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View Poll Results: Is CM improving as a TV trainer & offering more apt advice
Yes 45 52.33%
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01-10-2009, 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I disagree with your explanation Mish. The dog's eyes are RED with rage. I had never ever seen such rage and sheer desire to kill in a dog before. It is like he was rabid.

Now you can understand why some of us are a little confued with your "irony" as in the post above it is not said with any form of "tonge in cheeck"

Yet now after a litter banter from Dawn and myself, you have decided the above was done in "jest/irony...

I get it now!!!!!!!!
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01-10-2009, 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by Promethean View Post
Dog A sees dog B and growls. Most dogs understand this and keep away. Owner A, applies Millan's methods and punishes dog A for growling. Dog no longer growls, but still FEELS the same way. Dog A learns that when dog B approaches he gets hurt. Dog A does the only thing he knows to do; takes aggressive action to keep dog B away.

Thank you Cesar. Hallelujah!

I think somehow i missed this in the thread,
that is sad and another CM casualty apparently.
Benmcfuzzylugs, what did you say to the owners?

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01-10-2009, 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Now you can understand why some of us are a little confued with your "irony" as in the post above it is not said with any form of "tonge in cheeck"

Yet now after a litter banter from Dawn and myself, you have decided the above was done in "jest/irony...

I get it now!!!!!!!!
Sorry Jackbox, just for your benefit, I should have said :

I disagree with your explanation Mish. The dog's eyes are "RED" with rage. I had never ever seen such rage and sheer desire to kill in a dog before. It is like he was rabid.

Off to work now.
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01-10-2009, 08:04 AM
I`ve seen an angry dog about to attack. The blood vessels in the eyes don`t swell and make the eyes look red. The eyes go `hard` and the pupils dilate.
Gnasher you really don`t like letting reality get in the way of a good argument, do you?
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01-10-2009, 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
As for your last paragraph, you bet he was !! Wouldn't you Mish? Come on, be fair, of course he was scared. That Shadow was a big dog - and Cesar had made a bad mistake, and he knew it. Have you never ever made a mistake with a dog? I am sure you have never kicked a dog, but have you never lost your temper with a dog, or realised that a particular course of action you took was completely the wrong one? ...
My take on this is that with respect, CM should not make such obvious, bad "mistakes" on tv when he is supposed to be the "guru" of dog rehab...

In his position, he should not be making such bad, bad mistakes.

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01-10-2009, 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
I suppose one way CM could be 'seen to be improving' to the unwary is to have programs/videos which could be considered contentious removed from the NG website.

I notice some people have mentioned videos which seem to have disappeared from NG . I was looking for one I posted about in another thread , that too seems to have vanished .

If I remember correctly it was about a little white terrier who jumped on the sofa to bark at people passing by the window. CMs method of correcting this behaviour was to asserted his dominance by picking the little dog up by the throat with one hand leaving his legs to dangle.
Yes, the same thing is happening with some of the shock collar videos - some have even been doctored and returned, with the yelping or cowering bits deleted. I think that says it all

However, there is software you can get which enables you to keep the video even if it is deleted! although I don't know anyone who has done this for the CM really bad videos...

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01-10-2009, 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by mishflynn View Post
Another opinion for the mix.

CM is , treating other peoples dogs. It dosent matter if these dogs fear this man or are tramatised by him as in the main they arent ever going to see him again.
He dosent have to live with them (he dosent even live with his own pack as they are in a pack in the yard as far as im concerned & not house dogs)
He dosent have any emotional attachment to them, so its easier for him.

I can pick up most dogs i dont know & get them to do stuff, because dogs are off their guard & sussing out the situ, common dog behaviour.

Dogs will never be the same with CM as their owner & with the best will in the world a owner can never be to their dog as CM is.

I'd agree that dogs won't be the same for CM as for their owners if they have to use the more extreme methods.
One thing we know as trainers is that we have to tailor methods to them, that they can both physically and emotionally use.

That is a big part of good dog training isn't it

Another side is that just one very extreme frightening experience can make a dog suddenly generalise that experience - so it could even happen that the dogs become afraid of men who look a bit like CM, and then generalise that to men generally. So he could even be making dogs afraid of men - it happens a lot in training and behaviour, no reason to suspect it's not happening on a tv programme!

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01-10-2009, 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Wysiwyg View Post
I'd agree that dogs won't be the same for CM as for their owners if they have to use the more extreme methods.
One thing we know as trainers is that we have to tailor methods to them, that they can both physically and emotionally use.

That is a big part of good dog training isn't it

Another side is that just one very extreme frightening experience can make a dog suddenly generalise that experience - so it could even happen that the dogs become afraid of men who look a bit like CM, and then generalise that to men generally. So he could even be making dogs afraid of men - it happens a lot in training and behaviour, no reason to suspect it's not happening on a tv programme!

Couldn't agree more Wys.
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01-10-2009, 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I disagree with your explanation Mish. The dog's eyes are RED with rage. I had never ever seen such rage and sheer desire to kill in a dog before. It is like he was rabid.
Whether you are joking or not this is impossible, dogs do not have the whites of their eyes showing only the iris's so you would not be able to see any red at all unless the eye had been punctured and bleeding. Have you actually ever seen a rabid animal?

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Shadow is a wolf cross. An unsocialised, bad mannered wolf cross. Very bad. You do not treat a wolf cross as Cesar handled Shadow. That was his mistake. Which he has admitted to, and learned from. And was big enough to show the episode.
There is no evidence that he is a wolf cross, he ceratinly doesn't look it. He did nothing wrong int he programme, he showed no aggression, no OTT behaviour at all and he only reacted when CM kicked him and then spent the rest of the programme fighting for his life only giving up when CM had asphyixated him. The fact that he allowed it to be shown makes you wonder what goes on that isn't shown!

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
But Gnasher, the point is you dont treat ANY dog in the manner CM treated Shadow.

Regardless of it being "whatever" the dog in that situation woudl fight back.

the Chi`s/ Dachsies / white fluffy bunnies he has treated in the same aggressive manner, have all reacted the same way... fight and bite.

They were NOT wolf crosses.

They were dogs in distress.. and doing the only thing they could , fight/flight or bite.
Have to agree here, why is it wrong to treat a supposed wolf cross like this but other dogs are all fair game, is this the wolf cross/lookie likey owners going on about how 'special' their dogs are again?

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Lol !!

Hal's eyes used to glow red in the dark which was seriously scarey. All the dogs I have ever had, Tai included, have green eyes at night !
Shows you don't understand the reasons why this happens!

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
The dog is clearly a wolf cross to those of us with experience of such things Hang on, I'll be back in a sec.
Prove it, with facts not with what people have said, it is clear to me, and others that he is NOT a wolf cross.

Originally Posted by Wysiwyg View Post
Yes, I agree - it is horrible to watch and genuinely upsetting.
I worry that one day CM will go too far and damage a dog's trachea irreparably, or kill a dog ...

It has already happened at least once if noit twice where his methods have apparently caused serious injury to a dog, I think these have been settled out of court.

Originally Posted by Wysiwyg View Post
Yes, the same thing is happening with some of the shock collar videos - some have even been doctored and returned, with the yelping or cowering bits deleted. I think that says it all

However, there is software you can get which enables you to keep the video even if it is deleted! although I don't know anyone who has done this for the CM really bad videos...

It's telling that so many of the really bad episodes have started to disappear. Have you seen how they all disappeared off youtube!
There is a belief that in order for the tssst/shhssst noise he makes to work he uses a shock collar on the dog behind the scenes so the dog associates the noise with a shock, you can see in some dogs by the reaction they give to the noise. In one episode, I believe the dog was a black GSD, he was using the noise saying it worked but behind his back he had the remote for the shock collar! The collar was all balck but could be seen in a few scenes hidden in the fur.
I've seen hm through small dogs onto the floor as well, which is horrific.
I am still absolutely stunned that those who like CM simple cannot see these things and seemingly can justify them to themselves.
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01-10-2009, 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Promethean View Post
You revolt me, your actions are despicable and your constant whining is annoying. Your childish reaction to being challenged indicate a lack of emotional maturity and your inability to construct a supporting argument leads me to conclude a lack of intelligence.

Finally, I've been more "Pro" than anyone else. To label people who offer up information as 'anti' is a triumph of the doublespeak used by the Millanistas.

Ooooooooh, such a macho man *laughs* and oh, so clever!

You don't deserve my time. I think you need to grow a pair and grow up while you're at it

A true man doesn't sit on a computer, insulting women and lying about people being violent to their dogs. You are a pathetic joke!

By the way, I'm proud to me a "Millanista" as you put it

Try to stop your petty attack on me and get back to the thread in question! *pities poor "man"*
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