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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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07-08-2008, 10:54 PM

Are we imune to suffering??

Just heard today about a bit of hassle on the street at the weekend

Turns out a woman who most people know and has caused no end of hassle round here got on the wrong side of some jakies
There was a big fight and she ended up being badly slashed with a bottle - pumping blood from a head wound - clothes all soaked in blood and ripped off

she dragged herself to the houses and eventualy passed out on someones driveway

I have heard from several different people that they saw the whole thing starting - when it was just a fight

did they call the police - no - she deserved it - one woman even went for a bath

when the woman was getting slashed did they call for help - no

when she passed out from loss of blood did people rush to help her

no people came out to cover her up cos the children in the street might see her b00bs!!
then finaly somone flagged a police car

are we such an uncaring people that we can look on and watch that kind of thing happening and not even from the safty of our net curtains pick up the phone and get help??

I feel sick that people could just watch and let that happen
no matter how bad someone has been

- this was sat afternoon - when there were plenty f people about
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07-08-2008, 11:10 PM
I am speechless, how can people just stand by and even worse watch?
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Blackie's Mum
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08-08-2008, 06:37 AM
i would not have stood by and done nothing even if she was my worse enemy. but most people dont even seem to care these days

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Vodka Vixen
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08-08-2008, 06:59 AM
God, thats awful, its that "not my business, dont want to get involved" mentality. I dont get on with all my neighbours but that would go out the window if any of them needed help.

Hope she is ok, even if she does cause trouble, no-one deserves that!
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08-08-2008, 07:08 AM
Hope she's ok. I think alot of people, just walk on by now-a-days.

Nothing like it used to be years ago, when I was a child my mom could leave her front door open, for anyone to pop in and have a chat or borrow a cup of sugar.

Now-a-days if you did that, the place would be robbed (sugar and all) and you be stabbed in the process.........all the neighbours would walk on by, they'd be saying '''it's her own fault shouldn't leave her door open'''
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08-08-2008, 07:26 AM
That is shocking doesn't matter what people have done in the past, there is no excuse not to help even if it is just calling the Police when it starts to kick off, you don't have to get physically involved.
Makes them as bad as her really IMO.
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Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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08-08-2008, 09:17 AM
I heard she got out of hospital so it looks like she is going to be OK
Agree it makes them at least as bad as her
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08-08-2008, 09:22 AM
Thats awful, like you say you don't have to actually get involved, just pick up the phone and call 999 its hardly a huge effort.

Its good she seems to be making a recovery but scary to think if she hadn't the thought of doing nothing wouldn't even prey on those peoples conscious. Makes me ashamed to be part of mankind
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08-08-2008, 09:32 AM
I dont think we are an uncaring society as such much how many cases do you here of people getting involved and coming off worse or people defending their property and ending up in trouble themselfs? I think people think of this before helping now.

With the incident you mentioned I do think no harm would have been done by phoning the police and tbh I would. But you say this women has "has caused no end of hassle" so that may have played a part, I know I have met people in the past who if I found passed out I would think twice before helping(I no doubt would though) but without knowing what had gone with this woman I wouldnt comment on why they did nothing.
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08-08-2008, 09:36 AM
ho awful doesnt matter how nasty she is all someone had to do was call the police and ambulance
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