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06-01-2010, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Navajo View Post
You cannot 'right' all of the 'wrong' in the world though Spot, say you did achieve your goal of abolishing greyhound racing, worldwide (personally think it won't happen in my lifetime!), what next? There will still be animal cruelty and aslong as man is on this earth it will continue. And it's not just animals, lions eating zebras alive, comodo dragons eating mammals when they're still alive. I'm afraid it's life, though I'm not condoning it.

You may not be condoning it but you're resigning yourself to it. What a lame attitude and a very poor excuse not to actively to try and stop the cruelty. And you're confusing the cruelty of nature - for survival - with the cruelty of greyhound racing - for gambling - huge difference!

"Man is the only animal known to kill for fun"
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06-01-2010, 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by tazer View Post
I just don't agree that all people involved in greyhounds, don't care about their dogs, I refuse to generalise an entire group of people like that. Itslike saying that all hells angels are murderers, or that all muslims are terrorists, because of the actions of some.

Everyone who trains and races greyhounds on an oval track competing against 5 other greyhounds are knowingly subjecting their greyhound to high risk of injury.

IMO - Anyone who prioritises the welfare of their dogs would NOT do this and those that do are simply placing a higher value of their self servings needs - financial or emotional - above the welfare of their dogs.
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06-01-2010, 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Navajo View Post
You got the link for Graham Hutt? I know how you get 'link withdrawl symptoms' if you don't post one every few hours... Please see the funny side of that comment. Wonder if they checked the horses aswell?

We won't follow in their footsteps, I mean, A) that's one state not a country as a whole, many states have banned wolfdogs/wolf hybrids, they're legal throughout Europe and B) Just as Ireland hasn't followed in our footsteps regarding several major issues (non greyhound related) I'm very sure that we won't be banning greyhound racing in the near future. The government (Labour government ) has made such a mess of the country financially that they need every penny of those gambling taxes.

ETS: 7500 pups is an estimatation, but I know how very fond of those you are. But it was in a leading greyhound mag, Jan issue.
GH link

Was the estimate in The Star?
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06-01-2010, 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by Navajo View Post
And that is the feelings of the vast majority within the industry. Look at the uproar over Zigzag kennels before C's statement. They were all totally appalled.
What uproar?
Who was appalled?
What action did they take?

He's still recklessly breeding, abusing, neglecting, destroying, exploiting and selling greyhounds to highest bidder - universities included!!!!!!!
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06-01-2010, 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by galty View Post
Called Greyhound racing
No - its called live music!
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06-01-2010, 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by galty View Post
But not to the extremes that you have stated in the past.
There are no extremes about it..........
A self regulated industry - who dismiss the laws of this land and protects owners and trainers who care to break the law.
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06-01-2010, 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jodie View Post
Totally agree with all former comments.
Thank you for taking your time to speak for these wonderful passive creatures who are continually exploited by the greyhound racing industry in their 10's of thousands.
Is no one going to even attempt to defend this industry?
Can not a single member say anything positive about this so called 'sport'?
Not surprising really, when you are faced with people who can defend themselves, the greyhounds and speak out against the industry.
No.....we are not the harmless voiceless animals who you control, work, abuse, slaughter and exploit because of your sheer greed for money.

Well I had better go back to hugging my tree, looking at my hairy legs and arm pits, looking for a lesbian lover and collecting my dole........

Think the defenders are doing a good job.
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06-01-2010, 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by chaz View Post
Well maybe I will! Seriously what a ridiculious comment, you don't know anything about me and my dogs, all the stuff that we have gone through, and how much Diesel has changed since I got him, I could of given him up long ago if I didn't love him, he sure has been hard work, and now I want to look for something that would be for fun for me and the dogs.

The experience I have is from talking to people involved in the sport, I use to be a anti, look back in this thread, I even got a added rep from you , but I've listened to people, went to a few races, volunteered in a rescue home for Staffs, and got a little experience from Greyhound kennels from that aswell, I had a friend in scholl whose Auntie bred and raced these dogs too, and saw hers occanisally, although I've since lost contact, well a lot has happened since school!! I've also learnt a lot more about working dogs too, and I plan on getting a lot more experience from these kennels.

Oh and I use to have a Greyhound is for life, not just for racing sticker too, and had in it the family car. .
Arh now I understand you think I have no experience regarding the ‘sport’ and am just out of school fair or incapable of learning as you have done, so you do know all about me then?

However, it is possible that may just maybe I and others do have a little experience in rescue and the industry and still shock horror I am anti an industry that breeds far too many dogs, thinks its fine to pts or put in rescue. Do you honestly believe that you are the only one who can learn things, the only one to look at things with an open mind yet still come to different conclusions to others? Are you the only person who has volunteered in rescue, or have any experience at all? You assume that anybody who is anti has not listened, done their research, gone to tracks and trainers, never volunteered in rescue – a bit presumptuous given you do not know what people on here have done and still do? It seems only pro people have had any involvement at all – the rest of us poor misguided smucks are just stupid.

I do know what you have done for Diesel and as you say have reppied you (how nice of you to throw them back in my face so publicly) – you’ve done wonders and I agree you should do all you can to make him happy and find him something to do. But as you say you would not think of giving him up if he doesn’t like racing or cannot do it – why is it ok for others to do it then?

Your right I should bow to your obviously superior experience and stop wasting my time trying to stop the cruelty and just accept it.

I take it the sticker is gone then? A dog (or is it just greyhounds) is not for life?

Originally Posted by chaz View Post
Its not justifying it, its just stating facts, Greyhound racing is a sport that people have very high opionions of, one way or the other, its kind of like marmite in a way things happen there, but things happen everywhere, if you really wanted to stop cruelty to animals you would stop people having them, as that would be one sure fire way, oh and you'd also have to stop people getting into contact with wild animals too, as there have been people who cover them in glue, and hit them with golf clubs.
Yes some people hold it in high regard – and support it unstintingly, however there are just as many or more who do not hold it in such high esteem as you do. Again I suppose you think these are the people who have never had any involvement or experience of it. The vast majority of people I know abhor it, what goes on behind the closed doors and what happens to these dogs after racing and strange as it may seem to you and you probably will not believe me anyway – they are heavily involved in the rescue of these beautiful dogs, have done and still have dialogue with trainers etc begging to take the dogs instead of a one way visit to the vets or Seaham.

Yes and you point is? This is about commercial greyhound racing! I don’t condone any form of cruelty whether its under the banner of greyhound racing, fur trade whatever, just because it goes on does not mean I have ‘understand and accept it’.

Can I ask what you mean by saying ‘if I really wanted to stop cruelty’ are you actually saying that I don’t! Just because you accept that there is cruelty in the industry does not mean I have to however it does not mean I wish to see people stop having pets – why on earth do I have 5 dogs then or unlike Tazer you do think I just do it to look good? Do you think people are incapable of owning animals without cruelty? Again you come up with the wild animal thing – two wrongs do not make a right! You say you understand and accept that there is cruelty in this world and then go on to condemn those who try to do something to stop it? Is it really all a waste of my time and effort into getting dog to safety and homes to you, should those involved in getting any dog out of a cruel situation just sit there and say ‘oh well you have to understand it happens you know’”.
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06-01-2010, 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jodie View Post
You may not be condoning it but you're resigning yourself to it. What a lame attitude and a very poor excuse not to actively to try and stop the cruelty. And you're confusing the cruelty of nature - for survival - with the cruelty of greyhound racing - for gambling - huge difference!

"Man is the only animal known to kill for fun"
That quotation is a crock of sh*te! Cats, Jaguars, foxes. What about hounds? They certainly don't eat the fox once it's killed. Terriers? They don't ever try to eat the rats when we have a blast in the sheds/barns, so what are they killing for? FUN! Regardless of whether man bred the instincts into it or not, it is still an animal, your quotation is yet another untruth!

I am resigning myself to the fact that cruelty in varying forms will always grace the planet! I am however in full support of eradicating cruelty within the Greyhound industry.
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06-01-2010, 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Navajo View Post
Personally, aslong as the greyhound is loved, warm, comfy, fed, exercised etc I couldn't give a damn if the antis, the queen or the pope adopted one, it's the dogs that matter. It's a little silly for any pro to say an anti has only adopted a retired racer to 'look good', I won't be keeping my racers until old age to make myself 'look good' to the antis and it works both ways.

Yes, it does. Actions speak louder than words.

Both pictured are girlies, it wasn't long until she came running back to me with a 'please put my rugs on!!' look in her eyes How old is your old girl?
I don’t think the corgies would take to a greyhound!!!

Thank you I’m glad someone see's that and doesn’t just think I have no experience or am just out of school and some sort of evangelist! I do really care x

My old girl who I recently 'lost' was only 10 and my heart dog, Ness- who knows she was dumped with a broken toe and her tats have been scrubbed and so untraceable. The nearest we can get is a fawn dog - erm no shes a speckled black bitch - and mad as a box of frogs! She's certainly not very old around 4 now we think!

You do realise they practise those eyes and having been watching the cat in Shrek for years now?
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