effects that could occur he decided against it. So we felt we had a bit of a wasted journey!
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