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21-11-2010, 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by JoedeeUK View Post
Total & utter lies & the BBC apologized for broadcasting the "matter" Just goes to prove that people only take in what they want to & disregard corrections :roll:
How do you know she disregarded the corrections.

She may simply not have heard the corrections!!

I heard the claim too, on the TV, and until it was posted here, thats all I heard.
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21-11-2010, 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
How do you know she disregarded the corrections.

She may simply not have heard the corrections!!

I heard the claim too, on the TV, and until it was posted here, thats all I heard.
The lie told by the BBC

The correction from the BBC was broadcast on the BBC etc

Apologies to the Band Aid Trust will be broadcast on BBC One, the News Channel, Radio 4 and World Service. Appropriate steps will be taken to guard against visitors to any relevant BBC online items being given the impression that the evidence of diversion applied to Band Aid money.


In earlier correspondence with the Trust, BBC News had identified a number of other items arising from the Assignment story in which an inaccurate or potentially misleading impression had been given.

A headline on the News Channel and the BBC One One O'clock News to the effect that millions of pounds given to Live Aid was used by rebels to buy guns.
Text on a website page which gave the impression that only a small amount of money raised by the charities involved in the Ethiopian famine reached the hungry.
A caption on News Channel during a guest interview which read "It's claimed 5% donations spent on Ethiopians".
An introduction to a report by Martin Plaut on the BBC One One O'Clock News, the News Channel and BBC World which associated Live Aid money with the claim that only 5% of the aid money reaching Tigray was used to feed the hungry
Originally Posted by Pidge View Post
The paper who made this statement have recently had to apologise as this was confirmed to be un-true.
The newspaper(s)only repeated the lies reported by the BBC none(as far as I am aware)issued an apology but did report they BBC's apology
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21-11-2010, 02:41 PM
I never heard the lie or the correction, but I would like to know where all the money went, because they still want more money.

If what ''live aid'' raised was not enough we should admit defeat and let them get on with it.

If there was a referendum I bet most British people would vote not to give money abroad.
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21-11-2010, 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by JoedeeUK View Post
The lie told by the BBC

The correction from the BBC was broadcast on the BBC etc

The newspaper(s)only repeated the lies reported by the BBC none(as far as I am aware)issued an apology but did report they BBC's apology
That above was not my point, you suggested (I think) that Nicci_L only took in what she wanted to hear.

But she may NOT have heard the correction, so she is only repeating what she heard /read.

With no intent to cherry pick what she wanted to believe.
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21-11-2010, 03:03 PM
I actually read it somewhere on a blog, I'll see if I can find it again, I heard nothing of the corrections, only comments that it was silly to believe once all the money changed hands that a percentage wasn't spent on weapons from what I read 91 million was unaccounted for if I remember right.
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21-11-2010, 04:13 PM
I agree we have to help our own but I also believe we should help overseas too but I also agree it should get to those who need it most.

Helena I like to give to the homeless but I tend to buy them something like a hot meal and an extra sausage for the dog as many will spend money on drink and drugs who can blame them ?

Someone who was homeless was speaking the other day on tv and saying by giving money you are not really helping a hot drink or food is more beneficial. Similar scenario to giving abroad and the money not doing what it is meant for. I try to buy a big issue when I can too and if I cannot I always say sorry not today and smile that was another thing I learnt from listening to the homeless on tv they would appreciate being acknowledged and not ignored even if you don't buy the magazine.

Something that stays with me when I learnt this was when I was in Norwich with Gorden and the boys Mark lived there for a while and it was christmas time and this guy was selling the big issue I smiled and said not today and he was so pleased I smiled and spoke he said to me what a lovely smile and thank you. It made my day and obviously his.

As for aids in Africa do you know the men rape the women even if they have aids the women have no choice they do not want aids and to leave their children and knowing their children will die also do you think money to help educate for that is a waste ?

I have to agree with Joedee on the social history issue we have done a lot of bad things in some of these countries and owe them.
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21-11-2010, 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
I agree we have to help our own but I also believe we should help overseas too but I also agree it should get to those who need it most.

Helena I like to give to the homeless but I tend to buy them something like a hot meal and an extra sausage for the dog as many will spend money on drink and drugs who can blame them ?

Someone who was homeless was speaking the other day on tv and saying by giving money you are not really helping a hot drink or food is more beneficial. Similar scenario to giving abroad and the money not doing what it is meant for. I try to buy a big issue when I can too and if I cannot I always say sorry not today and smile that was another thing I learnt from listening to the homeless on tv they would appreciate being acknowledged and not ignored even if you don't buy the magazine.

Something that stays with me when I learnt this was when I was in Norwich with Gorden and the boys Mark lived there for a while and it was christmas time and this guy was selling the big issue I smiled and said not today and he was so pleased I smiled and spoke he said to me what a lovely smile and thank you. It made my day and obviously his.

As for aids in Africa do you know the men rape the women even if they have aids the women have no choice they do not want aids and to leave their children and knowing their children will die also do you think money to help educate for that is a waste ?

I have to agree with Joedee on the social history issue we have done a lot of bad things in some of these countries and owe them.
I understand what you're saying about those homeless, but I couldn't be doing with walking around town with a hot meal in my hand, although I will remember to take something for the dogs next time I go down there! I've got to know a lot of these peops, and yes of course, some of them are druggies and junkies, but not the ones I give to they're not, and they all have the Big Issue mag which I don't want, but just give them money anyway, because that smile I get from them when they see me coming or when I give them the money means a lot to me!

I realise what you say about the men in Africa, but it's their culture, it's the way they live, and there's a heck of a lot of them in such a big country, we can't change the world, unless of course, you want us to use all of our resources and turn their country into one like ours, but that's not gonna happen is it. I think we're lucky to have been born into what we have, but I'm afraid I won't be spending my one and only life either worrying about how they're coping in other countries, or trying to change their lifestyle into mine, I've got enough worries trying to keep our own heads above the water, keep ourselves safe from all the c*ap out there, and keep my dogs safe from harm. Selfish? Yeah, maybe, but I will help those near to me, dear to me, and those further away but inside my own country, and no further thanks! I'm no missionary!

Regarding the money to help educate them, well, we already give them education not only over there, but over here, and when they're educated over there, then they come over here coz they know what they can get from our crazy benefit system, whereby WE still have poor souls in cardboard boxes on our streets, and they are the ones in the £2,000 a week houses!!!!!

One of Dave's customers fosters two teenagers, one is British and one is from Africa. She cannot understand just WHY, the english kid gets nothing, he has to pay for everything he wants, and yet the African kid gets absolutely everything he wants all paid for! It's got to the stage where she's having real problems between the two of them because the english kid is jealous of this. He got a brand new laptop, courtesy of HM Government , and when he ran out of ink on his new printer, he told the woman to ask them for new inks coz he refused to pay for them in the full knowledge that he would get them for free, along with everything else he's got!!! Now I ask you, is that really fair??!! NO!
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21-11-2010, 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
As for aids in Africa do you know the men rape the women even if they have aids the women have no choice they do not want aids and to leave their children and knowing their children will die also do you think money to help educate for that is a waste ?
You can't say every woman with aids was raped!
Not ALL the men rape ALL the women.
Men rape women round the world all the time, and women rape men too.
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21-11-2010, 04:54 PM
I believe that as a country we have too much for free. Houses, NHS, even cars in some cases. There is a man from Malawi on my course at Uni, he's a nurse, done amazing things out there for his people, but has gone as far as he can with education, he's over here to become a doctor, and a bloody good one he will be at that. Why shouldn't we try to help people who are sooo much more disadvantaged than ourselves? Sadly majority of people on the streets here are there because of drugs and/or drink and the like, that is unfortunately a lifestyle choice they made and now we have to pay for it? Women and children who suffer abuse have shelters to go to, and foster homes and adoptions as an option. We have special needs schools, state schools, Universities, people abroad are often lucky if they are able to go to school until the age of about 10! They have to work to support their families, no option! Yet we're over here campaigning because our youth may have to take out loans to fund their own tuition fees!!!

This country should take a long hard look at how lucky we all are, and we should all accept that we were lucky to have been born free, it could all be so much worse.
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21-11-2010, 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
I agree we have to help our own but I also believe we should help overseas too but I also agree it should get to those who need it most.

Helena I like to give to the homeless but I tend to buy them something like a hot meal and an extra sausage for the dog as many will spend money on drink and drugs who can blame them ?

Someone who was homeless was speaking the other day on tv and saying by giving money you are not really helping a hot drink or food is more beneficial. Similar scenario to giving abroad and the money not doing what it is meant for. I try to buy a big issue when I can too and if I cannot I always say sorry not today and smile that was another thing I learnt from listening to the homeless on tv they would appreciate being acknowledged and not ignored even if you don't buy the magazine.

Something that stays with me when I learnt this was when I was in Norwich with Gorden and the boys Mark lived there for a while and it was christmas time and this guy was selling the big issue I smiled and said not today and he was so pleased I smiled and spoke he said to me what a lovely smile and thank you. It made my day and obviously his.

As for aids in Africa do you know the men rape the women even if they have aids the women have no choice they do not want aids and to leave their children and knowing their children will die also do you think money to help educate for that is a waste ?I have to agree with Joedee on the social history issue we have done a lot of bad things in some of these countries and owe them.

That's a cultural thing, and aid is not going to change that, the population and mindset of some of these countries will not change no matter how much money you send in

Originally Posted by Lorna View Post
I believe that as a country we have too much for free. Houses, NHS, even cars in some cases. There is a man from Malawi on my course at Uni, he's a nurse, done amazing things out there for his people, but has gone as far as he can with education, he's over here to become a doctor, and a bloody good one he will be at that. Why shouldn't we try to help people who are sooo much more disadvantaged than ourselves? Sadly majority of people on the streets here are there because of drugs and/or drink and the like, that is unfortunately a lifestyle choice they made and now we have to pay for it? Women and children who suffer abuse have shelters to go to, and foster homes and adoptions as an option. We have special needs schools, state schools, Universities, people abroad are often lucky if they are able to go to school until the age of about 10! They have to work to support their families, no option! Yet we're over here campaigning because our youth may have to take out loans to fund their own tuition fees!!!

This country should take a long hard look at how lucky we all are, and we should all accept that we were lucky to have been born free, it could all be so much worse.
Alcohol abuse along with drug abuse is an addition, its never as easy as sayign its a lifestyle choice, many of the people on the streets are also there due to mental illness, is that also a lifestyle choice to live in the streets.

Nothing in this country is free, someone pays for it with hard work, the pensioner does nto get health care for free, he has worked for it all his life, an element of society thinks everythign is free, but from where I stand , most people know that we have to work to get what we want out of life, paying taxes to able us to use the is NOT free.
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