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27-06-2013, 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by lore View Post
Back on a downer. Couldn't stop crying this afternoon. This is ridiculous. I have cadets tonight, I have to stop this.

I have no idea why this is going on...well I have a fair idea but don't have the courage to sort it out.
Lore - as others have commented you have a lot on your plate 'without this'. But really 'THIS' is a biggie isn't it?

What I would say to you is this - how would you be feeling about your relationship if you didn't have all the rest 'on your plate'? I mean no kids, no job, no hobbies or outside interests whatever - just you and your partner? Because one day you know - that is how it will more or less be if you stay together until your twilight years.

Sometimes it is 'all the other stuff we've got on our plate' that keeps us going or at least doesn't leave us too much time to address the big relationship problem or gives us a good excuse not to have to.

I will avoid my usual witticisms and be serious for a minute. I once renovated a whole 3 storey house more or less singlehandedly (took me 4 yrs non stop working from morn til late nights) and I know now (with hindsight) that I was doing it to stop me having to think about the real issue.

In a previous staled marriage I threw myself heart and soul into landscaping a huge garden (I'd be out there working under arc lights sometimes!) and bringing up my two young sons and involved in everything from cubs and scouts to swimming lessons at the school and, well, you name it. I was doing it to 'fill a void' and to put off the awful day when I'd have to 'thrash it out' or make a decision.

It's very difficult sometimes when you are 'bogged down' in a marriage or relationship that has lost its shine to actually clear your head properly and even admit to yourself what the REAL problem is.

When I couldn't put my finger on one thing above all others and just kept 'soldiering on' I decided the thing to do was to be honest with myself and ask myself 'what is the first negative thing you think about after you wake up?' Or what is the thing that creeps into your mind during the day more often than other things?

It's sometimes not the thing we complain loudest about and sometimes a combination of things or an accumulation of things.

OK I said I wasn't going to be lighthearted but I can't actually put it better than this - resentment and harboured feelings of not being appreciated or understood are like cancer and they will eat away at you. It is better to actually take a deep breath and blurt out what REALLY is bugging you or to at least try to have a heart to heart at this stage than to wait until the very act of your partner 'breathing', or 'snoring', or the way they hold their cutlery or eat their food drives you potty! It's a bit late by then.
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27-06-2013, 05:21 PM
Words of wisdom there Pat
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27-06-2013, 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post

I have Dogsey set to show 25 messages per page - it makes it far easier to speed read down than having say only 10 messages per page [or however many you choose.
I might try that myself Malka, thanks for the info there.

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
OK; my input!

I sometimes start new threads here, but feel bad doing that as if I have no authority to do so. And they fade out very fast indeed.

Maybe if more of us started threads and responded to other threads... The chat thread is such a family thing it must be very hard for newbies to dive in s maybe that would make it easier.

Just some thoughts
Yes, I find I don't have the time to read other threads nowadays, let alone answer them, hence the reason for me and Lynn getting our heads together over monitoring this one, which really takes off on its own doesn't it which is good. It's nice to have a place where everyone can vent off, cry if they want or laugh, it's what Dogsey has always been all about anyway, along with the doglets of course, mustn't forget our beloved dogs

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post

I said recently I wish people wouldn't keep apologising for not having time to read all the posts - sort of makes you think you 'should do that'! Or a bit guilty if you don't. And reading so many times 'sorry for anyone I've left out'.

I've used 'daily threads' before where the same one just keeps running and is added to. Then if people want to 'read back' they can.

I sort of decided it was probably better and easier to just post a bit about what's happening here than to try to read all and multi quote and comment on everything. And of course the more people that 'join in' the more people there are to respond to individually.

I think it's a big chore for you two to actually have to start it off and then keep popping back to 'monitor it'.

I'm sure no one would object to whatever you thought was the best thing to do.
Oh Pat, I couldn't begin to imagine one looooooong thread over many days,,weeks months You're right about that "monitoring" bit, cos that's how we feel, and it's so very time consuming when you don't have the time some days, so it becomes more of a chorse on those occassions when other times when we do have time, we enjoy being here most of the time. We've decided to keep it as it is, we just start it off each day and let it roll and everyone can take part or not, when they're busy.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Why not just edit the title of the latest one or start a new one and leave the DAY off it?

Just Morning Dogsey - Daily Thread?

Anyone can be first to post on it then. I often have time to post but it isn't up yet and by the time I get to look again it has run into many pages!

It's this 'feeling obligated' that is horrible for you and for Lynn.

And people can start NEW THREADS on any subject in Chat - even if it's wondering what colour curtains to put with their carpet lol!
Again Pat, we get confused when somebody drags up the daily from the day before, let alone having just ONE thread, it would take more time flipping back through the pages to see where the day began wouldn't it You're right though, we do feel obligated to reply to each and every one of you, but then when we have the time, it's nice to be able to do that, but we shouldn't feel guilty about going awol should we We do though

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
I'm late on parade today. I have kept having a catch up all morning but haven't had time to reply. Heaven knows how Lynn & Helena do it So by now I've forgotten what everybody else is up to.
Anyway good news about the house Lynn. Sod's law isn't in it for you is it?
I nipped out this morning to look for something to stick on top of this Giant Cupcake I'm supposed to be making - something like Happy Birthday on a wire to stick in the top but up to now I can't find anything Of course while I was out the postman left a card - I've ordered a Boomer Ball for Taff so that's another visit to the sorting office Why they won't try a neighbours beats me
OH can't get his iPad to switch on - we've got one each. So I'll have to go to the Apple shop in Liverpool probably on Saturday for them to sort that out. We did get them insured when we bought them (cos there is no way we'd be able to afford another one) but of course I can't find the receipt anywhere
Miserable day here - it's a heavy drizzle so I've got a soggy dog asleep after a quick run around with his ball & chucker.
Hi Lynne, I can't wait to see that giant cupcake, and if I was at yours you wouldn't be looking for something to stick in the top of it, cos it would have GONE Can't believe you've got rubbish weather, it's been so glorious down here today.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
I dont think everyone should be posting here to the detriment of other places in Dogsey. It is good to have various threads so that people can see what is going on.
I certainly don't think H and L should answer every post here either, they are far too busy for that

I often feel very guilty because I don't have time to answer everyone but I do read it all and feel for all of you when you are poorly or have miss-fortune.

Back later, after some housework!
Hi Jen, I'm not going to feel guilty anymore if/when I can't always answer, as even when I'm awol, I do pop in to have a quick read here and there. Hope you're feeling a bit better now too (((((hugs)))))xxxx

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
I totally agree re different chat threads, we'd all be confused in no time at all, cos lets face it it doesn't take much to do that.
As per everyone else, I marvel at you and Lynn effortlessly snipping threads and answering everyone, and would not have a problem if you let things run on as they do anyway most of the time.
Been on A Mission this afternoon, wasn't looking forward to it, because I had no real idea where I was going despite being on google maps for ages last night writing all the directions down, and I still managed to get somewhere strange, but that was because I thought I should've been there by then, but I wasn't.
I went to Rutland House vets in St Helens to take Mabs for an eye test, and she is a pass so am well pleased about that, she had a clear test as a puppy, but there is always a chance something could show up.
Really funny because she came out and said, I know you!!1
it was the lady who eye tested Cariad's Fab Four, so was showing her piccies of them, and of Keshi of course. Then all the staff VERY interested as they had never seen a Utonagan and they think Mabs is stunning. Mab not at all happy with all the attention and the eye drops of course. She was sick on the way home, but she was stressed because I was stressed because I just KNEW I would get lost and I thought I had but I wasn't, just not there yet.
On her way out to the others she picked up a bone I had left out for her, so she was obviously feeling more like herself. Left a right mess in the car, I had put plastic sheeting, old blanket, old mats and 2 lots of old sheets down, but she still managed to christen everywhere, little devil
Well worth all the effort then June to have clear eye tests and such a lovely catch up at the vets, but sorry to hear about Mabs being sick in the car on the way home, but then it sounds like it was quite a journey.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Afternoon all.

What we doing then ???

I think I have worked it out Helena and I do as we are doing and answer what we can and when we can.
All fine by me whatever we do.

I lent Michael the laptop and he holed himself upstairs and has had the odd grunt when downstairs to get a dink or something to eat. He has now popped up the road to a friends so he may be in a better mood when back or not. I am learning to ignore it now. I now know how Gorden use to feel when I was that way.

Popped to Marks for a cuppa and a chat as Gorden wasn't around to chat about the bomb shell and the house this morning.

We will be checking out Right move again then. Of course first they have to get the mortgage the deposit isn't a problem and then the have to offer us the right price.
Exciting times again then Lynn, and something you really didn't expect, funny how things can turn out that way sometimes. Good luck with her, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Back on a downer. Couldn't stop crying this afternoon. This is ridiculous. I have cadets tonight, I have to stop this.

I have no idea why this is going on...well I have a fair idea but don't have the courage to sort it out.
Oh Lorraine, we've been here before and you managed to sort it out, so let's hope it's nothing that can't be fixed again. Sometimes men can be so darn thoughtless, they really aren't on the same wave length as us, they don't realise how much it hurts sometimes. (((((((((hugs))))))))), it'll get better.xxxx

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Oh my giddy days.

I decided to pop a note through the neighbours door whose son is interested in buying the house. Decided it would be easier than her having to come up the path and knock.

Got a phone call a few minutes ago from her. Her son and DIL have an appointment at the bank Saturday at 1pm so can they come and have a look at the house after that and let us know how things went at the bank.
We have arranged for 4pm.

I better do some deep cleaning tomorrow then I had laxed on that subject.

The little cottage in Suffolk we really liked is still on right move and I have seen some others in Huntingdon, March and Wimblington way Cambs.
you go girl!!!

Well, I've been thrown into turmoil here...... Dave has just rung me to say turn the dinner off cos he won't be coming home Well, not tonight anyway. The car he was fixing today went pete tong so he's staying on tonight to get it sorted and probably most of tomorrow Bdooly garage

There I was, sat outside on the wall, chatting with the neighbour's sil having a right old giggle for almost an hour, and said I had to go cos I had to get dinner on for Dave, but now I don't. Anyway, he's cut the lawns front and back saved me a job, and I've talked to him about painting the whole house and he's cheap and can get good, cheap, proper exterior paint mould resistent, and again, it'll save me or Dave the job, so I'm going to let him do it. Mind you, it's gonna take him twice the time cos we do chat a lot lol! I'll get the price before he starts though

Tcht, all disappointed now, another night home alone, and no Corrie on either I don't think, might have to phone a friend and have a good catch up later on.

Hi to Sally for when you pop in, hope you've had a good day old
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27-06-2013, 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Words of wisdom there Pat
Well gee thanks TW but it is wisdom garnered from my years when 'serial spouse' was what I'd put down as my 'hobby' on job applications!

On a more serious note (geez I have been serious TWICE now!) I did a few years stint on a 'stepmother support' board - been there done that twice - and it's not just my own experiences it is the related experiences of lots of other people.

You can (sadly) carry the baggage from a bad relationship over into a new one.

NONE of this bothers me now! Celibate by choice for the past 13 yrs or so. It FREED UP MY LIFE mate! Even tho' I am of course so irresistably gorgeous that they beat a path to my door lol!

*I actually REALLY resent any comments along the lines of 'what's a lovely woman like you doing living all on her own'. I ain't got time to explain it to them but the mere fact they feel the need to ask says to me they aren't people I want to include in my short but very exclusive REAL FRIENDS list!
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27-06-2013, 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Lore - as others have commented you have a lot on your plate 'without this'. But really 'THIS' is a biggie isn't it?

What I would say to you is this - how would you be feeling about your relationship if you didn't have all the rest 'on your plate'? I mean no kids, no job, no hobbies or outside interests whatever - just you and your partner? Because one day you know - that is how it will more or less be if you stay together until your twilight years.

Sometimes it is 'all the other stuff we've got on our plate' that keeps us going or at least doesn't leave us too much time to address the big relationship problem or gives us a good excuse not to have to.

I will avoid my usual witticisms and be serious for a minute. I once renovated a whole 3 storey house more or less singlehandedly (took me 4 yrs non stop working from morn til late nights) and I know now (with hindsight) that I was doing it to stop me having to think about the real issue.

In a previous staled marriage I threw myself heart and soul into landscaping a huge garden (I'd be out there working under arc lights sometimes!) and bringing up my two young sons and involved in everything from cubs and scouts to swimming lessons at the school and, well, you name it. I was doing it to 'fill a void' and to put off the awful day when I'd have to 'thrash it out' or make a decision.

It's very difficult sometimes when you are 'bogged down' in a marriage or relationship that has lost its shine to actually clear your head properly and even admit to yourself what the REAL problem is.

When I couldn't put my finger on one thing above all others and just kept 'soldiering on' I decided the thing to do was to be honest with myself and ask myself 'what is the first negative thing you think about after you wake up?' Or what is the thing that creeps into your mind during the day more often than other things?

It's sometimes not the thing we complain loudest about and sometimes a combination of things or an accumulation of things.

OK I said I wasn't going to be lighthearted but I can't actually put it better than this - resentment and harboured feelings of not being appreciated or understood are like cancer and they will eat away at you. It is better to actually take a deep breath and blurt out what REALLY is bugging you or to at least try to have a heart to heart at this stage than to wait until the very act of your partner 'breathing', or 'snoring', or the way they hold their cutlery or eat their food drives you potty! It's a bit late by then.
I likey this post!! Well done Pat for putting it so eloquently and to the point. Definitely food for thought in there Lorraine.
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27-06-2013, 05:29 PM
Pat not sure if I'm on my head or my A*** at the moment Gorden is feeling much the same.
It would make sense in the long run for so many reasons if it all happens.

June we will probably take the pond with us I don't think they would give a refund as we got it cheaper as they need room for new stock.

Gorden has just found a gorgeous place Cambs way so he has bookmarked it because if they get their mortgage agreed in principal Saturday and make us the offer we are looking for and need we might be house hunting Monday.
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27-06-2013, 05:33 PM
Oh Pat, I couldn't begin to imagine one looooooong thread over many days,,weeks months You're right about that "monitoring" bit, cos that's how we feel, and it's so very time consuming when you don't have the time some days, so it becomes more of a chorse on those occassions when other times when we do have time, we enjoy being here most of the time. We've decided to keep it as it is, we just start it off each day and let it roll and everyone can take part or not, when they're busy.
Brilliant. And no need for ANYONE to feel that they have to address every post. More of a 'what are you doing today?' thread and if anyone wants to reply to a particular point they can. I just do what I've done here - type the name of the member and bold it and then type away.

All the multi quote stuff just elongates the thread anyway and in fact the same stuff gets quoted over and over as more respond and makes it more likely that you 'get lost' lol!

Start if off with a Good morning and anything interesting (or boring) that you've got to say at that time of the morning and let it ROLL!
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27-06-2013, 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Pat not sure if I'm on my head or my A*** at the moment Gorden is feeling much the same.
It would make sense in the long run for so many reasons if it all happens.

June we will probably take the pond with us I don't think they would give a refund as we got it cheaper as they need room for new stock.

Gorden has just found a gorgeous place Cambs way so he has bookmarked it because if they get their mortgage agreed in principal Saturday and make us the offer we are looking for and need we might be house hunting Monday.
Ooooh I am getting so vicariously EXCITED on your behalf! I think this is a GREAT position to be in!
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27-06-2013, 05:38 PM
Well done on the clear eye tests June.

Oh that's a shame Helena you could of carried on yakking.
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27-06-2013, 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Well done on the clear eye tests June.

Oh that's a shame Helena you could of carried on yakking.
Yeah, he's such a good laugh, he works underground 10 hours a time blowing stuff up, so it's nice for him to get out in the fresh air, mow the lawns and have a chat, cos you don't meet many people underground do ya!!!

Yes, I think we're all sorted now, so we won't be multi quoting anymore, we're just going to let it roll and bold out people's names with what we want to say. Oh I do like it when everyfink's all sorted out and running smoothly! I bet Dave wishes that car he's working on was doing that too, but sadly, I've just rung him and there are now two of them stuck under the bonnet trying to sort it out. Allegedly, it was something Dave "did" to it that's caused this, and that's unheard of for Dave, he must really be losing his marbles now to have made a mistake at work on somebody's expensive car Let's hope he can sort it, or it'll cost him Time he gave it up, time he gave everything up really, he needs a long rest, I've overworked him this past year on this house.
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