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BBC asks: Why do dogs attack their owners?

The BBC poses the question after the tragic death of Bethany Stephens. She was only 22 years old and said to have been mauled to death by her own two dogs, dogs that she had since they were puppies...

In Virginia, US, a young woman has died in tragic circumstances after being mauled by her own dogs.

Police said Bethany Stephens, 22, was attacked by her two pit bulls while out for a walk - despite having raised them since they were puppies.

Locals were so shocked by the case that the sheriff had to release disturbing details of her death to convince them the dogs were responsible.

What would make a dog turn on its owner so dramatically?

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New Member!
Joined: Feb 2018
Posts: 11
01-03-2018, 12:45 PM
That's tragic! If they were cared for since puppies then why did they maul her? It's either they were treated badly or they weren't trained properly!
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Dogsey Veteran
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01-03-2018, 06:31 PM
Isn't this the one where the dogs had been left with the father for some time and there were reports that he wasn't very good to them? The lady had visited and decided to walk the dogs.

How on Earth do the BBC expect any kind of opinion when they don't give out the facts?
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Dogsey Veteran
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01-03-2018, 06:57 PM
Yes it is Chris, from what I remember they were being kept outside and only fed when he remembered. Tragedy waiting to happen.
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New Member!
Joined: Mar 2018
Posts: 1
29-11-2018, 10:46 AM
Hello, Sometimes it's happening but it's not that much worried. If your dog behaving like that then you have to find some new idea to make your dog happy and to make them fun by providing pet plush toys by visiting through Nandog Pet Gear, Hope you like it.
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