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20-02-2008, 09:36 PM
I've never owned a hybrid ... where did you get that from? Wrong Gnasher, wrong Hal.
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20-02-2008, 09:42 PM
"Oh and you have said that you would health test a rescue before breeding and yet you have bred without doing so

"I am going to get my boy hip scored before he mates again"

Wot !!! I have never said that, because it just isn't true !! Where did you read that?
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20-02-2008, 09:43 PM
I've got to go to bed, but can you PM me Patch if you don't want to say on here where you read this?
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20-02-2008, 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I've never owned a hybrid ... where did you get that from? Wrong Gnasher, wrong Hal.

Did you not say the things I have quoted ?
Is there another Gnasher who owned the same Pointer and the same Husky x [ stated as being 3/4 Timber Wolf x Husky ], who is "married to a medical scientist with an honours degree in zoology, mammalian physiology, and human physiology", and whom also comments on having `group hugs` the same way you do here ?

So that person isn`t you then....
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20-02-2008, 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I've got to go to bed, but can you PM me Patch if you don't want to say on here where you read this?
I`d be more than happy to say but linking is`nt allowed here.

I also note that a member who has an offspring of Hals referred to you by the same initial as the other `Gnashers` name starts with from where I took the quotes.
Still not the same person ?
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20-02-2008, 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
No mishflynn, I don't consider it unfair. As CM says, and I personally think he is right, dogs live in the here and now.

It was a nice thing you did for Nellie, retiring her rather than put her through what you perceived as being stressful for her. You blamed yourself for having let this situation occur in the first place. Fair do's, and big of you to blame yourself. However, if I may be presumptuous enough to put on Cesar's hat for a moment, he would say "don't worry, don't live in the past, you have recognised that you have let the dog get away with this particular behaviour, so now let's get on and solve the problem".

I think what I like so much about Cesar is that he doesn't anthropomorphise dogs, he treats them as DOGS, not extensions of the human beings who own the dogs. Dogs, according to him, live for the moment, from day to day (which is not to say that they don't come with baggage and have issues when they have been abused and traumatised). So therefore, IMO, you could have trained Nellie to be less gobby and more respectful, and I don't think it would have turned her life upside down at all. As her pack leader, she would have accepted that this was now what was required of her, and as an intelligent dog, would have learned very quickly. Using his calm assertive energy ... no prongs, no electric collars ... you would have very quickly been able to gently but firmly rehabilitate her into being less gobby.

Dogs don't have a sense of fairness in the context you are talking about, they just view us, their pack leaders, as being weak if we allow them to be gobby ... or dominant, as Cesar would describe it. I had a gobby dog too, and I think it is a very good description of Hal ! He was extremely gobby, and a challenge from the moment we brought him into our home until the day he died, God bless him.
The thing is that it wasnt a problem to her, she was very happy,if its only a problem to me, who am i to try to change a dogs personality just so its better for me?

Strangely at the time, it was when i was training with someone who trains very much with the CM methods, but all they tryed to do didnt work, mainly because ny heart wasnt in it. It wasnt fair to her, she is a strong bitch & my "relationship" with her meant more to me than to do what i would have had to do, also i love that little dog, shes a gobby cow, i dont just love the good bits. You cant always take the bad bits away without scacrificing some of the good bits, that was something i wasnt prepared to do.

I will state again (for the millionth time) i have no desire to be a pack leader!

She didnt see me as weak because i had allowed her to be gobby, It was in her personality to be gobby & due to my lack of knowledge i let it become a thing that was part of her. When shes gobby shes not being bossy, shes just excited, or when shes having a whale of a time, or when working trying her heart out.

In my other dogs i do control it abit because i dont want the same problem again. Its not because i want to be their boss, its becvause i want to be Fair & consistent to them!

How does CM shut up a gobby dog, out of interest?
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20-02-2008, 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
That is clearly rubbish to say you cannot breed from a rescue when the dog has a pedigree with several show champions in her lines ... and you know it !
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
So are you telling me that I shouldn't have bred from Lizzie? Too bad, because I did. She was put to another Wittekind called Boris, bore a healthy litter of 12 gorgeous little GSPs, who sold well and easily and that was that.

How can this in any way have been heinous?
and you've just said:

"I think it was extremely inadvisable to breed from her. But that is with the knowledge of hindsight. It was, apparently, perfectly acceptable in those days for pedigrees to have these very close lines. I just hope to goodness it isn't acceptable nowadays."

just to clarify, you seem to have changed your tune rather, that is all... i just can't see why, if you agree this sort of thing is regrettable, you disagree with Caesar's neuter policies?
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21-02-2008, 06:41 AM
Re line Breeding, Personally as long as its done with Care & knowledge i cant see anything wrong with it, if you are aiming for a typey dog. Clearly you have to know what you are doing & what is behind the dog & what is in the lines.

Its not just having CH in the ped is it? anyone of those CH could carry faults & still be CH, If you are unsure/unknowledgeable about a breeds lines goddness knows what you could double up on/ introduce.

Anyway that is wheyyyyyyy off topic.

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21-02-2008, 07:35 AM
mishflynn said: "also i love that little dog, shes a gobby cow".

You could be talking about my Hal !! Why is it the ones that give us a hard time that we love the most? Your thread took me back over the last few years to the pre-CM days where I wrestled (mentally, not physically!) with him ... particularly over the recall. I was absolutely determined that, despite what several husky breeders had told me, my dog was NOT going to be condemned to a life on the lead. Anyway, I digress.

I believe that with your dogs you absolutely MUST be pack leader. Hal, as norty as he was, at the end of the day always viewed my husband as pack leader, with me a close second ... above Hal ... although he did challenge me rather frequently (my fault, I was too soft with him, which is why I will never be a very good dog handler, although should we get another dog, I will do my best!). I believe that your dogs will view your very noble attempts to be fair as a sign of weakness, and will at least attempt to manipulate you because of it ! Consistent is good, whatever method of training or rehabilitation you use, you must be consistent of course. But dogs don't do fair, they would regard fairness as you being weak and easily manipulated! Not true I am sure, but they would view it as that.

I truly believe that dogs see everything in black and white, unlike humans, which is why Cesar's method works so well. We can argue till the cows come home as to whether his method is RIGHT or not, cruel or kind, but no-one can argue with the facts. And the facts are that he is highly successful in a very short space of time. If quick fixes work, then how can they be wrong? The best ways are often the simplest. Although we haven't been able to get the Dog Whisperer on our tv recently because of the atmospheric conditions, so I missed the recent episode where someone said a dog had been choking, all the episodes I have ever seen, and I have seen hundreds, I have only seen 1 where the dog was clearly frightened. And that was the Jindo, who was probably the most scarey dog I have ever seen. He was a red zoner, totally out of control, etc. etc., and I did see fear in that dog's eyes. I should think there was in Cesar's too, the dog was savage, but Cesar managed to rehabilitate him, but it looked to me that it was touch and go.

mishflynn, you can't use methods that you don't believe in and your heart isn't in. That's quite clear and good commonsense. You were right to not continue with something your heart is not in. Dogs pick up on negative emotions as well as positive. By the way, CM's methods are not intended to change a dog's personality, why would you want to do that? That's what I loved about using Cesar's Way on Hal, it DIDNT change his personality, he was still the arsey git he had always been, just a more obedient arsey git !! His recall, though meandery, was a recall, his walk to heel was excellent, he sat on command with less sulkiness (I know these are all basic things that he should have learned years ago, but you didn't know Hal !!) No-one should want to change their dog's personality, only their behaviour if it is aggressive or whatever.

This is a bit muddled, but I hope it helps !
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21-02-2008, 07:38 AM
Patch: I can't comment because I don't know what you are talking about.

If you want to launch a personal attack on me, please do so through the PM system.
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