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Helena54 is offline  
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28-12-2006, 10:46 AM
Well then, if it's ok for kids, it can't be that drastic to put it on a sore on a dog then can it? I wonder why Shaza's vet was against it though?

Funnilly enough, I had to slap some on Georgie this morning! Within 5 mins of coming back from our walk, he chewed a great big piece of his side, it was red raw and bleeding, if I hadn't caught him when I did it would probably have been a lot worse - something irritated him out on our walk
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28-12-2006, 11:41 AM
Well, just got back from the vets. After your reply yesterday Helena regarding fleas, although the vet did check for fleas when we first went in, I decided last night to go through him with a fine tooth comb. Guess what, I found one on his stomach and I use Advantix once a month on him without fail - so you can imagine my horror and the bloody thing jumped off my finger onto the rug couldn't find it again

Anyway today I went armed with a list of questions. I still have to bathe with Betadine and water for the next two days, and see the vet on Saturday morning but overall he was really pleased with his progress {though I have to wonder if this could have been cleared up with Fuciderm Gel quicker}. I had on my list to get another tube for future use, but he said no, he would like to see the dog beforehand, - but I still have nearly a full tube, so the slightest sign - sod him, I shall use it as I can't go through this again.

He has given me a really strong flea spray, as although he couldn't find any on Ozzie, I found one last night and if there's one there's more! I have a real thing about fleas. And he felt it best to get rid as he thinks Ozzie may have an allergy to them. I also have a carpet spray, although thankfully my house has marble floors but we have the odd rug here and there, have sprayed sofa's, my bed and rugs. I'm waiting for Ron to come home to do Ozzie, so he is confined to sofa out on the patio for now. Once I have sprayed him I have to leave it 20 days, then use the Advantix again. I suppose with it still being warm here the fleas are still rife.

Unfortunately, he still has to wear the collar unless one or other are sat with him. I took it off last night when I tried to walk him, he nearly managed to get round the whole block, before I had to carry him back - so it must be a little easier on him.

Again thanks everyone who has helped me through this, your help and comments have meant so much to me - I do worry about my little babe Ozzie - so Thanks. I can see light at the end of the tunnel now - it was such a shame that it was over the Christmas period.
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28-12-2006, 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by shaza View Post
Unfortunately, he still has to wear the collar unless one or other are sat with him. I took it off last night when I tried to walk him, he nearly managed to get round the whole block, before I had to carry him back - so it must be a little easier on him.
Hi Shaza glad things are improving.

Dogs are reluctant to walk in the special collars, it restricts their angle of vision I would always remove the collar when walking Ozzie and replace it when you return . Pleased he is walking now.
. I still have to bathe with Betadine and water for the next two days, and see the vet on Saturday morning but overall he was really pleased with his progress {though I have to wonder if this could have been cleared up with Fuciderm Gel quicker}.
Once you have saught the advice of a vet, it is a good idea to stick to the medication advised by the vet (particularly when it is working) rather than switching to something he did not advise, otherwise if you switch and the condition worsens you have no comeback .
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28-12-2006, 12:17 PM
Shaza, I'm so glad he's on the mend, it's been really traumatic for both of you, lets hope it doesn't happen again although I'm sure you'll be well prepared if it does.
Big hugs to both of you. x
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28-12-2006, 01:24 PM
I'm really pleased things are now looking up for Ozzie, and glad your vet is pleased with his progress too. Yes, he will be very, very sensitive to fleas if he's got pyoderma, so it's a good job your vet has now de-flead him. I can't understand though why you're still on a spray, when for years now, we have been using the pipettes on the shoulders, much simpler to use rather than all that hassle of spraying them all over? I should imagine that Advantix is a similar thing to what I have to use on Georgie, which I think is called Advocate or Advantage (I can never remember which one I use and I don't have any more at the moment to go and look!) as this particular one kills all the mites too whereas the others don't, and because mites like ears, and pyoderma likes ears, I have to be doubly sure.

I know what Mini is saying about medications from your vet, and obviously F*ciderm is on prescription and can only be obtained from your vet, and I am no vet, I can only tell you of my experiences with it on my own dog who has pyoderma, it works wonders, but you have to do it instantly and only when the sore is bad enough too!(i.e. what is known as a "hot spot" really red and sore, sometimes broken skin) Imo, and I'm no vet, but that sore of Ozzie's WAS bad enough, and I know from my own experience if I had gone to my own vet with my dog, that's the first thing he would have put on it, but then that's my dog and we know it works for him, you must decide what you want to do, and you do already have a tube of it, and obviously he's not allergic to it or anything coz you've already used it on him for something else!!
Here is what it says on Petmeds pharmacy site about Fuciderm gel:
quote "For the topical treatment of surface pyoderma in the dog such as acute moist dermatitis (‘hot spots’) and intertrigo (skin fold dermatitis). unquote

So there ya go, that's what it's for, and the box has changed colour now from orange to silver with an orange motiff. BTW, moist pyoderma, pyoderma, wet execzma, moist dermatitis, all the same thing!

Another tip, bacteria like moist and warm conditions, and this is why Ozzie had this where he did under his tail like that, warm and moist - perfect. If you see the slightest redness, say in his groin area, or under his tail, the first thing I use is an antibacterial powder which you can buy over the counter in any petshop, but it must be anti-bacterial. I use this because it will dry out the area and kill any bacteria, and only when it gets bad or he gnaws at it, do I resort to any creams. Creams are not good in the first instance, imo, since they add to the moisture which the bacteria like, and once the skin has broken you then get the bacteria getting in and you've got it infected, just like Ozzie did. The worst places are folds of skin, or warm sweaty areas, this is where you'll have to keep a close eye. Having said that Georgie gnawed at his side this morning, but of course, he would favour around his tail area if allowed!

If you can find a horse supplier in your area, all the better, coz you can buy anti-bacterial powder(wound powder it's sometimes called)in a larger quantity than you can at a pet shop and that's what I do. It's quite safe, but don't breathe it in yourself!

You really must ask your vet next time WHY he doesn't favour F*ciderm though please, coz I'm interested to know why, when my vet swears by it!!

Let's hope Ozzie doesn't have any future episodes anyway coz you're going to keep such a strict eye on him now, I know that!!
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28-12-2006, 02:06 PM
Helena, the flea repellent I normally use is Advantix it comes in a small vial and is a spot on thing that you use monthly between the shoulders. The spray he has given me today is to kill them instantly and is called Frontline Spray. My vet said to go back to using the Avdantix in 20 days. I just dont understand how he got fleas as I do him every 28 days and allways have.

Ozzie has one of those tails that curls round and sits on top of his back - so yes as you say nice and moist.

I have taken a pic of the spray, have also taken a pic of fuciderm - is it the same, as if I have another episode I shall use it straight away in the hope he wont inflict to much damage to himself.

Hope your not getting to fed up with me - sorry.
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28-12-2006, 02:35 PM
Hi Shaza, me again

I've been using frontline on mine for years and can't remember the last time I saw any fleas or ticks. I know different people use different things, all with varying results. All I can say is that it works well for my lot and is supposed to be ok for dogs with skin problems.

Good luck with everything. x
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28-12-2006, 04:09 PM
Hi Shaza. Yes the Fuciderm is identical, but check the date coz like I said, my latest box is different, it's now silver, and if it's out of date it might not work. The Advantix looks kinda familiar, but I think mine was called Advocate The Frontline of course I know, but I still think it's the equivalent of what we used to spray all over our dogs before they came up with the pipettes of Frontline??? In which case, I expect your vet is thinking it's ok for the Advantix to be administered for future fleas and get Ozzie well protected, but in case there's anything lurking in the meantime this will zap them all! Lol! I had a dog in the past with worse pyoderma than Georgie, and she had to have monthly flea treatment such as Frontline, plus she took a pill as well to make sure she never, ever had any, but I can't remember what the pills were called? They were very big pills, and she took one a month? Someone will know!

Oh don't be sorry, that's what we're all here for on Dogsey, to offer advice if we have any, information if we know it, and good old support when it's needed! Aint that nice!!!! It's coz we love animals so much, we're only too happy to help out if we can, and animal lovers of course! I hope little Ozzie is back to his little happy self now and will leave himself alone maybe, let's hope so anyway. You take care of him and now you can relax! Poor you what you went through
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