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22-05-2013, 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Hi Sally, I am sorry about your Dad - poor man, The trouble is he can wish as much as he likes that he wants to go to sleep and not wake up but if all his vital organs are strong he could go on for ages. I hope your daughter in law gets better very quickly and it is just a 24 hour bug.

Oh Lynn, maybe as Sally (I think it was Sally) mentioned that Dillon could just be reacting to all the stress in the house at the moment? The other thing is, it is very likely that Dillon just gets over the top with Michael. One of my closest friends has always had Briards and they are always very well behaved etc, however, when their son comes over the dog is always totally over the top like a child who has got over excited and is showing off. Can you try and get Michael to be very calm around Dillon?

You could say that Sally - Flash shook himself en-route to the bathroom to have his rear end washed .... say no more about our carpets, rug, back of the TV etc I actually think they have possibly had a bug because until a few hours ago when they decided to have a game with each other, they'd been very quiet all day.

That knife murder of the poor soldier is awful in Woolwich
You are so right about my father.......that is exactly what we have all been saying; that his body is wiry and fit with no heart problems or anything, and his mind is as sharp as ever BUT he cannot accept being paralysed down one side with no hope of that improving. He is not a nursing home person

It's my daughter who is throwing up as badly as your two hairys have been pooping.......on top of which I have just heard from son in law, she has the curse along with the dreadful pains that she always suffers. It never just rains does it

Your boys being the same way together does point to a bug or to something they managed to find and eat. Hope your telly recovers........blow the carpet!!!
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22-05-2013, 09:02 PM
Oh Sally your poor daughter ..... I don't think I knew you had a daughter ..... but a double whammy for her

I'm off to watch the news now and then get the dogs out as I want an early night as I was up so blooming early.

Sleep well all.
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22-05-2013, 09:03 PM
Night night Jenny, hope that you get a good nights sleep with no howls from doglets needing to go out.

Yes, I have a her thirties now
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22-05-2013, 09:26 PM
Lynn - until Bella was quite grown up (well if she is ever going to fully grow up) she took NO notice of my daughter whatsoever. She would nip her and bark at her and heaven forbid Jenny should point a finger at her (I told her NOT to do that!) I mean it was quite funny in a way because she was very good for me. But Jen did used to get a tad upset about it. I'd tell her 'well she just sees you as being the same as her - one of the kids - mum's the boss!'

However Bella weighed about 3kg at the time and it was the easiest thing to pick her up and put her out (and Jen would do this over and over until she 'got the message') Dillon is just a tad bigger.

But I do think dogs (like kiddies) do pick up on when you really HOPE they will be good and are getting a bit stressed about it and even making excuses for them.

Anyway I hope things improve with all that.

Now I am watching about Oklahoma. My goodness how your whole life (if you escaped with your life) can change in an INSTANT when something like that occurs. It's almost impossible to imagine being in that situation.
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22-05-2013, 09:34 PM
Lore - by the way ITV news put that video out almost immediately. Other news agencies were commenting on Twitter that it was a bold decision to take. Twitter these days is at the forefront of bringing the news to people bang up to date.

I don't disagree with them doing that. And the police are asking people to come forward with any other footage they might have. It's a fact that in this age of mobile cameras the police rely quite heavily on eye witness footage from people on the scene.

It's helped with disasters too and with finding out what went wrong.

If I witnessed a beheading in broad daylight in a busy street in my home town I think I'd be traumatised for a very long time by it and I certainly wouldn't expect to be told not to 'publicise' it in any way. My guess is some of these people on the spot are going to need counselling after witnessing this.
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22-05-2013, 09:41 PM
Seen it on the news for the first time, and I cannot get over how that man, with blood dripping from his hands, can spout all the rhetoric as though he was doing a perfectly commonplace act. Almost brainwashed or something. Very very scary indeed that this can happen in broad daylight outside an army barracks.
I think it is about time that these people were very publicly disassociated with religion, because there is no religion that I know of that encourages acts like this.
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22-05-2013, 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Seen it on the news for the first time, and I cannot get over how that man, with blood dripping from his hands, can spout all the rhetoric as though he was doing a perfectly commonplace act. Almost brainwashed or something. Very very scary indeed that this can happen in broad daylight outside an army barracks.
I think it is about time that these people were very publicly disassociated with religion, because there is no religion that I know of that encourages acts like this.
They are what I believe they call 'lone wolf Jihadists' TW. Like the Boston Marathon bombers. By the sound of the murderer on the vid shown he was born and raised in Britain (even tho' they speak of 'their country')

The Al Qaeda online magazine, Inspire, encourages these sort of atrocities. Published for the first time in 2010, it exists mostly as PDFs and obscure links passed around the Web. In the Internet era, shutting it down would be virtually impossible, terrorism experts say.
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22-05-2013, 09:57 PM

Brian, my wonderful husband who drives me nuts and I could curse rotten from time to time, but is still wonderful, has brought me a cup of hot chocolate and a choccie biccie. I felt like crying at the thoughtfulness of him

I made couscous tonight with pepper through it, pork chops and salad. It made such a change, I thought it was nice but was worried he wouldn't like it cause it wasn't traditionally something to have with pork chops, but he loved it Was delighted.

Up to 1500 words now, so giving it a break.
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