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KennyUK is offline  
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20-04-2015, 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Yes it did, it took any doubt I had that I had done the right thing by her. I'll tell you now about something else that happened a few years ago. I've had a bad back injury for a few years now, and on a friends recommendation I went to see this healer, now she is also a psychic as well. She started talking to me about one of my horses, Heidi, and described her perfectly and also talked about the leg injury which meant that Heidi was pts at 17 because she could no longer walk on it, worst still was the referred pain due to the weight all going on her other leg. She also then talked about my blue dobie, Piaf, again she was pts due to the wobbbles syndrome which is a genetic problem in dobies, she was 11 years old when she left me, so had a good innings despite this. There is no way she could ever have known about them or how or why they died. She did tell me they understood why, and that I had put them out of their pain and they were fine where they were and could run around once more. She also then talked about my dad and playing chess, now I didn't have a clue my dad played chess. Asked my mother about that one, and she was amazed I never knew that, and my brother was also amazed because he used to play chess with my dad and couldn't understand why I didn't know. Incidentally when I first spoke to this woman on the phone, she said to me she was getting Dobermanns coming through, and did it mean anything to me. This is all real, and she also told me they are following me about, well I must have a right circus following me mustn't I Soooo my animals have 'forgiven' me for what I did, because I did it to save them further pain and suffering, and I did it with love for their sake. So I know beyond one shadow of a doubt that Harvey will feel the same. Please put away this terrible destructive anger you are feeling, it is a very negative emotion and you need to surround yourself with good things and positive thoughts. Harvey is there with you and you will get a sign from him, you need to open your mind and forget your anger and stop blaming yourself for his death. It was his time to go, he probably hated to leave, but he was not your boy anymore, something dreadful had invaded his lovely self and changed him, and he knew this.

Thank you, thank you so much for allowing me to share what is a very personal story.

That's so very moving and must be genuinely a great comfort.

I wont go into why but I firmly believe in every living creature having spirits, an essence or life force (maybe that's what a soul is) and I also believe that some, but not all, can remain or visit.

Emotions can play a part as well by leaving imprints (making a building or place feel good or bad) but as much as I would like Harvey to visit me, as desperate as I am for him to be able to tell me he is okay, if think if he was able, he would have done so by now. Maybe he just did not know how or was just one of those who are unable to.
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20-04-2015, 07:44 PM
Kenny, I think you are too angry and upset at the moment, your mind's in turmoil and you're suffering torment and guilt at something you feel you did was wrong. Until you can come to terms with all this, and understand and accept that you did the RIGHT THING in the circumstances, then I doubt Harvey could find his way through to you anyway. Time is a healer, and you're going to feel very different about things when you can accept you were not at fault in any way. Harvey will come in some shape or form when the time is right, and it just isn't the right time given your situation. I am always finding white feather's in strange places, just sat there on windy days when they shouldn't be, robins flying over and sitting on a branch, all this tells me my equine and canine friends aren't gone completely and one day we'll be together again, may be crowded, given the numbers, but what the heck.
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20-04-2015, 07:58 PM
Kenny I will tell you something I did which helped me with Nico.. She is buried in my garden and I put my bird feeder ornament there, it's like a wrought iron stake curled round at the top with a bird embellishment. From this I hung a yellow star container that could hold a tea light. I lit a yellow tea light (Nico was golden lab cross), and sat in the garden a while while it burned. This did bring me a bit of comfort. I think with Poppy it may be different cos I've had her since a puppy and the bond I have with her is so special. Nico came to me later in her life and stayed with me for 3 years before she died. I adored Nico though and lit this candle every night for quite some days afterwards.
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20-04-2015, 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Kenny, I think you are too angry and upset at the moment, your mind's in turmoil and you're suffering torment and guilt at something you feel you did was wrong. Until you can come to terms with all this, and understand and accept that you did the RIGHT THING in the circumstances, then I doubt Harvey could find his way through to you anyway. Time is a healer, and you're going to feel very different about things when you can accept you were not at fault in any way. Harvey will come in some shape or form when the time is right, and it just isn't the right time given your situation. I am always finding white feather's in strange places, just sat there on windy days when they shouldn't be, robins flying over and sitting on a branch, all this tells me my equine and canine friends aren't gone completely and one day we'll be together again, may be crowded, given the numbers, but what the heck.
Oh but what a lovely situation to be in, all of your loved ones around you and you with them.

I do not care what any one thinks of me but Harvey and I had such a deep bond we knew some of each others thoughts.

As an example, I would be the other side garden to where he was laying in the sun, i'd have my back to him as I was weeding and I knew he was looking at me, I can not explain why or even what the feeling was but sure enough when I looked over my shoulder he was staring straight me.

As soon as he saw that I'd noticed him he would wag his tail and lower his head to go back sleeping.

It worked the other way around too, I was always checking on him and he would be fast asleep, eyes closed but as soon as I looked over at him he would open his eyes and lift his head to look straight at me. I would normally say something like "good boy" or "It's okay" and he would wag his tail and go back to snoozing.

This was not just something that happened every now and then, it happened all of the time.

There were other times when, for example, he may have been at the other end of the garden and maybe I was doing something indoors. I would suddenly have this feeling that Harvey was looking for me or calling me, so I'd start to walk outside and before I get even part way to where he was, there he would be already making his way to find me, most of the time at a run, not a walk.

Some may think this is fanciful or "rose tinted" but I know it was because we were connected.
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20-04-2015, 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Popster View Post
Kenny I will tell you something I did which helped me with Nico.. She is buried in my garden and I put my bird feeder ornament there, it's like a wrought iron stake curled round at the top with a bird embellishment. From this I hung a yellow star container that could hold a tea light. I lit a yellow tea light (Nico was golden lab cross), and sat in the garden a while while it burned. This did bring me a bit of comfort. I think with Poppy it may be different cos I've had her since a puppy and the bond I have with her is so special. Nico came to me later in her life and stayed with me for 3 years before she died. I adored Nico though and lit this candle every night for quite some days afterwards.
That's so sweet and I can see how that would have been a comfort.

That's kind of why I take Harvey and go and sit on his bench with him just after his feeding time.
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20-04-2015, 08:28 PM
God almighty I keep losing my posts! I AM in bed ! trying to type responses and this bloody laptop keeps going haywire!

Kenny I just wanted to say you need to listen to June, she is a wise old buzzard; I remember as if it were yesterday that phone call with June, verbatim. When I lost my Hal she told me that Tawney would look after him and she has. I went out to Hal's grave in the beautiful spring sunshine this evening and told him to look out for Harvey. He was there, he heard. Kenny, your bench is a focal point, like our hawthorn tree is. You need to sit on that bench and talk to Harvey as if he were there ... you will feel the breeze ruffle your hair, and you will know that he has heard. I sound a right weirdo but this really does work ... I lost my father aged 91 just over a year ago and I go out to the rose garden where his ashes are interred and I talk to him and I feel at peace ... because Dad is at peace. I talk to the man who left his house to my parents in the same way ... he died nearly 50 years ago, but his spirit is still there, as Harvey's is with his bench.

Kenny, you grieve, you mourn, this is all part of the healing process, but do not beat yourself up ... Harvey does not blame you, he blesses you xx gnasher
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20-04-2015, 08:30 PM
If you had that bond, then it never dies. You have to work through your anger somehow. Maybe paint the walls, work it off until you feel calmer. The first week is always the worst, you are thinking, 'this time last week they were still with me and we did such and such a thing' then it goes to 2 weeks, then 3 and gradually the hurt isn't quite so sharp anymore.
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20-04-2015, 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by KennyUK View Post
The worst thing is the howl he made as he died, it's going round and round my head and I can't stop hearing it.

I've tried turning the TV up loud, listening to music on headphones on full and even banging my head against the wall but it won't stop.
Kenny, you'll always remember it, but the pain of it does dull in time. When I had to have Jade put to sleep, we had a similar experience to yours. Poor girl couldn't breathe - she had cancer that took her very quickly so it had to be done. She howled, the stupid vet jumped a mile and to make matters worse she had put one of those things in her vein that they do for drips supposedly to make the final injection easier. It didn't. When the vet jumped the syringe needle came out with blood spurting everywhere. By the time she finally got her act together and gave my girl relief I was covered in her blood and the howl was ringing around my head.

It's was the worst experience of our lives and our only consolation was that that minute or so of disaster finally ended and my poor, poor girl was at rest. She didn't need to fight for air any more and the pain was gone. We clung to that as you must too because Harvey no longer has those wicked fits that were really taking such a heavy toll on him and he too is now at rest, bless him xx
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20-04-2015, 08:37 PM
Goodness Gnasher, that last line of your post is true and wonderful. Kenny did you hear that? Keep repeating that and you'll come through this. xx
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20-04-2015, 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by KennyUK View Post
Oh but what a lovely situation to be in, all of your loved ones around you and you with them.

I do not care what any one thinks of me but Harvey and I had such a deep bond we knew some of each others thoughts.

As an example, I would be the other side garden to where he was laying in the sun, i'd have my back to him as I was weeding and I knew he was looking at me, I can not explain why or even what the feeling was but sure enough when I looked over my shoulder he was staring straight me.

As soon as he saw that I'd noticed him he would wag his tail and lower his head to go back sleeping.

It worked the other way around too, I was always checking on him and he would be fast asleep, eyes closed but as soon as I looked over at him he would open his eyes and lift his head to look straight at me. I would normally say something like "good boy" or "It's okay" and he would wag his tail and go back to snoozing.

This was not just something that happened every now and then, it happened all of the time.

There were other times when, for example, he may have been at the other end of the garden and maybe I was doing something indoors. I would suddenly have this feeling that Harvey was looking for me or calling me, so I'd start to walk outside and before I get even part way to where he was, there he would be already making his way to find me, most of the time at a run, not a walk.

Some may think this is fanciful or "rose tinted" but I know it was because we were connected.
Kenny, you were connected, you are not being fanciful or rose tinted, you are as I have said before a free spirit, and at one with nature ... makes me sound like a nutty tree hugger, but i believe that we are animals just the same as a tiger, a wolf or a bear. We have lost touch with our intuition and our 6th sense through so-called civilisation which dulls and blunts our natural instincts upon which we would have placed so much reliance upon when we were hunter gatherers. But those instincts are still there buried under the thin veneer of education and modern day requirements and essentials, and in some of us come to the surface when we make a connection with our wilder past. I know that I have an affinity with dogs - wolves - in particular, but with all animals ... I HATE and cannot kill any life ... unless there is a purpose for it, ie I have no problem with my dog killing a rabbit and eating it, or a fox raiding a chicken coop, as unpleasant and upsetting as this can be.

Your link with Harvey was deep and holistic, as mine was with Hal and now with his son. Ben. You will heal in time Kenny, but for now you need to grieve, cry, howl, rant ... and not give a flying **** about whatever anybody thinks!
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