Location: Essex UK
Joined: Nov 2012
Posts: 483
Happy Dogs Happy Winners, the first edition even has the same cover as another of her books called something like "anyone can train their dog" very odd.
Anyway, I have to say I may have been hasty with comments on the Mary Ray DVD. It was basic and dull but not full of nonsense as many others are.
Also I was a little big headed in buying the Novice to Crufts, thinking I new the basics already.
I didn't realise there are competition levels below Novice as I know very little of the obedience world.
I only ever did a few companion shows in the 90's with my GSD.
Anyway, in light of not finding anything else that's not sugar coated with nonsense I've decided to buy the puppy to novice to ensure I get the basics right.
I don't really suppose I would get passed the level of beginners or novice anyway, working with a lab and having no experience.
I wonder if I'm the first person ever to disagree with his own review