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trikeschick is offline  
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12-05-2006, 10:43 PM

The adventures of Suki (Dobermann)

Hello Dogwebbers - I'm Suki, my mum of course being trikeschick. My mum seems to spend a lot of time on Dogweb so I thought I'd have a go too!

My real name is Kerlou Sunshine and I have 10 brothers and sisters. I was born on 2 January 2006 in Portsmouth but now live in Wales although I'm a little confused because I have a Saltire dog bone charm round my neck

Here's me when I was just five weeks old:

I was part of a big surprise for my mum . My new daddy and the two legged puppies came to see me and the gang when I was very little. Being the smallest in the litter I had to stand on the others to see what was happening. I have big brown eyes so of course they all fell in love with me instantly I got lots of cuddles from them and Daddy promised he'd come back and get me.

Weeks went by and I was beginning to think he'd forgotten about me. Lots of my brothers and sisters were leaving and I was very sad

One day though I was put in the car and had to go on a very long journey - I realised that something exciting was happening and was very happy when my Daddy appeared. He told me I had to be very quiet and had to look cute as Mummy didn't know that I was coming to stay. I was very good and gave her lots of cuddles and kisses.

You can see how cute I am in this photo - I use this face everytime I've been naughty

I liked my new home until they tried to put me in the cage - they called it a puppy pen but it's got bars and I know it's a cage. It was quite funny when my Daddy sat in the pen to try to persuade me that it was mine:

but as well as being cute I'm very clever and opted for one of the two legged puppy's lap:

I cried when they put me in the pen that first night I was scared and lonely so Daddy kindly let me sleep beside him for the first week on the couch.

Once I showed them that I wouldn't pee in the middle of the night (I'm very good at crossing my legs) they let me upstairs to sleep. I don't misbehave and sleep in my own bed - anyway they're always fighting over the covers and I'd never get the beauty sleep I need if I was acutally in the bed!

I'm now four months old and having problems because my legs have grown faster than the rest of my body! I spend my day playing with my Dad and when the two-legged puppies come home from school I can't wait to go out to play with them.

This is me stealing the measuring cup so they will chase me round the garden

I've got to go now as it's nearly my bedtime but I'll come back soon with tales of my latest adventures.

PS - would love to hear from the other Dobie pups on Dogweb - what do you all do for entertainment?

My hobbies are: stealing socks, stealing food, stealing Mum's fluffy cushions and going for walks
My favourite food: socks
My favourite toy: I've got a whole box full of toys but I love my tennis ball
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Bodhi is offline  
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13-05-2006, 11:23 PM
Great page
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13-05-2006, 11:36 PM
Gorgeous so lucky to have such a beautiful doglet
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14-05-2006, 10:20 AM
Hello Suki, my name is Rio and i am 14 weeks old and a little stunner because all Dobie puppies are.
I have my own toy box full of toys too but my favourite toy is definately my big brother Sydney. He is the mutts nutts as they say.
My favourite hobby is looking gorgeous and aggravating Syd.( although i do try to steal socks they are usually a bit quick for me and make me put them down.)
Favourite food is anything Syd is having. His food always tastes so much better than mine. They bought him one of those bowls that is 18" tall but i am growing so fast i can nick his food without even jumping up now.
And going for walks over the woods is the best isn't it, except other dogs always want to butt in and ruin my games with Syd. He goes off and plays with his staffy mate louis and his mate chucky the siberian husky and i struggle to keep up with them. I think when i am a bit bigger they will let me join in because they are quite nice to me. Louis has taught me how to dig up the grass and lay down in the hole if i get hot. anyway off for my walk now, stay in touch and Roxy will no doubt be along in a mo.
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09-06-2006, 07:36 PM
Friday 9 June

Well I'm a whole five months old now and boy am I having fun! The weather is just lovely just now so I've been playing in the pool with the big puppies:

I've been learning new things every day. Mum spent a whole week with me when my Daddy went to the TT. I wanted to go to but he said I was too little but maybe next year if I can be good.

I'm a bit worried about Mum though as whenever we go out she keeps repeating herself - all she ever says is heel! I'm not quite sure if I'm meant to be doing something but everytime I walk beside her I get a treat so I'm not going to complain.

I've met some new friends too - a beagle called Stanley, a border collie x called Gemma and an annoying little furry thing called Treacle. Stanley keeps stealing my ball in the park but I don't mind cos he's kinda cute

My big brother came over to visit me on Wednesday. He's a lot bigger than me and kept stealing my toys and my bone. Mum had to go to pets at home to buy more so we could have one each but by the time she came back we were too tired and settled down for the night (that's me on the right):

Well it's bed time for me. I've had my bath, which was so refreshing because I'm really hot with this jacket on! Don't know how my big cousins (Jack and Barney) are doing in their big furry coats? But Mum says they're probably okay because they live in Scotland and it's never that warm there!

I'm moving to Scotland in a few weeks so Aunty Emm has said she will make me a nice coat to keep me warm. I wonder if I can get one that will make me look like Jack and Barney:

This is Jack - he's the oldest

and Barney

night night
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DobieGirl is offline  
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12-06-2006, 10:36 AM
Aww i missed your update. Roxys says your piccys are beautiful
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Berger is offline  
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12-06-2006, 10:47 AM
Great page. Love the story to go along with the pics. Keep em coming
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duboing is offline  
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16-06-2006, 10:09 PM
Oh, I love Suki! (We used to have a pup called suki so I am very biased!) Keep the stories coming!
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25-09-2006, 10:28 PM
Monday 25 September

Well I've now managed to shake my welsh accent and speaking like a true Scot! Not bad to be multi-lingual at only 9 months old.

I'm starting to love my new home in Scotland - lots of new places to go and of course I get to visit my big cousins lots now.

I'm very friendly with my new vet - had a couple of incidents where I hurt my leg but they were really nice and made it all better for me. Then I had to spend the day there and they gave me some medicine that made me very sleepy - when I woke up I was scared and my tummy hurt but I got lots of kisses and cuddles when my Daddy came and picked me up. They tried to make me wear a big cone round my neck but the nurse gave up (I won!!!). Now I'm allowed to play with all the boy dogs which is just great

Me and my Dad - taking in the views near our house

My first visit to the seaside
I went to the beach for the first time last weekend. Strange stuff that sand but I practised my crab moves as it was easier walking sideways on it. I had no idea you could get a bath so big and it kept racing towards me. Mum duped me into jumping right in the water - she threw a stone and I leapt right in after it - won't be doing that in a hurry again.

My big cousins have been there lots of times and they were laughing at me for not playing in the water - but they looked more like sand creatures than collies - and at least I didn't have sand in awkward places

Mum forgot to take the camera - typical - my big day out and it wasn't recorded for you to see but I'll make sure she does next time.
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IanTaylor is offline  
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26-09-2006, 06:42 AM
Brill pics and a great story
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