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View Poll Results: Poll - Do you agree you should be alpha male over your dog?
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06-05-2009, 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Quote Gnasher
As you all know, Shaun Ellis has started to come on to the Cry Wolf website to answer our questions.
Questions on what, dogs or wolves ? Hasn't he just put his dogs up for sale because he acquired them before finding out if his new venture was feasible and the premises he intended to use to house them were suitable, mmm hardly someone I would go to for advice on dogs.

I have just read something very interesting on there that Shaun says about alpha dogs/wolves. Firstly, he says that true alphas are extremely rare in both dogs and wolves,

There are no alphas in dogs , how many dogs has your friend SE observed for long periods in large numbers. I spent years working 7 days a week in large kennels, in one we had paddocks where 25 dogs would all go at once . There would be the occasional scuffles between different dogs but there were no alphas or betas, all dogs were equal. The humans weren't alphas either, they were the ones with the larger brains and power of reason who dished out the food and training.

betas are by far and away the most common. Fine so far, I knew this already from his lecture, books etc. He then went on to say something very interesting about CM. A Cry-Wolfer had posted the video clip of CM with Shadow, the wolf cross, where CM gives Shadow an unnecessarily hard nudge with his foot - in this instance, I would describe it as a kick - and had asked Shaun if he thought CM was using too much force.

I agree the dog was kicked in the behind with a back kick, unnecessary ..

Shaun said that the manner in which CM had behaved towards Shadow was that of a high ranking Beta - a Beta Enforcer. In other words, he used too much force.
More mumbo jumbo and nothing to do with 'betas', bully is the more appropriate word here, using strength and a tight collar to cut off a dogs air supply to make it submit.
Shaun is saying that, as alpha, we humans should not act as the Beta Enforcer but just as the alpha wolf would act in the wolf pack. Alphas do not dish out discipline, the Beta Enforcers do (except in very extreme circumstances).

So we should act as alphas who do not dish out discipline , if we are the alphas where are the beta enforcers , are these the dogs who should dish out the discipline , tell me what kind of discipline do dogs dish out to each other then? .

A good alpha does not use force. Absolutely, I have never used force on either Hal or Tai.

A good trainer and owner doesn't use force, nothing to do with being Alpha...

This explains Hal's reaction when OH smacked Hal for growling at him. It was the worst possible thing that he could have done, because he was not acting as Alpha Male, but as Beta Enforcer. This is not the rank that you want to present when handling your dog, you want to present as Alpha ... calm, assertive Alpha, not aggressive pain inflicting Beta Enforcer ! This is why training with force does not work, as if we needed to be told.
It was the worse thing he could have done because he is the human with a brain who should know better than to smack a dog for giving a warning, nothing to do with being Alpha.

This has led me on to think about Hal being an alpha. And how for the first 9 years of his life, we really left him to his own devices. We taught him the basic obedience ... sit, lie down, stay ... but his recall was total crap and usually non-existent ! However, in the last year of his life when I started to use CM's techniques on him, there is no shadow of a doubt, they did work, although his recall was never perfect, more of a meander back towards you, but it was a recall nonetheless, it wasn't a total ignore as used to happen ! And I managed to stop him chasing and killing next door's chickens when they escaped out onto the set aside.
So were we right to leave him pretty much to his own devices up to 9 ? In the absence of not understanding what else to do, I think the answer is yes. However, a modified approach to the CM model definitely worked, and worked wonders. As with Shadow, had CM whacked him like that with his foot, Hal would at the very least have growled and turned his mouth on him, he wouldn't have actually bitten. So I am left still utterly convinced that we should all be Alpha to our dogs, never Beta Enforcer, and depending on the rank of your dog, use full on CM techniques, or modified, using your own judgement as to your dog's rank.

And even more than before, I think I now believe that although we must be alpha to our dogs, we do have to bear in mind THEIR rank amongst their own kind ... the rank they were born with. This is what CM is not doing, he is not making allowance for the natural rank of the dog.

I am amazed that after years of domestication people still think of dogs as wolves, I am convinced it is wishful thinking on behalf of some.
I just about disagree with most that you have said as well Mini !! Like you, I too am amazed ... amazed that people cannot grasp the simple fact that dogs are domesticated wolves, the direct descendents of wolves. Hip hip hooray !! I am thrilled by this fact, it is not wishful thinking at all, it is there in the DNA for goodness sake !! How can you deny science ?? I am amazed at the ARROGANCE of some human beings that they 1) deny DNA and 2) ignore the science and the evidence that is right there in front of their eyes !!

Dogs know they are wolves ... they tell us every day of their lives, if some of us would only open our eyes and listen. When a dog chases a stick, what do you think he is doing? Wasting his precious energy just for fun? Of course not ! He is HUNTING !! That stick symbolises a nice juicy snowshoe hare, and when the dog has "caught" the stick, he will then "kill" it by savagely chewing it into tiny pieces ... this is one of Tai's favourite games, Hunt the Stick ! When we go out for a walk, what are we doing? We are going HUNTING, which is why dogs get so excited usually when we start to pull on our boots and put on our coats.

I wish I could make you see, make you understand Mini, I really do. I feel so frustrated when I can't find the right words to explain. Anyway no worries, because I for one am enjoying the debate !!
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06-05-2009, 09:11 PM
No-one is denying that dogs came from wolves...or even that they exhibit predertory behaivour.

We are disagreeing on the initial principles....the Alpha idea.

SE appears to think that Alphas are born with specific ideas and 'groomed' by the parents to fit into specific roles within a pack.

Other wolf/behaivour experts disgaree with this, the main thought being that the Alpha pair are the parents. Once a pup grows up and leaves a pack, if it then manages to find a mate and reproduce it becomes an alpha....this has nothing to do with innate or learnt behaviour but is luck of finding a mate and being able to reproduce.

Under that theory we could never be a true Alpha as we are not the same species.
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06-05-2009, 09:24 PM
Hi wow this is a really intresting subject.

Im sorry but dont all hate me!! - i defently believe in the alpha - pack leader as i call it. in my opinion dogs need leaders otherwise it would be total choas!

I have studied dogs for years , especialy my breed the beagle.

Dogs are social animals. In the wild, they run around in packs. They work together, play together, and sleep together. Basically, a dog pack is a huge team. Like most teams, there is a captain in the dog pack. This is the dog who is the leader, and the one who calls the shots. If the dog leader decides that it is time for the pack to migrate, the dogs migrate. If he says its time to rest, all the dogs lie down to rest.

Dogs are hardwired to follow the pack leader. This doesn't mean, however, that they do not try to take control occasionally. Occasionally, a dog will try to become the pack leader by edging out the old leader through force. Only the toughest of dog leaders will be able to remain in control of the pack.

It is important that people become the dog leader so that there dog does not. When you do not take the role, thier dog will assume that he is the one that should take the role and will start to run your entire family. people need to become the pack leader in order to get there dog to properly listen to them. Being the pack leader is not as difficult as it sounds, and will actually make your dog love and respect you even more.

Its like every social animal , most of us would hate to admit it but we as children listened to what our parents said did what they did looked up to them . Lions have leaders, even dolphins.
Basically anything that lives in a pack needs a leader otherwise it just wouldnt work.
And im not tough on my dogs at all i love them to pieces i spoil them they even sleep on my bed ( i know they shouldnt) but i couldnt own beagles and not be the leader my house would be destroyed by now and when we go walking they wouldnt listen to me to come back when there off lead ,

sorry for goin on a bit but this is my opinion.
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06-05-2009, 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
If you don`t mind me saying so, that is the biggest pile of BS masquerading as canine behavioural science I`ve ever seen.

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
And that's not me getting arsey because you don't agree with me, it's because it will become so boring for everyone else ! I have my views to which I am entitled, you have your's to which you are entitled. I am very much enjoying our debate, but not sure whether anyone else is !!
I am, please continue.

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I just about disagree with most that you have said as well Mini !! Like you, I too am amazed ... amazed that people cannot grasp the simple fact that dogs are domesticated wolves, the direct descendents of wolves. Hip hip hooray !! I am thrilled by this fact, it is not wishful thinking at all, it is there in the DNA for goodness sake !! How can you deny science ?? I am amazed at the ARROGANCE of some human beings that they 1) deny DNA and 2) ignore the science and the evidence that is right there in front of their eyes !!
But there is a difference in DNA which you have already accepted is most probably related to behaviour and that is exactly what we are talking about, dogs DO NOT behave like wolves.

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Dogs know they are wolves ...
Dogs aren't wolves.

How do you presume they know they are?

By playing fetch and enjoying walks?
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06-05-2009, 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I just about disagree with most that you have said as well Mini !! Like you, I too am amazed ... amazed that people cannot grasp the simple fact that dogs are domesticated wolves, the direct descendents of wolves. Hip hip hooray !! I am thrilled by this fact, it is not wishful thinking at all, it is there in the DNA for goodness sake !! How can you deny science ?? I am amazed at the ARROGANCE of some human beings that they 1) deny DNA and 2) ignore the science and the evidence that is right there in front of their eyes !!

Dogs know they are wolves ... they tell us every day of their lives, if some of us would only open our eyes and listen. When a dog chases a stick, what do you think he is doing? Wasting his precious energy just for fun? Of course not ! He is HUNTING !! That stick symbolises a nice juicy snowshoe hare, and when the dog has "caught" the stick, he will then "kill" it by savagely chewing it into tiny pieces ... this is one of Tai's favourite games, Hunt the Stick ! When we go out for a walk, what are we doing? We are going HUNTING, which is why dogs get so excited usually when we start to pull on our boots and put on our coats.

I wish I could make you see, make you understand Mini, I really do. I feel so frustrated when I can't find the right words to explain. Anyway no worries, because I for one am enjoying the debate !!
Gnasher, yet again you manage to twist the argument around deviating from the subject to go on about your own dogs and stating the obvious as if it is some kind of 'truth' only you have discovered.

No one has said dogs are not descended from wolves, no one has said dogs don't hunt . That doesn't mean dogs are unable to recognise a human as being something other than their own species, therefore how can humans possibly be as the original post asks 'their pack leader'.

There are links and references in this thread to the findings of extensive studies asserting that the original premise on which the alpha theory is based is flawed but you choose to ignore all those.

Perhaps when one owns a type of dog which was bred to look like a wolf and is so wrapped up in the idea that they own something approaching a wolf they find it difficult to see beyond this.
Originally Posted by Gnasher
Dogs never "just bite" ... there is always a reason for it, and it is usually because the human cannot or will not properly read the signs the dog is trying to give out.

I so totally disagree with you virtually on everything you say about dogs and wolves that I am not sure how we can have a sensible dialogue ! And that's not me getting arsey because you don't agree with me, it's because it will become so boring for everyone else ! I have my views to which I am entitled, you have your's to which you are entitled. I am very much enjoying our debate, but not sure whether anyone else is !!
you are addressing Promethean here, yet again you state dogs never 'just bite' etc as if it it a truth only you are party to . I am sure Promethean is quite able to speak to us for hours on the reasons why dogs bite.

Maybe you don't feel you can 'have a sensible dialogue' with Promethean but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't or that we can't gain something from his very knowledgeable posts.
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06-05-2009, 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I'm confused Promethean. Shaun Ellis says that alphas are very very rare, in both dogs and wolves, so not sure of the point you are making.
The point is that it is a fabrication when it comes to wolves and not applicable when it involves dogs.

The phrase "not even wrong" comes to mind when hearing such blabber. (Google it)

Gnasher you've been disagreeing with current scientific evidence since the beginning. It's not me you has an issue with, it is the reality of science

I and others here have provided dozens of citations from every related field yet you persist with your claims but never offer up any evidence to support it. The work of Mech, Fox, Boitani, Dunbar, Beach and others has come up to show you that your view of wolves, hybrids and dogs is not real ... you've haven't provided one iota to support your views. BTW, "I saw it in my backyard" or "I believe" is not evidence nor are the views of a self proclaimed expert wolf expert.

Disagree all you want, I don't mind. And if you can provide evidence I will even be thankful for the opportunity to learn

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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06-05-2009, 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
that's your opinion Claire and Daisy. I happen to believe that when a species shares the same DNA, they are actually in fact the same species. As far as I am concerned, my dog, your dog, everyone's dog is a direct descendent of the wolf, just as we are the direct descendents of hunter gatherers or cave men.

But once again, your belief is not based on any solid evidence. You are free to claim any outlandish claim, the data we get from multiple scientific disciplines says you are wrong.
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06-05-2009, 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Hannaho View Post
In the wild, they run around in packs. They work together, play together, and sleep together. Ba
This is not true. According to Coppinger & Coppinger when the physical needs of dogs are met they do not form packs. Other have also noted that dogs do not form packs but rather transitory assemblages of convenience. The work of Frank Beach (or is it Ian Dunbar?)also points to fluid hierarchies in dog assemblages.

The dictatorial society you imagine does not exist, not in dogs nor in wolves.

Dogs are hardwired to follow the pack leader.
There is no evidence to suggest this. But for argument sake lets go with it: If this is so, why are you people fighting so hard to be "alphas"? It should be as easy as pie, yet all those who make this claim go through extraordinary lengths to "achieve" it.

There is a disconnect between the claim and the actions taken.

This doesn't mean, however, that they do not try to take control occasionally.
Do they take the keys to your house? Start mating with the spouse? Kill the kids? Start cashing your salary?

Imagine a neolithic proto-dog that "takes over" it eats better, has better access to shelter, it's offspring have higher survival rates... it's the anti-domestication process.

This view of the dog as an usurper goes against all we know about them.

It is important that people become the dog leader so that there dog does not. When you do not take the role, thier dog will assume that he is the one that should take the role and will start to run your entire family.
But you already said they are hardwired to be followers.

At least you'll have someone to take the kids to Aikido practice

Being the pack leader is not as difficult as it sounds, and will actually make your dog love and respect you even more.
You are making assumptions about the dog's state of mind and emotional capacity.
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07-05-2009, 03:07 AM
Good post Promethean

My own dogs, [ six of them ] definitely bear out fluidity between them, they have different strengths and weaknesses in terms of confidence/ability, or lack of, in various scenarios and they each act accordingly at the time.

I do wish people would get over the alpha schmalpha nonsense, it`s been debunked more than adequately but some are so fixated on the old [ incorrect ] thinking that they can`t - or won`t - get up to date. I can`t help but think it`s either because of lack of belief in anything but a misplaced and almost [ or definite ] hero worshipping of the rubbish on TV these days which tends to be full of equally dark age so called trainers or behaviourists, or because some people just can`t bear to let go of the old `mystique` which they mistakenly think represents `the wolf in their dogs`.

[ I voted no obviously, I`m not an alpha of course, I`m human, my dogs are`nt thick enough to not realise they are a different species to me, and despite me not being an alpha schmalpha they have yet to nick my keys and purse to take themselves off for a spending spree at the nearest pet shop - I do wish they would make me a brew once in a while though, perhaps I`m just not subservient or weak enough for them to decide I need them to do it for me ]
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07-05-2009, 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Promethean View Post
This view of the dog as an usurper goes against all we know about them.

Good sentence there, with much truth grasshopper - I like it!

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