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18-01-2011, 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by Adam Palmer View Post
Not really, I have to go to exeter tomorrow, I could walk or hitch hike or whatever, or I could drive.
I think I will drive

Cars are inanimate objects. I suppose the same can be said for e-collars. The collars themselves are benign until some idiot comes along and decides it's a good idea to sticik one around a dogs neck to make their training go faster.

If this analogy is going to be used, then I suppose you could liken the e-collar driver to the inexperienced driver that risks all for the thrill of speed and cares little for who it affects
Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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19-01-2011, 12:48 AM
I am so totaly fed up of people justifying a training method by saying 'if I didnt do it then they would have been put to sleep'

There are many many people who rescue dogs with issues and they take the time and empathy to rehabilitate the dogs fully

Unlike a quick fix shock treatment which at best only masks the reaction - it does not cure the mental state
and as we are seeing from Adams videos it also stresses the dog and supresses his natural fun behaviours

Sorry I dont have videos of rehabing an agressive dog - when Mia was in full on reaction I had no thought of filming her, my whole thoughts were how to make life better for her so she didnt have to be like that

here is APBC's video dealing with agression using positive methods - is that quick enough for you adam?

here is a video of mia - I dont often have someone to film so it is not ideal
In the first bit yup I agree I kept the lead too tight but a tight lead she has been trained to turn back to me
he reaction is 100% better than when I first got her -and it was an unexpected GSD that came out of the bushes
The rest of the vid was taken all on the same weekend, I was trying out the control unleashed exercises
and you can see I got her pretty close to ringside at an agility show - and she was totaly calm and happy to be there
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19-01-2011, 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post
I am so totaly fed up of people justifying a training method by saying 'if I didnt do it then they would have been put to sleep'

There are many many people who rescue dogs with issues and they take the time and empathy to rehabilitate the dogs fully
Unlike a quick fix shock treatment which at best only masks the reaction - it does not cure the mental state
and as we are seeing from Adams videos it also stresses the dog and supresses his natural fun behaviours

Sorry I dont have videos of rehabing an agressive dog - when Mia was in full on reaction I had no thought of filming her, my whole thoughts were how to make life better for her so she didnt have to be like that

here is APBC's video dealing with agression using positive methods - is that quick enough for you adam?

here is a video of mia - I dont often have someone to film so it is not ideal
In the first bit yup I agree I kept the lead too tight but a tight lead she has been trained to turn back to me
he reaction is 100% better than when I first got her -and it was an unexpected GSD that came out of the bushes
The rest of the vid was taken all on the same weekend, I was trying out the control unleashed exercises
and you can see I got her pretty close to ringside at an agility show - and she was totaly calm and happy to be there
I completely agree with you ~ it's almost like the person wants recognition for their "caring" behaviour ~ as if having to live a scared & frightened life, full of pain & dictated by some megalomaniac with his finger on the e-collar remote is somehow better than euthanasia!

I'm also heartily sick of the feeble excuse that the dog would have been pts without the use of an e-collar. Many dogs are under such threat. Many of the dogs given up to rescues are there because the owners say the only other option is pts. Do the rescues use e-collars to rehabilitate these dogs? You bet your life they don't! And the vast majority of those dogs are successfully rehomed to caring owners who give them happy lives.

I've not heard one solitary reason/excuse to even vaguely suggest that using an e-collar could possibly be justified. How on earth can torture & inflicting physical & mental pain on any creature be justified?

And now i've just ruined by resolution to keep away from e-collar threads
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19-01-2011, 10:26 AM
Adam you keep churning out the same old phrases, I find it impossible to have a sensible debate with you because you pick and choose which questions you will answer.

I am aware you have stated elsewhere that you intended to join lots of forums to promote e collars but you feared your ability to debate the subject effectively, I think you were correct in this assertion, no debate here .

Quite frankly I think it is a waste of time talking to you at all, it is just pandering to your ego and achieves nothing except helping you to give a high profile to e collars.

I have ceased to look at the videos you post, all more of the same dog abuse, still you keep on posting them so I shall keep posting about e collar dog abusers ...

A local trainer was doing shock collar demos at a pet expo where my club was doing clicker and agility demos. She was using her 5 month old Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) as the demo dog.
The puppy got out of her crate when this trainer left her booth, and ran loose around the expo. A friend of mine caught the puppy and was carrying it around looking for the trainer. My friend noticed that the puppy shook hard in her arms intermittently. my friend then noticed that when the puppy shook, the red light on her collar was on. The trainer was trying to find her puppy by shocking it as a cue to recall.

The next year, at the same pet expo, we had another shock training demo. after the demo, the trainer was taking his two GSD's outside and the collar broke on one of them. the entire audience saw this happen.
The collar was burning the dog and would not turn off. the dog was screaming at the top of its lungs and bolted for the open exit door. The trainer was shouting at him to SIT! SIT! while he was trying to turn off the collar with his remote, and he couldn’t turn it off. The dog was screaming and running. and the other German Shepherd was in a total panic because he was off leash and was trying to stay in heel position with the trainer who was running after the other dog. This trainer had walked his dogs all around the expo off-leash and would shock them if they got out of position. Finally the trainer caught up to the screaming dog and grabbed the collar and literally ripped it off the dog's neck while continuing to yell SIT!
I realized I was crying and holding my Sheltie/Border collie/Jack Russell Snap, who only weighs 20 pounds, really tight against my chest as if to protect him. and I yelled really loud, "I guess electricity doesn't always work to train dogs! That's a shock!" A bunch of people laughed.
Later I was mortified that I lost it and behaved unprofessionally. But the image of those two Shepherds is burned into my mind, many months later. my heart is beating faster as I relive this, actually.
Leslie McDevitt

Erdenheim PA t=clnk&gl=uk
I have seen a number of pictures on the internet of dogs with horrific burns supposedly cause by e collars, some dogs have the impression of the collar burnt into their skin. Some people have queried the integrity of the pictures but I know what the pictures look like to me and if as Adam Palmer advocates two e collars are used on a dog at once I can quite see this kind of result happening...

This was said to be caused by an e collar and remote control confinement system
The details of these and other instances of e collar use which supposedly caused damage are detailed on the internet. I am unable to post them all here but they can be easily located by putting 'shock collar burns' /images into Google.
I will leave others to decide on the credibility of these incidents .
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19-01-2011, 10:45 AM
''In any doubt e-collars are mental (and physical) abuse?''

Returning to the original post in this thread', I don't think any reasonable caring dog owner/trainer is in any doubt at all that use of e collars can be classed as mental and physical abuse and that their use can't be justified.

I think just about everyone posting here agrees that there are reliable, effective and painless methods which can be used to train dogs instead of these outdated 'quick fix do more harm ' devices.
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19-01-2011, 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
''In any doubt e-collars are mental (and physical) abuse?''

Returning to the original post in this thread', I don't think any reasonable caring dog owner/trainer is in any doubt at all that use of e collars can be classed as mental and physical abuse and that their use can't be justified.

I think just about everyone posting here agrees that there are reliable, effective and painless methods which can be used to train dogs instead of these outdated 'quick fix do more harm ' devices.
Thankfully, you are correct.
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19-01-2011, 11:27 AM
Sadly I dont believe Adam will change his mind re the use of e-collars,he has had more than enough people both argue,debate,disagree,disprove and dissaprove his methods and still he will not accept the facts that e-collars are cruel and inhumane. Why? on forum after forum he has continued despite receiving zero support for his "training" methods. I can only presume he has some severe mental disorder which prevents him from accepting he is 100% wrong.
Only when shock collars are banned nationally will Adam and those of his ilk stop torturing and abusing dogs.
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19-01-2011, 01:41 PM
Virtually all humane aggressive dogs that go into rescue get pts.
Many rescues will pts dog aggressive dogs as well.

Besides I don't use e collars just for last chance dogs, I use them for most dogs as a part of balanced training.

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19-01-2011, 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Adam Palmer View Post
Virtually all humane aggressive dogs that go into rescue get pts.
Many rescues will pts dog aggressive dogs as well.
Care to share your stats on this? I mean, obviously since you know that ALL human aggressive dogs get pts you must have read some reports on this. I'd like to see the real numbers please.

Besides I don't use e collars just for last chance dogs, I use them for most dogs as a part of balanced training.
It's sick either way you do it. It's disgusting no matter what way you swing it. Dogs, be they with or without issues should never be treated that way. And especially not as a "one size fits all" thing. What happens if you come across a dog who is soft and can't handle shocks?
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19-01-2011, 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Adam Palmer View Post
Virtually all humane aggressive dogs that go into rescue get pts.
Many rescues will pts dog aggressive dogs as well.
Besides I don't use e collars just for last chance dogs, I use them for most dogs as a part of balanced training.

And quite frankly Adam, they are better off , than falling into your hands.
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