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19-12-2009, 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
Far more easily than on a race track LB. Just look on here how many "hurt" themselves, get attacked, run into things, get into trouble, cut paws, come home lame etc.... Its NOT common on a track for a dog to be injured, its uncommon and unlikely.
Would have to argue that point - again!

'Warning - greyhounds sustaining serious and fatal injuries'

All these injuries - either uneconomical to treat or fatal - sustained at Belle Vue -
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19-12-2009, 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Navajo View Post
Spot on! That is the only thing that counts, not what we humans think is 'morally correct', dogs don't understand or care for what is morrally correct, they only want and need care, love, exercise, food, and warmth!
And protection from harm..........
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19-12-2009, 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Some one actually said that !!!! its cruel to race Greyhounds but not Afghans

Dawn!!!!!!! I take it you realise that racing your Borders is cruel too, better stop posting pics of your lot having fun on the race track
The use of any animal in an environment involving economic activity will invite cruelty.....IMO
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19-12-2009, 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by Navajo View Post
Yes, I did say it, but as in all aspects of life, NOTHING is perfect so don't take the comment as a compliment.

It wasn't said flippantly, it's the worst thing possible to go home with one less horse on the lorry and I've seen owners, trainers, grooms and jockeys in tears over it. BUT it is sport and in all sports injuries are inevitable. If I was passionate enough about a sport, even though I knew it was likely that I could be severely injured or even fatally injured I would still participate (riding out racehorses could be in that category, plenty have died riding out, I broke my back at 1 if I enjoyed it so much, my dogs love to race!

I'm afraid I really can't be bothered to be judged by you over a forum, you don't know me, you don't know my dogs. I'm sure if I spent a day with you and your dogs I'd pick up on many points that in my opinion you don't do right by your dog.

For some reason I sense a real arrogant tone to your posts and whilst I have the patience to debate with most antis on this thread I won't be conversing with you in future posts unless what you say is constructive.
ha, talk about judging people! your last past said about 'antis' feeding their dogs 'cheap c**p', now that is judgemental! and you are fine to come and spend a day with us, coz i might not be perfect but i do my damn best with everything to do with jake! so come find faults all you want.

if you want to take part in a danger sport that is fair enough, i would do that same. but participating dogs in a danger sport is completely different! we are meant to protect our dogs, not endanger them.

im not really caring about whats being said on this thread anymore coz i have my opinions on this topic and they will not change. you may feel you are being judge, but you have done some judging too so your hands arent clean on that one! and i dont see how my posts arent constructive, i am making a point on something i feel strongly about. the exact same as you have, and some of your posts havent exactly been constructive.

Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
Far more easily than on a race track LB. Just look on here how many "hurt" themselves, get attacked, run into things, get into trouble, cut paws, come home lame etc.... Its NOT common on a track for a dog to be injured, its uncommon and unlikely.
when you put it in perspective, and you think of the number of dogs out there getting walked everyday, and all the places those people are from... is it surprising some dogs get injured?? no. of the dogs i have had, and friends and family have, only one has been injured on a walk. and the figures of greyhounds getting injured and killed from racing, are astounding. it can hardly be called 'uncommon and unlikely'

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
A dog should always be for life, does that just apply to those who keep dogs for sport??? what about pleasure, does the same go for pet owners/ working dog owners, should the guide dog owner, be obliged to keep that dog for life, is he/she less of a dog lover because the dog is re homed to retirement.

Then service dog that is not up to the job , are those owners less of a dog lover because the dog is re homed.

The pet owner, who has to rehome their dog for one reason or another, are they not dog lovers.......... the world of animal ownership is NOT black and white, there are huge grey areas in life, be it due to owning animals or anythign else.

You are joking right!!!! as Dawn says, you only have to look to how many dogs on this site alone get injured on walks, playing in fields /gardens... dog can injure themselves anywhere.. specailly running free in woods and parks, sharp twigs on trees, pot holes, muscles pulled , the list in endless, a race track has no hidden hazards, unlike the park!!

How many dogs have you owned, according to your profile its one!!!! the one you own now!!!
a dog being used as a guide dog or assistance dog etc. is completely different. those people need those dogs, it is impossible to expect them to keep retired dogs while getting another one to work.

but a pet or working dog, should always IMO be kept. sometimes life throws things at us, and it may not be possible to keep a dog for whatever reason. but that person should do everything in their power to keep the dog, and it should be a last resort. my bfs mum rehomed their dog, and it broke her heart. it was over a year ago and she still cries over what happened, but she had no choice. it was best for him, and she coped with the situation as best she could for as long as she could. sadly, her mother was critical in hospital so the whole family were there all the time, and he just didnt get what he needed. but she at least tried, and it broke her heart. if there was any other way she would never have done it, coz she really did love him.

re walks in the park, ive answered that above.

and as for what dogs i own, i love your checking up my profile, classy and i have owned 2 dogs. and if you bothered to check 'other Breeds owned or previously owned' you would have seen that i have also grown up around many dogs, all my family have them and always have.

and why all the !!!!!! its like you are shouting angryily over how many dogs i have owned!

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
So you would rather a pup/dog live a life of a kenneled dog, than go to a home, where it will be a pet and live in the home .

Unlike you, I have no problem of breeders looking to the welfare of the dogs they breed, on not making the grade of a show dog, being re homed to pet homes.

Because the dogs welfare is what counts!!
where did i say i would rather a pup/dog live a life in a kennel?? i hate the idea of any dog being in a kennel, hence why i gets rescues and always will

if someone gets a dog and gets rid of them purely coz they arent 'good enough' then that is horrible!
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19-12-2009, 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
if you want to take part in a danger sport that is fair enough, i would do that same. but participating dogs in a danger sport is completely different! we are meant to protect our dogs, not endanger them.

As the sport Navajo is talking about is racing (horses) and not dogs, I take it you are OK with that, is it only dogs you have an objection to being used in sport,

im not really caring about whats being said on this thread anymore coz i have my opinions on this topic and they will not change. you may feel you are being judge, but you have done some judging too so your hands arent clean on that one! and dont see how my posts arent constructive[, i am making a point on something i feel strongly about. the exact same as you have, and some of your posts havent exactly been constructive.

I disagree, Navajo points are based on "experience" NOT a simple judgmental attitude on something they have no experience of

when you put it in perspective, and you think of the number of dogs out there getting walked everyday, and all the places those people are from... is it surprising some dogs get injured?? no. of the dogs i have had, and friends and family have, only one has been injured on a walk. and the figures of greyhounds getting injured and killed from racing, are astounding. it can hardly be called 'uncommon and unlikely'

What has where you live got to do with dogs getting accidentally injured on walks??? accidents happen to dogs who are running free , whether they live in the most expensive area in the Country or the most deprived

a dog being used as a guide dog or assistance dog etc. is completely different. those people need those dogs, it is impossible to expect them to keep retired dogs while getting another one to work.

but a pet or working dog, should always IMO be kept. sometimes life throws things at us, and it may not be possible to keep a dog for whatever reason.

Exactly, but thats not what you said , you gave a blanket opinion on " anyone" who gave up their dogs!!

but that person should do everything in their power to keep the dog, and it should be a last resort

And how do you know it is not a last resort when people of sporting dogs give them up for re-homing.... a blanket view placed on all, it seems

my bfs mum rehomed their dog, and it broke her heart. it was over a year ago and she still cries over what happened, but she had no choice. it was best for him, and she coped with the situation as best she could for as long as she could. sadly, her mother was critical in hospital so the whole family were there all the time, and he just didnt get what he needed. but she at least tried, and it broke her heart. if there was any other way she would never have done it, coz she really did love him.

Exactly, " it was best for the dog"

re walks in the park, ive answered that above.

and as for what dogs i own, i love your checking up my profile, classy and i have owned 2 dogs. and if you bothered to check 'other Breeds owned or previously owned' you would have seen that i have also grown up around many dogs, all my family have them and always have.

Thats what profiles are for , to give out information, I am sure you have peeked at a few in your time too as the reason I did not mention the second dog is because you said you have only owned "one" so one can only go on what someone writes.

and why all the !!!!!! its like you are shouting angrily over how many dogs i have owned!

No, it was to point out , that you said ALL dogs you have owned, have never been injured in the park , was simply pointing out, not a very good statistic to quote, when it has only been one, sorry two!

where did i say i would rather a pup/dog live a life in a kennel?? i hate the idea of any dog being in a kennel, hence why i gets rescues and always will

if someone gets a dog and gets rid of them purely coz they arent 'good enough' then that is horrible!

You said.........

as for showing, that isn't something i like at all and i am also strongly against people rejecting or getting rid of pups just coz they aren't 'good' enough.

So I assumed you would be talking about the breeder who brings on a pup for the show ring (considering you mentioned "showing" ) then re-homes them because they dont meet standard!!

I would also have assumed you knew a little about what you where condemning, as the large show kennel, (who are the ones who would most likely do what you disapprove off) will have kennels, and their dogs live in kennels, so the scenario would be a pup does not make the grade, you either find it a home or let it live the rest of its life in the kennel.

So that why I asked, if you would rather a dog be left to the life of a kennel dog , to support your principle of not rehoming a dog.

You dont like showing or the people who show/breed, thats fine, but before you judge, take the time to understand what you are judging!!!!!!!!!!
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19-12-2009, 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post

Just how many people would come home with their Huskies and Afghans if they ran them loose in the park?

All welcome, starts again in March. Ellesmere Port Greyhound track.
Great pics!! Was going to ask if that was Ellesmere, is that the same track that they run flapping at? Our next nearest track if the Valley goes (problems with the lease just as Swansea had).
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19-12-2009, 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
ha, talk about judging people! your last past said about 'antis' feeding their dogs 'cheap c**p', now that is judgemental! and you are fine to come and spend a day with us, coz i might not be perfect but i do my damn best with everything to do with jake! so come find faults all you want.

if you want to take part in a danger sport that is fair enough, i would do that same. but participating dogs in a danger sport is completely different! we are meant to protect our dogs, not endanger them.

im not really caring about whats being said on this thread anymore coz i have my opinions on this topic and they will not change. you may feel you are being judge, but you have done some judging too so your hands arent clean on that one! and i dont see how my posts arent constructive, i am making a point on something i feel strongly about. the exact same as you have, and some of your posts havent exactly been constructive.
Not judgemental, when discussing the subject I always make a point of asking if they follow NH or Flat racing, fishing or the like and also what they feed their dogs, I never said that 'ALL' antis feed that, I said that I knew of antis who fed two brands which I won't mention but are two of the worst dog feeds around.

You do your best by your dog and the good greyhound trainers do their best by their dogs. Why is that hard to understand? We all know there are low lifes in the sport (as in any sport) who have no regard or respect for the dogs. The stats that people point out don't take into account the sheer number of dogs running per week which is thousands. The percentage injured to the amount running per week is very low. We've (though I used to go with my uncle) been running dogs since July at two tracks (one is now closed) so that's four meetings a week, 6-8 races per night with 5 or 6 dogs in each race and two dogs have been severely injured in that time. Two in 6 months with the number that have run is not high risk, yes we all know it's two too many.

This post was contructive hence my reply
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19-12-2009, 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Jodie View Post
And protection from harm..........
Which most good owners and trainers would agree with. It's the minority with no regard for the dogs. Unfortunately all sports attract them.
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19-12-2009, 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Jodie View Post
Would have to argue that point - again!

'Warning - greyhounds sustaining serious and fatal injuries'

All these injuries - either uneconomical to treat or fatal - sustained at Belle Vue -
Can you now give us a figure for the number of dogs running per week, nationwide. And that figure should include any dogs running twice in one week.
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19-12-2009, 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Jodie View Post
Would have to argue that point - again!

'Warning - greyhounds sustaining serious and fatal injuries'

All these injuries - either uneconomical to treat or fatal - sustained at Belle Vue -
Over how long a time period? How often had the dogs ran before they had an accident?
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