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Lucky Star
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15-11-2012, 05:59 PM
Oh Malka, how scary. I will keep all of you over there in my prayers but especially you and Pereg.
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15-11-2012, 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
This is the third time I have tried to put up a Puppy Fix, tried on the netbook and it froze and lost everything, then tried on the Mac (couldn't even find the on switch and had to be shown it) did a post, then tried to find photobucket and lost the whole lot, I cannot do it, son keeps showing me, I keep trying and it isn't doing it for me, so back to the netbook.
Had a great walk with Lona and Mabs up the bridle paths and into our Private Estate (waterboard property they let me on) there are lagoons there with swans, herons and ducks, there are deer, there is a guy keeping bees, girls can do what they want and nothing for me to worry about or keep one eye open for what is behind me/in front of me. Have got some great piccies of them which I will download at the library tomorrow.
Here (for the 3rd time of trying) is today's Puppy Fix

Fire is lit, I think after all the carry on with this ******Mac I will take to drink
Hope everythings OK your end Malka.
Sounds like everyone has had good weather today, been really warm, and I didn't need the fleece under my lightweight wax to be honest. Cariad had trashed the kitchen yet again when I got home, I will leave it till the beginning of next week and then start taking her a short walk round to make her feel less like a prisoner
Evening June Thanks for the fantastic puppy fix, that's our best fix yet, all 4 of the little darlings, two of them bonding, awwwww, and all that trouble you went to, to keep us happy, so a million thanks from

You know what you wanna do with that Mac don'tcha???! I'm sorry I can't offer you a drink, you'll have to wait for Sally to arrive with her bottle, coz I daren't touch it when she's not here ....then again, I'm sure she'll understand, and I do have a key to her little cupboard where she keeps all those bottles and all that chocolate She doesn't know that though, so please don't tell her!!!!

Originally Posted by DaisyD0g View Post
OH MY those puppies

Fire is lit here, its only 9.30am but it is frosty this morning, so got the fire going early!!

H - one day you will figure out the time difference, I am 8 hrs behind the UK, I have been here 9 years and my Mum still gets confused!!
Thanks for lighting the fire Debbie, June was almost on fire there dealing with that Mac of hers, she wouldn't have noticed how cold it was It's still confusing, even though I knew it was around 7 hours, I even got confused with my mum in Mallorca which was only an hour ahead, but then sometimes she was an hour behind Never could work that one out lol!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Thanks everyone for your concern. Sorry I have not been around today but I cannot seem to get focussed on anything. It is rather scary and was very noisy since early this morning. Quietened down a bit during the afternoon, at least in my area, but I know other areas to the west of the Strip, a few km further south than I am, were still being hammered and it has started up again here. But now the long range Fajar missiles have hit in the Greater Tel Aviv area. Not good, not good.

It must be pretty bad as I had a telephone call earlier from the Welfare Department at the Local Authority [not my non-working, non-social, so-called Social worker who I have only seen once in the last 12 years and who never responds to voice mail] asking if I was OK, did I have someone with me or anywhere I could go, and did I need anything - food, blankets. Hmmm - during Operation Cast Lead a hot meal was delivered every day and I was given a lovely duvet!

The food was revolting and the duvet [donated by a bedding company] was delivered two weeks after everything had calmed down!

Mind you, that was when the Home Command wanted to evacuate me because this ancient bungalow offers no protection at all, but said not only could they not guarantee me a wheelchair-friendly place but I would have to leave my dog [Little One] to fend for herself.

Yeah, right.

I guess I am as safe here as anywhere in this area, but then nowhere is a safe area unless you have a security room and stay in there all the time, but as long as Pereg is OK and the sirens and boom booms do not bother her then that is all that matters, and it was extremely noisy almost non-stop this morning. I checked her freezer and apart from the whole fish, which are really running low, I am well stocked up with her raw, plus I now have a couple of kilos of courgettes, ditto sweet potatoes in the refrigerator waiting to be prepped, blanched and frozen - I did a massive chunk of pumpkin today and will do the courgettes and sweet potatoes tomorrow, and I have about 4 or 5 large packs of cut green beans which she loves in my big freezer. She and I share the veggies now it is not so hot and I actually eat a hot meal after months of salad!

My neighbour rushed in yesterday afternoon, gabbled something about not being able to stay in her home alone so was going to one of her brothers. She came back this morning to collect more clothes, came in to say she was off again and would be back on Sunday but probably not staying. I am not going anywhere - this is my home and this is where I am staying. But it is scary being totally alone with nobody to talk to.

Thanks again everyone - please pray for everyone here and all the pets and livestock.
Thank goodness you've arrived grandma and now you're safe here with us lot. I just can't imagine how scared you must get sometimes, but then we've never experienced what you have to go through, and if I were all alone, I'd be absolutely terrified (((((((hugs)))))), we're all praying for you and everyone. I know you seem to have plenty in that freezer for Pereg, but please don't forget about yourself when you're preparing all that veg and other stuff will you, you need to eat too! Please stick around when you can so that we know you are ok.

At least the authorities know you are there alone, that must be kind of reassuring, and I would be the same as you, if they wanted to take me somewhere safe, it's me AND my dog or not at all. Just stay as safe as you can and try and blot out the noise somehow. This is not good is it You take
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15-11-2012, 06:54 PM
Son gone off on his travels, across the screen of the Mac is written 'use this one not the other one'
I'd just put tea on as well, never mind it will do me for today and tomorrow, got some lamb ribs in my cast iron pot so they will make lovely soup for the weekend.
Am writing this on the Mac, so progress being made, but not much
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15-11-2012, 06:54 PM
Evening all. A bit late today but never mind eh!! Keep safe Malka it sounds horrendous over there. Gorgeous puppyfix June.
Its been glorious weather here today as well - eventually after the fog had gone.
I went to Liverpool for a few hours. I went looking for some brown trousers that I had scoured town for & found one pair in my size in BHS I also found a pair of Plum coloured ones in the M&S sale - less than half price They are both a bit long though so will have to take the hem up again. I got home at 2pm - got changed & was out the door again for 2.15 for Taffs walk. If id sat down first I wouldnt have got up again !! Im aching all over now though
OH saw a rat yesterday running round the yard . We found it had dislodged a brick at the edge of the paving. When you moved the brick it was all hollow underneath. The garden is all paved. Yesterday he kept shouting at me everytime I went out to come back & shut the back door in case it comes in to the house The rat man has been out today & put some poison down. He said its probably come up from a broken sewer under the paving, saying that the flags are starting to sink in places so we are probably going to have to pay out a fortune to get the yard re-flagged. Just what I needed to hear
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15-11-2012, 06:55 PM
Evening all, and I am pleased that H has found the magic bottle and put it out for those in need..........not sure where she found the keys tho as I am sure that I hid them well

So glad that you are safe and well Malka - just keep that way please.

Oh heck, those puppies..........they are just too adorable for words. At the moment I would very happily swap Jimmi who is draped heavily over my knees and making typing difficult to say the least, for just one of those cuties.

No bids yet on my professional steam iron thing, but I gather that normally all action happens on the last day. We will see! I just want to get rid of the wretched thing

Very nearly finished my Christmas shopping - so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeesed!
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15-11-2012, 07:13 PM
I never bid until the last 60 seconds
Forgot to say weighed all babies last night, they weighed around half a kilo (1 lb)on November 7, on November 14 three of them weighed in at 2 lbs - 2 1/2 lbs, the big fat brown one (I call him Humpty Dumpty) weighs in at 3 1/2 lbs
I have got loads of piccies of just 3 babies asleep, because he is guzzling, he is a tummy on legs, he is going to be a stonker
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15-11-2012, 07:19 PM
June, those puppies are just sooo cute

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Thank goodness you've arrived grandma and now you're safe here with us lot. I just can't imagine how scared you must get sometimes, but then we've never experienced what you have to go through, and if I were all alone, I'd be absolutely terrified (((((((hugs)))))), we're all praying for you and everyone.
Believe me Nechda, last time I was in a right state every time the alert siren howled, but I am sort of used to it by now - sort of - and just panic for a few seconds each time, then b-r-e-a-t-h-e. My main worry is Pereg and as long as she is OK then I am.

I know you seem to have plenty in that freezer for Pereg, but please don't forget about yourself when you're preparing all that veg and other stuff will you, you need to eat too! Please stick around when you can so that we know you are ok.
Plenty of food for me in my big freezer, plus a number of cooked basics in the freezer section of my f/f just waiting for vegetables to be added - I might not eat hot meals in the summer but for the past few weeks I have been bulk cooking in one or other of my crockpots and freezing in "just need to add veg" two portion size containers.

My dried food and emergency tins cupboard is also well stocked - I have been here too long not to know to keep enough in stock for emergencies! In any case every so often the Home Command sends out booklets "What to do in the case of an emergency" which includes lists of what to keep in stock according to how many members in the household. I think I still have the one issued before the Gulf War in 1991!

At least the authorities know you are there alone, that must be kind of reassuring, and I would be the same as you, if they wanted to take me somewhere safe, it's me AND my dog or not at all. Just stay as safe as you can and try and blot out the noise somehow. This is not good is it You take
Bit difficult to blot out the noise of the sirens! Anyhow I would much rather hear them and know what to expect than just hear explosions without any warning!
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15-11-2012, 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
... and now DD is gonna think I'm missing her out too, but I won't, I'll get to you in a min Debbie It's soooo much better when Lynn does this isn't it, goes much smoother
Ha ha that did make me smile, it's almost inevitable that you'll not always get everyone, I think you're doing a grand job and I know I couldn't keep track of all the names and reply to all in strict chronological order.

I think if you've been on Dogsey for a while you know we're all mad so it doesn't matter does it
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15-11-2012, 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Son gone off on his travels, across the screen of the Mac is written 'use this one not the other one'
I'd just put tea on as well, never mind it will do me for today and tomorrow, got some lamb ribs in my cast iron pot so they will make lovely soup for the weekend.
Am writing this on the Mac, so progress being made, but not much
Persevere June, persevere, meanwhile I'll pour you another one

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Evening all. A bit late today but never mind eh!! Keep safe Malka it sounds horrendous over there. Gorgeous puppyfix June.
Its been glorious weather here today as well - eventually after the fog had gone.
I went to Liverpool for a few hours. I went looking for some brown trousers that I had scoured town for & found one pair in my size in BHS I also found a pair of Plum coloured ones in the M&S sale - less than half price They are both a bit long though so will have to take the hem up again. I got home at 2pm - got changed & was out the door again for 2.15 for Taffs walk. If id sat down first I wouldnt have got up again !! Im aching all over now though
OH saw a rat yesterday running round the yard . We found it had dislodged a brick at the edge of the paving. When you moved the brick it was all hollow underneath. The garden is all paved. Yesterday he kept shouting at me everytime I went out to come back & shut the back door in case it comes in to the house The rat man has been out today & put some poison down. He said its probably come up from a broken sewer under the paving, saying that the flags are starting to sink in places so we are probably going to have to pay out a fortune to get the yard re-flagged. Just what I needed to hear
Evening Taffsmum Glad you got some more of those trousers I remember your quest last time when you only managed to get one pair. Not so good about those rats and the flags having to come up though. I hope it won't be too much of a trauma.

Originally Posted by Bitkin View Post
Evening all, and I am pleased that H has found the magic bottle and put it out for those in need..........not sure where she found the keys tho as I am sure that I hid them well

So glad that you are safe and well Malka - just keep that way please.

Oh heck, those puppies..........they are just too adorable for words. At the moment I would very happily swap Jimmi who is draped heavily over my knees and making typing difficult to say the least, for just one of those cuties.

No bids yet on my professional steam iron thing, but I gather that normally all action happens on the last day. We will see! I just want to get rid of the wretched thing

Very nearly finished my Christmas shopping - so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeesed!
Evening old bean I have a spare key actually I know I shouldn't, but there ya go, it was for dire emergencies and I think we had one of those tonight Yes, you won't see any bids until the last couple of minutes, it's an e-bay thing allegedgly, but good luck with it. When it's gone will that be an end to all that labourious ironing then, I do hope so!

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
I never bid until the last 60 seconds
Forgot to say weighed all babies last night, they weighed around half a kilo (1 lb)on November 7, on November 14 three of them weighed in at 2 lbs - 2 1/2 lbs, the big fat brown one (I call him Humpty Dumpty) weighs in at 3 1/2 lbs
I have got loads of piccies of just 3 babies asleep, because he is guzzling, he is a tummy on legs, he is going to be a stonker
Coming along nicely then, which is more than I can say for you with the Mac!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
June, those puppies are just sooo cute

Believe me Nechda, last time I was in a right state every time the alert siren howled, but I am sort of used to it by now - sort of - and just panic for a few seconds each time, then b-r-e-a-t-h-e. My main worry is Pereg and as long as she is OK then I am.

Plenty of food for me in my big freezer, plus a number of cooked basics in the freezer section of my f/f just waiting for vegetables to be added - I might not eat hot meals in the summer but for the past few weeks I have been bulk cooking in one or other of my crockpots and freezing in "just need to add veg" two portion size containers.

My dried food and emergency tins cupboard is also well stocked - I have been here too long not to know to keep enough in stock for emergencies! In any case every so often the Home Command sends out booklets "What to do in the case of an emergency" which includes lists of what to keep in stock according to how many members in the household. I think I still have the one issued before the Gulf War in 1991!

Bit difficult to blot out the noise of the sirens! Anyhow I would much rather hear them and know what to expect than just hear explosions without any warning!
You've got it well sussed then grandma, just stay as safe and calm as you can which is difficult I know, and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes that's for sure.xxxx

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
Ha ha that did make me smile, it's almost inevitable that you'll not always get everyone, I think you're doing a grand job and I know I couldn't keep track of all the names and reply to all in strict chronological order.

I think if you've been on Dogsey for a while you know we're all mad so it doesn't matter does it
Lol, no it doesn't matter at all does it H It's only a problem when you're answering a pile of them, and somebody else replies inbetween at the bottom of the previous page, you can't help but miss them, until you go back later on. It's very technical ya know H, a man wouldn't be able to do this!!!!!

I just went to take Zena up the top, I had slippers on, which is a big no no for going up all those steps, let alone in the dark, but I had the torch, but I forgot I also had my puter glasses on, and I stepped on the first step which wasn't really there, and it was a big one, so then I nearly fell over the rest of the REAL steps that were there PMSL!!! I haven't told Dave though!!!!
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15-11-2012, 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Lol, no it doesn't matter at all does it H It's only a problem when you're answering a pile of them, and somebody else replies inbetween at the bottom of the previous page, you can't help but miss them, until you go back later on. It's very technical ya know H, a man wouldn't be able to do this!!!!!

I just went to take Zena up the top, I had slippers on, which is a big no no for going up all those steps, let alone in the dark, but I had the torch, but I forgot I also had my puter glasses on, and I stepped on the first step which wasn't really there, and it was a big one, so then I nearly fell over the rest of the REAL steps that were there PMSL!!! I haven't told Dave though!!!!
Hahaha H you have me in tucks!
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