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05-02-2013, 07:19 AM

Morning Dogsey daily thread (Tuesday).

Morning all.
Sorry haven't been onto yesterdays thread to catchup as Dillon is being a pain this morning something is on the wind.
The sooner those furry plums come off the better now and hopefully it will be sooner rather than later now Gorden has this unexpected job come up in Nigeria.

I have caught Gorden's pesky cold not as bad as before thank goodness that was flu but annoying and draining none the less.
Weather cold here and it feels a bit damp too.

Wishing all poorly doglets, and humans well soon and will catch up later.

Have a nice Tuesday, wrap up warm and take care.
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Tang is offline  
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05-02-2013, 07:27 AM
Good morning! Trying to summon up the motivation to traipse along to Cablenet today to arrange for my internet to be connected at the new flat.

Cyprus is a country where most do everything 'in person' at the offices and the queues go out the doors and up the road from the second they open.

Also kicking myself for forgetting to post a parcel to my daughter (bought her a nice dress in the sales) so it's a few boring things that will take up most of my day coz that's how it is here in the land of manyana, manyana not least of all because both places it's tricky to park.

But sun not so fierce today so I might be able to combine them with taking muttley on her afternoon walk if it stays this way - I can leave her in the car while I go in.

Puzzling why nothing is syncing properly between laptop, tablet and phone and realise when my son set the smaller ones up at Xmas he used gmail for my email - I am actually still googlemail so altho mail for both will arrive in inbox - it is seeing them as two separate accounts - grrrrrr.
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05-02-2013, 07:39 AM
Morning Lynn /
Sorry to hear you've caught Gordens cold ,and Dillon being a rascal
Battled wind and rain yesterday ,now back to snow we've had a fair dumping ,dogs will love it though
Not much on today ,freezer to sort out ,stuff to post ,and just the usual housework grrr.
Take care of yourself ,maybe a lemsip or two
Have a good day everyone take care n stay safe whatever your up to xxxxxxxx
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lore is offline  
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05-02-2013, 07:40 AM
Morning all,

Blimey it's cold here. Its been snowing, but it's not lying so no snow day for me so tired this morning cause I woke up coughing.

So work and hoping to get away earlier today cause I have to go to Dingwall to pick up some bits for the detachment. Then I'm going to get on with the assignment.
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05-02-2013, 07:47 AM
Morning Lynn, Pat, Norma, Lorraine and everyone

I just typed a looooooong post, then did a refresh to see who'd appeared before hitting the post button and it's now gone!!!! Grrrrr.

I'll be back later then, cos I need to get out with Zena now.

Hope everyone is well along with the doglets and I'll catch you all later then
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05-02-2013, 07:48 AM
Good morning one and all.

Same old, same old for us today if it doesn't snow <YUK>. Please send some of the Cyprian sunshine and just a teensy bit of the warmth over here. You can keep most of the heat mind, just send enough so that it's cardigan weather - I like cardigan weather

Dave has his eye on a plastic shed. We have an 8 x 6 one already, but the bikes and lawnmower mean that you nearly kill yourself getting stuff in and out. The one he has is eye on is 6 x 6 and is about 15 miles from us, but it all depends how much they want for it.

Rosie has had another good night thank heavens and is full of beans this morning and raring to go

Whatever you lot are up to, enjoy. Keep warm (or cool depending where you are in the World) and stay safe.

Hope all our people and doggies are well or at least on the mend.

Have a good 'un all
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madmare is offline  
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05-02-2013, 07:57 AM
Morning Lynn and all,

Went to bed about quarter to 1 this morning woke up bang on quarter to 4 so I got up and made a coffee and went back to bed. After drinking that I managed to get another hour, so thats an improvement.

I am thinking of going and joining slimming world this morning as they have a meeting near me at 9.15 this morning. I am not sure how much it costs, so will have to enquire as to whether I can afford to do it when I get there. I do need to shift this excess weight though.

I think I had better get a move on if I am going there as need to shower, get rubbish out for refuse men and feed the dogs.

Hope Dillon settles down for you soon Lynn.

Have a good day all.
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05-02-2013, 08:28 AM
Morning Lynn, morning girls,

Blooming parky here, but sunny.

Lynn I'm sorry that Dillon is pining again - the sooner the better for his man-hood bits.

Pat - I hope you get all those jobs done which are necessary but not much fun.

Chris - Good ol' Rosie.

Bev - Not much sleep again for you Do you think its possible that your brain is hard wired to wake up so early as you've been doing it for so! Could you take a dose of 'night-nurse' or something that will help you get out of the habit of waking. A few good nights could sort you .... (((hugs))).

Lore and Norma - have a good day and keep warm.

I'm just washing the dog bedding having washed the floor, skirting board and wall where presumably Rucksack must have been munching on a piece of wood yesterday and brought it all up ....... makes me so mad. He really is not a bright dog.He is absolutely fine but he just eats everything always.!!

Of to see Mum this morning and will be staying for lunch with her so will check in again after lunch. Keep warm and enjoy our day.
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05-02-2013, 08:42 AM
Morning Lynn, morning all,

Sorry to hear that Dillon is being difficult again Lynn and that you have cotched Gorden's cold - generous of him, not! Lorraine coughing, Bev still not sleeping, thankfully I think I have finally left the roll call of the coughs, splutters, and the Dastardly one seems to have gone. Hopefully for good this time.

Apologies to those I have missed.

Slight [meaning a lot] embarrassment for me this morning as I zonked off again after the usual Pereg dosing, only to be woken by my water delivery guys so I opened the trissim and called out that I wanted four containers, grabbed a dressing gown and went to open the door, and it was nearly 10am! They have it on the delivery notes not to come before 8.30am [after one route change meant that I was first delivery at 6.30am] but this was the first time since then that I have not been up and ready!

Sun in Cypress? Oi Pat, tell it to please shift slightly eastwards as it is is overcast and a wee bit on the chilly side again here.

Hope all poorly 2- and 4-legged ones are well on the way to recovery.

Keep warm, keep safe, and enjoy your day everyone!
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Sal is offline  
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05-02-2013, 09:03 AM
Morning Lynn,morning all

Cold here,windy but sunny
Had a practice run with O/H this morning ready for thursday,as he has to be washed,changed and in the car by 9am,we just did it with 5 mins to spare
His knee is still very swollen and if I am honest doesn't look any better than it did 3 weeks ago

Off to Tesco to get something for tea,undecided at the moment....

Have a good day all x
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