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24-01-2011, 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelM View Post
What kind of physical injury could be sustained as a direct result of the collar?
Skin irritation - common (see manufactuers manuals). Allergic reaction is quite common. Necrosis (deadening of the skin often over an underlying reaction to skin contact with the collar prongs). Burning (often denied, but vets report it as such and I have no reason to doubt them).

You make a good point - it is a tool which has a specific purpose, and if used responsibly can lead to a beneficial outcome (there is evidence in support of positive applications). I think it comes down to individual responsibility/ownership.
Physical aversives can work/appear to work - never denied it. We have no statistics, however, to say what percentage of dogs they work with and what percentage they don't. We know they don't always work - ask any trainer/behaviourist as most have dealt with the fall-out at one time or another and the fall-out is often devastating - in fact, far worse than the original problem. Of course, many would question how responsible it is to deliberately inflict physical pain/discomfort on an animal especially when the outcome of doing so is far from certain.

Had a quick scan of some of the latest replies (£10 collars - yes I'm surprised), I'm inclined to believe that if someone treats their dog as described and chooses to go down this route then no amount of legislation will stop them.
A complete ban would allow for reporting of dogs wearing such collars as they are obvious to spot so whilst not completely stopping them, it would diminish numbers considerably and serve to put many law abiding people off purchasing them in the first place.

I know it's unregulated -see 996.

Wandering a bit into the realms of "If I were King", but....

The Lyme Bay canoeing tragedy led to the formation of AALA - Adventure activities licensing ensures that activity providers follow good safety management practices.. Is it too unreasonable that a similar model be followed for dog training?
The Companion Animal Welfare Council are looking into it, but it's a minefield. The biggest problem, of course, being that no one can agree what would constitute the minimum requirements for dog trainers and whether training methods should be taken into consideration. You think the e-collar debate is a 'biggie'? You ain't seen nothing yet

There seems to be a constatnt barrage of calls for changes in dog law, why not have a complete overhaul - do aay with BSL while we're at it. Funding - how much does it cost to keep all the "type dogs"?

simply because there is no 'will' to do so in the places that matter. I believe, and please feel free anyone to correct me if I'm wrong, that in the office looking into the e-collar situation, not one of those in charge or the staff themselves are dog owners.

Quite right too, it's always good to have questioning minds - which is why I won't fall unquestioningly into line with calls for the abolition for e-collars. Let's have the studies, analyse the results, then make a decision based on sound thinking - not an emotional gut reaction.
The problem of ethics and welfare surface again. The first calls from DEFRA for the current studies failed because no university could have possibly got the original proposals through their ethics committee - neither would they have wanted to. Who in their right minds would want to test the collars thoroughly and fully on dogs?? No one with any conscience, that's for sure.

It was implied earlier in this thread that dogs would be better off PTS than falling into the hands of AP. He posted a video his dogs playing which implies at least some quality of life. Maybe not the magic pill, but a useful training method (under the right conditions, and IMO).
I try very hard not to get into personality bashing although I will question and comment on what people post and the training method they adopt. The videos AP put on here (didn't look at them all, but did see the early ones showing the JRT) show an unhappy dog. I read the reported problems this dog presented when AP first got him and, to be honest, there are far kinder ways to address them that are very effective and don't keep the dog in a heightened state of tension. This I find sad.
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24-01-2011, 06:49 PM
Who is this arthur kent bloke michael mentioned?
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24-01-2011, 06:50 PM
A.....gain was nothing to do with me asking, it was to do with C & D stating she doesnt see why she should do it
Yet at the same time saying why adam should!
And also a....gain, what n'the hell have someone elses posst, which i have never even seen, got to do with what I have been saying?????????????
I have ONLY ever said im talking about what and how C & D wrote.
Should i just say why are you asking me all your questions, go and read someone elses posts, im sure they have talked about something similar in their time.
I mean, come on, seriously....

Look back at your own posts KW and you will see fine what its got to do with it. Your analogy, according to you, has a major flaw;
You could show me a photo of your broken leg, even show me x-rays if you want. Then you can show me a photo of a pot hole. Then, since open to scrutiny, they may not hold up - I might say but how does that prove the broken leg was caused by the pot hole. It just means there was a pot hole and you had a broken leg, not that the pot hole was the cause.

At last!!! Exactly. Just what Michael said to clare when she posted random pics of dogs with burns!
so whats the big deal then, if they are useless why pester to see them in the first place.......

Same way michael wanted the references and then didnt think they were good enough or whatever.

No, he never said that. He commented upon clair commenting that referances werent necessary and were for pedants!
That is the bit im commenting upon!!!
No, he commented that it was bad practice to supply a blog as a reference to a scientific claim (which I dont believe she made? certainly not the first person to claim an e-collar can cause physical damage..), even though it was a vet and that is where they came from.....really besides the point. Point is you are so hung up on the fact that I didnt agree with your manner, not the request; and that I havent changed my mind even though you just keep posting the same nonsense over and over You keep trying to convince me that I do not get 'the point' when I get it fine. Dosnt mean I need to worship you. I have my own opinions and I am happy about that I do not need you to validate them for me based on whether or not you think 'its right'

SO you couldnt win could you. Making references (according to you) pointless anyway, if the person requesting them deems them so.

Blimey....this really aint that hard!
It was C & D that said they werent necessary!
and then she posted them!!
Im not making that position myself, im complaining about that position!

The referances THEN being provided afterward is a further separate supplementary issue, as, yes, they did pose questions of their own. But this is NOT what i have been discussing all ths time!
because you are in your own world when it comes to someone not agreeing with your manner

how on earth can the same issue be a seperate one thats a joke. Could you try any harder to twist this round to your own benefit...

Oh, and about avoiding questions.....I will ask again, for a third time. Why do you call me a 'purist'? On what grounds etc?
I answer that several posts back!
The bit about its not good enough you are anti adam or anti ecollar, you have to be both in a certain correct way.

first of all the words 'pot' 'kettle' and 'black' come to mind!!! ever heard that song, Man In The Mirror...

Please explain why someone who acts in a certain and correct manner is labelled a 'purist' I may need to tell my lecturer that she is a purist as she only passes assements that are of a certain and correct way.....perhaps since my uncle dosnt like the smell of smoke he is a purist, perhaps my employer is only hiring people who dress a certain and correct way for the interview he is a purist

btw - if I am against e-collar use and both AP and Michael are advocting this then it is very obvious I will be in disagreement with both, in fact I would say it makes perfect sense, so given that, how exactly does that make me a purist?

For a more recent referance, see the post i just replied to C & D.

Or the post made by Brierley which picked up on this aspect.

black and white, purist, dogmatic, whatever term, its not important.If you call someone a purist, I think if they feel the need to ask you why, it is important - perhaps you can provide a reference for that?
its a fair question to ask me, but a side one to my main issue

So I am only supposed to ask you certain questions based on what issue you feel like discussing at the time? Not about why you called me a purist

Last edited by Krusewalker : Yesterday at 10:15 PM.
KW - you just need to accept the fact that I have the basic right to an opinion of my own and that no matter how many times you post the same drivel in a different format, I will be keeping my opinion as is. Please do not continue to lower yourself over and over again by trying to imply that I am not understanding your point. I understand perfectly (as you know I do) I just did not agree with the manner (as I have repeated numerous times)

Please stop taking this thread OT (and wasting both of our times) for your own glory,point scoring game, of; 'I am right all the way'

You have wasted enough of my time, your time and other people who have subscribed to this thread.
Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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24-01-2011, 06:51 PM
I think of course there will be people who will use them wheter they are legal or not
reading the listings on ebay
'humane, safe, kind, effective, fast'
and on a couple of them they also boast you can work 2 collars off of the one handset - 'training' 2 dogs at once!!

If they were illegal they wouldnt be so easy to get hold of and people would be less tempted by this cheep magic cure

can i ask adam and michael
do you believe that they should be so simply and freely available to members of the public?
do you think there should be any restrictions/guidelines for their sale and use?
do you believe in the wrong hands they could have any negative impacts on dogs?
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24-01-2011, 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Dobermann View Post
KW - you just need to accept the fact that I have the basic right to an opinion of my own

of course you do

and that no matter how many times you post the same drivel in a different format, I will be keeping my opinion as is. Please do not continue to lower yourself over and over again by trying to imply that I am not understanding your point. I understand perfectly (as you know I do) I just did not agree with the manner (as I have repeated numerous times)

Please stop taking this thread OT (and wasting both of our times) for your own point scoring game, of; 'I am right all the way'
i thought you worried about going on....
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24-01-2011, 07:02 PM
KW: At last!!! Exactly. Just what Michael said to clare when she posted random pics of dogs with burns!
DB: so whats the big deal then, if they are useless why pester to see them in the first place.......
i think you may be getting confused, Clair posted those pictures of her own free will.

you just agreed with what i have been saying thru your reply to my broken leg and pot hole analogy.
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24-01-2011, 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Krusewalker View Post
i thought you worried about going on....

dont know what you mean KW, I'm not worried about anything but thanks for your concern

Back to topic; I have seen a dog trained by e-collar and it had the most ODD behaviour you have ever seen. Hard to even describe, but clearly phycologically distressed.

I think to make them illegal would make it less easy for people 'at thier wits end' without much of a clue to be drawn in but it will not get rid of them all unfortunatley. There are some people who shock dogs purley for fun (watching them in distress) These people surley cant abide by the law or have much respect for it? (with such low morals) however I do think its a good move.

As someone said, ebay listings etc wouldnt be there for a start.
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24-01-2011, 07:20 PM
Doberman: Look back at your own posts KW and you will see fine what its got to do with it
I think that is a fair enough point.
Can you help me though, as i cannot remember.
Can you quote the piece of post where i discussed photos of dog burns from e collars by posted by other members?

Who posted the other photos, i havent seen them?

many thanks

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24-01-2011, 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Skin irritation - common (see manufactuers manuals). Allergic reaction is quite common. Necrosis (deadening of the skin often over an underlying reaction to skin contact with the collar prongs). Burning (often denied, but vets report it as such and I have no reason to doubt them).

Surely, skin irritation/reaction is just that - the operator becomes irrelevant. So, experienced e-collar trainer or not is not important.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post

Physical aversives can work/appear to work - never denied it. We have no statistics, however, to say what percentage of dogs they work with and what percentage they don't. We know they don't always work - ask any trainer/behaviourist as most have dealt with the fall-out at one time or another and the fall-out is often devastating - in fact, far worse than the original problem. Of course, many would question how responsible it is to deliberately inflict physical pain/discomfort on an animal especially when the outcome of doing so is far from certain.
Responsible caring owner first. PR. Consistent training. If needed, behavioural consultation/professional advice. Still got a problem, consider the aversive alternatives.

No statistics on that, but if that's how it was, I suspect not many would make it to the aversive stage, and fewer would be abandoned/PTS.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post

A complete ban would allow for reporting of dogs wearing such collars as they are obvious to spot so whilst not completely stopping them, it would diminish numbers considerably and serve to put many law abiding people off purchasing them in the first place.

I believe it would drive their use underground, or, without being able to seek advice about using lead to more abandoned dogs - JMO.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post

The Companion Animal Welfare Council are looking into it, but it's a minefield. The biggest problem, of course, being that no one can agree what would constitute the minimum requirements for dog trainers and whether training methods should be taken into consideration. You think the e-collar debate is a 'biggie'? You ain't seen nothing yet

simply because there is no 'will' to do so in the places that matter. I believe, and please feel free anyone to correct me if I'm wrong, that in the office looking into the e-collar situation, not one of those in charge or the staff themselves are dog owners.
Politics and self interest, whilst the dogs suffer and pay the price.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post

The problem of ethics and welfare surface again. The first calls from DEFRA for the current studies failed because no university could have possibly got the original proposals through their ethics committee - neither would they have wanted to. Who in their right minds would want to test the collars thoroughly and fully on dogs?? No one with any conscience, that's for sure.
Difficult (ok - impossibe).

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post

I try very hard not to get into personality bashing although I will question and comment on what people post and the training method they adopt. The videos AP put on here (didn't look at them all, but did see the early ones showing the JRT) show an unhappy dog. I read the reported problems this dog presented when AP first got him and, to be honest, there are far kinder ways to address them that are very effective and don't keep the dog in a heightened state of tension. This I find sad.
Pressure from owners for a quick result has been mentioned previously. I know of owners who have given up on their dogs, and dogs that have been put to sleep - all down to human failing.

I've said it before, but if using an e-collar avoids a dog being given up on, abandoned in the streets, put in a pound where many are PTS - it's a price I find acceptable. I know you disagree, but we'll just have to disagree....

You've worn me out

Thanks for the discussion.

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24-01-2011, 07:22 PM
michael, Who is arthur kent
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