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27-12-2009, 11:20 AM
As a point of interest; when my dog got mange (he was young and healthy) we found it took a very,very long time to get rid of.

To go completely off topic but remain with foxes. In the case of rabies (a truly frightening disease) studies have shown that randomly exterminating local fox populations can actually spread the disease quicker. This is because the vacuum created by the removal of the population allows outside animals to move in and establish themselves: therefore bringing new disease with them.
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27-12-2009, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by galty View Post
That should have been sent as a pm.

Question is is the hunting with dogs a good or bad law and does it need to be improved, changed or got rid off.
That depends on what people consider the actual issue is.

a) A moral one: we should be better than the need to enjoy killing things.

b) The death of the fox is cruel/painful.

c) The fox should be a (at least partly) protected wildlife species.

Carefully worded this could make an interesting poll. The original act falls down because it weak. The pro lobby could also add points!
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27-12-2009, 11:33 AM
This link show the severity of mange and also tells the risks of cross infection to people and Dogs. Its a Fox site so it wont tell you how widespread it is, but it does demonstrate the seriousness of the disease.
3435 bottles of mange treatment in 12mths, thats some figure.

Thanks for that. Although i never said it wasnt serious, nor never said there isn't a risk of cross infection to people and dogs. I just said the same as you did, the risk isnt automatic, widespread, or immediate.
(Otherwise why would you want packs of hounds mixing with foxes )
Vets would tell you this. Even dogs have to squeeze up quite tight close and personal for a prolonged period to pass it to each other.
My rescue also took foxes from the London Fox Project, so i have experience of treating mangey foxes also.

This guessed it
Im gonna have to ask, again, why we are having this discussion and what it has to do with hunting with hounds??

Nope, as in the above link will show you, Foxes dies from this, healthy ones they are more susceptible to it than pet dogs.

I just said this

You only need watch Animal cops program to know how many dogs die from it, and how badly it affects them.

What is Animal Cops?
I know quite a lot about mange, foxes, and dogs anyway, as part of my job.
Q: how many dogs do die from sarcoptic mange then?
I dont know this, i just know, as you have already said yourself, most young fit and healthy dogs recover ok.
Which vets will also tell you.
I never said it wasnt bad, i said its quite easily treatable (medical defintion of phrase)
I feel like im on a merry-go-round, but if you are arguing again that foxes spread mange widely and terminally amongst themselves AND the dog population, why on earth would you want packs of hounds mixing with these diseased animals?????
But hang on, in your last post, you said its not a problem, the terriers just get dipped anyway and recover ok as they are young and healthy.

Im sorry Dawn, but you are still repeating the same contradiction i pointed out last time, and for the third time, I have to ask what is the connection between mangey foxes and the hunting ban (as you still didnt provide one), and why we are even discussing mange when it comes to pro hunt arguments???

My bogus meter is still screaming

I disagree, all illness is treatable, but so many are incurable.

You disagree with what?
This isnt even what i wrote in the passage you quoted

Ill answer this later KW, Im photographing two dogs this morning and they have arrived.:grin
Please do, as you are confusing the hell out of me.
Personally, all i can see is another bogus argument stating we need to hunt with hounds (note, not with guns), due to disease control, namely mange.
But when you break down the argument, none of its make any logical or consistent sense.
Therefore, just another point to make the 'pro list' artificially longer, the same way the farmers cant shoot argument does.
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27-12-2009, 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by chaz View Post
Well Honey has broken these laws, she caught and killed a squirrel on a walk (accidently) but I wonder how many dog owners on here can say that there dogs have not broken these laws?

I also don't know if its been said, but last year I was talking to someone and they were saying that it was proven to be more inhumane to kill a fox with a gun rather then dogs, as with a bullet you could miss something that would kill the animal quickly, and the animal could be walking for days before dieing (I found one last year), but with a dog once they get hold of the animal its dispatched quickly (with correct training).
You and your dog have broken no law. The law is that you have to [B]intentionally[B] go out to kill a wild animal, and also I think you have to have more than one dog.

I am very undecided on the whole control of foxes, so can't say whether I would find shooting, snaring or hunting more or less cruel than one another.
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27-12-2009, 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Ripsnorterthe2nd View Post
And it's the exact reason why I don't believe either the anti's or the pro's when it comes to fox hunting. It stopped being about hunting foxes a long time ago, sadly it's just about winning the argument for the majority these days IMO.
So very true.
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27-12-2009, 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
Badgers are known to spread Bovine Tuberculosis, obviously this doesnt require any explanation as its clear what the disease does. Its interesting that "some" animal welfare groups dont subscribe to the fact they spread it so far, but ALL of them test for TB before they release! Since the ban on Badger hunting, the numbers have recovered to massive numbers and many authorities are now considering another cull as numbers are so high in places, the environment in which they live can no longer support them. farmers of course, livestock ones, for the most part, do not want them on their land either.
Sorry to disagree but badgers are not actually known to cause bovine tuberculosis. There is no proven link at the moment. Yes, badgers do get TB and yes, cattle do get TB - however, no-one yet knows who is infecting who, where it came from and what the cure is.
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27-12-2009, 03:03 PM
In my opinion, fox hunting is all about the thrill of the chase, the adrenalin rush of a gallop over countryside on a horse, and the blood lust for a kill at the end of it. Ridden hunts in particular are very rarely about control of foxes.

When a foot pack take to the mountainous areas of the Lakes or the Highlands of Scotland, it is not a jolly day out on the back of a horse. It is a hard slog, usually for many hours, on foot, to track down a particular fox who has been taking lambs from hill farms, who can rarely afford to lose lambs in this way. I can accept this way of hunting (although I don't particularly like it) as it is driven by necessity, not for sport.

There is a lot of talk about farmers here, and actually from my experience (in Northern England and Scotland), many farmers are tenants and it is actually the landowners who allow the hunt over the farmland, and not the farmers themselves. If any of the shepherds or farmers I know wanted a problem fox (who was taking lambs) killed, they would contact a local pest control person with a rifle, who would come out and kill the particular fox. Again, not something I like, but I can understand it.

And this opinion from a hill shepherd's wife
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27-12-2009, 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Krusewalker View Post
Please do, as you are confusing the hell out of me.
Personally, all i can see is another bogus argument stating we need to hunt with hounds (note, not with guns), due to disease control, namely mange.
But when you break down the argument, none of its make any logical or consistent sense.
Therefore, just another point to make the 'pro list' artificially longer, the same way the farmers cant shoot argument does.
The connection with hunting was raised by somebody else, I responded, you picked up on it. In any case, hunting rids of unhealthy Foxes, there a connection!

Originally Posted by Moobli View Post
Sorry to disagree but badgers are not actually known to cause bovine tuberculosis. There is no proven link at the moment. Yes, badgers do get TB and yes, cattle do get TB - however, no-one yet knows who is infecting who, where it came from and what the cure is.
I never said cause Kirsty, I said spread, and they do.
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27-12-2009, 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Very interesting points raised on both sides of the debate.

Dawn, just to shut you up I will do my best to get in touch with my friend asap. Unfortunately, she does not have a land line and moves house on a fairly regular basis to avoid her ex husband finding out where she lives. I received a xmas card from her, but not a note of her latest address or mobile number (which she also changes fairly regularly), but I will ring the latest number in the hopes I get hold of her. She will be able to fill me in on the nitty gritty details.
Please do, Id love proof as every other human being would.
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27-12-2009, 05:41 PM
i havent read all of the post on this thread, it is way too long. but i did read the first 5 or 6 pages and all the ones posted recently.

i am strongly against fox hunting. i think it is totally sick and cruel. i dont think the ban is working like it should be, but i really think harsh punishments should be given to those who break the ban. they should properly enforce it. i cant believe some people here actually support it... chasing and then ripping a fox apart... wow... what fun!

Originally Posted by Borderdawn View Post
Not getting into an argument but I love it and always will.
that says it all for me dawn... it really does...

Originally Posted by tabsmagic View Post
They are obviously better at hiding it through!!
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