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16-05-2010, 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
Muntjac are a real pain. None Native, should be eradicated IMO, Wild Boar are now being culled, bet the antis are pleased that the releasing of them has got them all shot, just like the Mink! Sika Deer are breeding with Reds, I also think something needs to be done there, likewise with Grey Squirrels, to preserve the Reds. Badgers are being culled again, a sure sign that all the "good" has gone bad!
I'm with you here Dawn.

Whilst personally I'm happy for animals that would still be here if we hadn't blasted them into extinction, to be re-released into suitable areas. However, I feel that animals that we introduced and that pose a threat to native wildlife e.g grey squirrels should be irradicated without ecception.

As for foxes.

As I've said previously, we removed larger predators such as wolves from this island, by doing so, we removed part of the balance of our native ecosystem, the part that would have helped keep foxes in check.

Now we have to do their job, wether you, I or anyone else likes it, we've made the bed, now we've got to lie in it, as uncomfortable as it may be for some.

There aren't any hunts round here as far as I'm aware, so I've never been on one. If I was given the chance to do so, than yes I would, I'd like to see it from the inside, not just from the fence.

I can't comment on the reasons why all people go on fox hunts, I've got no doubt that some if not many will just use it as an excuse to go riding across land they prob wouldn't be able to otherwise with a pack of hounds and horses.

Of course there will be some also, that enjoy the thrill of the chase and of the kill, but honistly, what do people expect, we are predators after all.

We've spent more time in our evolution hunting and surviving in the wild, than we have attempting to be civilised and playing politics. As I said on another forum, we may have the capacity for higher thinking, but that doesn't automaticly mean that that part of our brain is going to be dominent in every situation.

Creating a world around us hasn't removed our more primal instincts, just buried them deeper, in many people.

Hunting for sport, whilst not something I'd personaly think I'd enjoy (though as I've never had the inclination to try it, I wouldn't truely know) is still a part of our nature as a species, like it is for others.

Which is why imo, you can never stop people from doing it, until you truely understand what drives it, only when you've found the trigger can you engage the safety. You can call it barbaric, you can shout from the rooftops about how wrong you find it, you can ban it, but that won't stop it.

God, I need to stop turning my posts into essays.
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16-05-2010, 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Agree with Montysmum - can we get back on topic please.

The 'we don't do it for fun' doesn't wash with anyone I'm afraid Dawn - not sure what animals you're on about or what you do personally, but with fox hunting - if they didn't enjoy it they wouldn't go to all the trouble/the ritual/the 'sport'.

There are more humane and, civilised ways to control overpopulation/the 'problem'.
Please could you tell me what more humane and civilised ways you have in mind? The only method more humane than the instant death by way of the lead hound (IF it catches the fox) is by a sharp shooter with a rifle. There are probably just a handful in the whole of the British Isles capable of doing this job........most of them have other things to do.

Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Witch hunts (of innocent women) were rituals once. Want to see them brought back? Female circumcision is 'tradition' in some cultures - fancy genital mutilation?

Didn't think so.

Some things are dark relics of our past and belong firmly there, fox hunting being an excellent example.
Witch hunts and female circumcision are a little bit like scraping the barrel for comparison

Originally Posted by Azz View Post
I have removed the off-topic part of your post - if you want to report someone's post please do so via the report post icon. Keep the thread on topic as per my request thanks.

Oh please Dawn - you're not fooling anyone. If they enjoy helping farmers so much they can get a job with them and help properly!! Not ponce around chasing foxes with the odd bit of moving-something-out-of-their-way every now and again and try to pass it off as 'help'.
Most of them have good jobs already......from Judges; Solicitors; Policemen through Clerks, Builders Farmers and the like. None of them ponce around.........and ALL of them care about animals and the countryside, which is more than can be said for some of the anti hunt brigade.
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16-05-2010, 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by tazer View Post
I'm with you here Dawn.

Whilst personally I'm happy for animals that would still be here if we hadn't blasted them into extinction, to be re-released into suitable areas. However, I feel that animals that we introduced and that pose a threat to native wildlife e.g grey squirrels should be irradicated without ecception.

As for foxes.

As I've said previously, we removed larger predators such as wolves from this island, by doing so, we removed part of the balance of our native ecosystem, the part that would have helped keep foxes in check.

Now we have to do their job, wether you, I or anyone else likes it, we've made the bed, now we've got to lie in it, as uncomfortable as it may be for some.

There aren't any hunts round here as far as I'm aware, so I've never been on one. If I was given the chance to do so, than yes I would, I'd like to see it from the inside, not just from the fence.

I can't comment on the reasons why all people go on fox hunts, I've got no doubt that some if not many will just use it as an excuse to go riding across land they prob wouldn't be able to otherwise with a pack of hounds and horses.

Of course there will be some also, that enjoy the thrill of the chase and of the kill, but honistly, what do people expect, we are predators after all.

We've spent more time in our evolution hunting and surviving in the wild, than we have attempting to be civilised and playing politics. As I said on another forum, we may have the capacity for higher thinking, but that doesn't automaticly mean that that part of our brain is going to be dominent in every situation.

Creating a world around us hasn't removed our more primal instincts, just buried them deeper, in many people.

Hunting for sport, whilst not something I'd personaly think I'd enjoy (though as I've never had the inclination to try it, I wouldn't truely know) is still a part of our nature as a species, like it is for others.

Which is why imo, you can never stop people from doing it, until you truely understand what drives it, only when you've found the trigger can you engage the safety. You can call it barbaric, you can shout from the rooftops about how wrong you find it, you can ban it, but that won't stop it.

God, I need to stop turning my posts into essays.
Great post!
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16-05-2010, 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by tazer View Post
I'm with you here Dawn.

Whilst personally I'm happy for animals that would still be here if we hadn't blasted them into extinction, to be re-released into suitable areas. However, I feel that animals that we introduced and that pose a threat to native wildlife e.g grey squirrels should be irradicated without ecception.

As for foxes.

As I've said previously, we removed larger predators such as wolves from this island, by doing so, we removed part of the balance of our native ecosystem, the part that would have helped keep foxes in check.

Now we have to do their job, wether you, I or anyone else likes it, we've made the bed, now we've got to lie in it, as uncomfortable as it may be for some.

There aren't any hunts round here as far as I'm aware, so I've never been on one. If I was given the chance to do so, than yes I would, I'd like to see it from the inside, not just from the fence.

I can't comment on the reasons why all people go on fox hunts, I've got no doubt that some if not many will just use it as an excuse to go riding across land they prob wouldn't be able to otherwise with a pack of hounds and horses.

Of course there will be some also, that enjoy the thrill of the chase and of the kill, but honistly, what do people expect, we are predators after all.

We've spent more time in our evolution hunting and surviving in the wild, than we have attempting to be civilised and playing politics. As I said on another forum, we may have the capacity for higher thinking, but that doesn't automaticly mean that that part of our brain is going to be dominent in every situation.

Creating a world around us hasn't removed our more primal instincts, just buried them deeper, in many people.

Hunting for sport, whilst not something I'd personaly think I'd enjoy (though as I've never had the inclination to try it, I wouldn't truely know) is still a part of our nature as a species, like it is for others.

Which is why imo, you can never stop people from doing it, until you truely understand what drives it, only when you've found the trigger can you engage the safety. You can call it barbaric, you can shout from the rooftops about how wrong you find it, you can ban it, but that won't stop it.

God, I need to stop turning my posts into essays.
I don't think anyone's arguing that they need controlling (although the extent to which is questionable imo) but what we're saying is, as intelligent, evolved human beings we should do it humanely, and certainly not for 'fun'.

Personally I would like to see more go into protection of livestock instead of culling. Walls, dogs keeping guard, electric fences - whatever works.

If they need to be culled so be it - but certainly, not under any circumstances should it be for fun - that's just despicable.
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16-05-2010, 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Azz View Post
I don't think anyone's arguing that they need controlling (although the extent to which is questionable imo) but what we're saying is, as intelligent, evolved human beings we should do it humanely, and certainly not for 'fun'.

Personally I would like to see more go into protection of livestock instead of culling. Walls, dogs keeping guard, electric fences - whatever works.

If they need to be culled so be it - but certainly, not under any circumstances should it be for fun - that's just despicable.
Unfortunately, as I know from first hand experience with my chickens, walls and electric fencing are absolutely no deterrent to foxes. They are not called cunning for nothing. You cannot leave a poor dog on guard 24 hours a day, and that is what it would take because foxes hunt day and night.
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16-05-2010, 09:48 PM
Its not legal here in Northumberland and I thank the government for that. I argue with my partner of hunting as he does it and Im animal rights so we argue hell of a lot.
I do know our farm has hunting rights for a fox trail, but not fox hunting.
I ride in the braes of derwent rides but hunting NO NO NO.
I hope the new government see what is barbaric and inhumane. I will stand against anything which is cruel to any animal.
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17-05-2010, 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Luz View Post
Its not legal here in Northumberland and I thank the government for that. I argue with my partner of hunting as he does it and Im animal rights so we argue hell of a lot.
I do know our farm has hunting rights for a fox trail, but not fox hunting.
I ride in the braes of derwent rides but hunting NO NO NO.
I hope the new government see what is barbaric and inhumane. I will stand against anything which is cruel to any animal.
It isn't legal anywhere in the UK Luz, but unfortunately it doesn't stop people from breaking the Law.
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17-05-2010, 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by Moobli View Post
It isn't legal anywhere in the UK Luz, but unfortunately it doesn't stop people from breaking the Law.
Yeah I see that, its a sad world
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17-05-2010, 02:43 PM
I refuse to believe that a fox hunt is the best and and most humain way to control foxes! How is being run to exhustion scared to death for hours then either being torn to shreds or having terriers shoved in your face better then a bullet?? We are talking about a fox here not a buffalo and wouldnt need a lot to be taken out very swiftly! anyone that has taken the time and trouble to get a rifle (lets face it the amount of red tape involed means you have to be pretty serious) must be some what acomplised and skilled with it. Even if two shots are needed (and from my experience with my brother in law this doesnt happen very often) its still over in less then a min rather then the hours of a hunt.

Also no one has said anything about an eariler comment of mine - If its all about fox control then why have hounds been bred for stamina rather then speed? While our with Cassie working more then once she has seen a fox and had to be held back to stop her from going after it. I have no doubt she was used on these as well as rabbits in her life as badgers she has never shown any interest in.
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17-05-2010, 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Razcox View Post
I refuse to believe that a fox hunt is the best and and most humain way to control foxes! How is being run to exhustion scared to death for hours then either being torn to shreds or having terriers shoved in your face better then a bullet?? We are talking about a fox here not a buffalo and wouldnt need a lot to be taken out very swiftly! anyone that has taken the time and trouble to get a rifle (lets face it the amount of red tape involed means you have to be pretty serious) must be some what acomplised and skilled with it. Even if two shots are needed (and from my experience with my brother in law this doesnt happen very often) its still over in less then a min rather then the hours of a hunt.

Also no one has said anything about an eariler comment of mine - If its all about fox control then why have hounds been bred for stamina rather then speed? While our with Cassie working more then once she has seen a fox and had to be held back to stop her from going after it. I have no doubt she was used on these as well as rabbits in her life as badgers she has never shown any interest in.
Some strange things there Rachel.

2 shots?
So the first one missed then? My point EXACTLY!

Hounds were built for stamina, because strangely enough Foxes run! Greyhounds were built for speed thats why they course hares.

Hounds chase fox, it either escapes UNHARMED or is killed swiftly by the Hounds, lead Hound first. If it goes to ground then its up to the land owner by prior arrangement as to whether the Fox is left or dug to. If its dug to, it will be held at bay by a Terrier, NOT attacked or killed, then shot point blank when dug to, it will then be thrown to the pack. Cant see a problem. I can however see a problem with a missed shot, and animal suffering for days, weeks sometimes, poisoning same effect only other species affected to, likewise gassing or snaring.

Re you "theory" about Foxes and Badgers. My Terriers can be stopped from perusing a Fox, but I couldnt stop them (all together) from chasing a Rabbit, yet I have one as a Pet in the garden they all ignore. Why is that? What "evidence" do you have to support your claim your dog was used as a Fox dog? She doesnt look anywhere near big enough for that IMO, nor does she bare any of the tell tale signs, Foxes have teeth!
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